Nano Mashine

# 92 Phantom (3) #

It is the great law of Marahem that protects most of the people by their side.

However, I went to the medical room to check if the former Catholic Church was heavily occupied when I had time.

The first buildings built by the palace in the North Sea Ice Palace that had begun to rebuild were medical rooms and lodging.

It was also natural that many people were injured because of the war in the underground cave, including the battle with the Dragon.

A medical room built by members of the bayonet.

There is an old man lying there, full of wrinkles and slender looking.

While the electric shock consumed everything from hair to eyebrows to beards, Maggio did not remove the majesty that ruled the massive group.

“My lord..."

Marahem's eyes glare at the gaps in his mask.

Since the days of the Christian Church, the word "Catholic Church" did not apply to my mouth.

Even Heo Bong in the medical room didn't blame it.

“I think we should rush her to the main school. Supreme Court Law.”

Maracum nodded his head to see if he would agree with Herbong.

The current state of the Catholic Church is not very good.

How devastating was the damage of energy, and there was no sign of waking up even though Maraheum was alternating and continuously breathed heavy energy.

All the members of the North Sea Ice Palace could not figure it out.

Then she guessed:

[...... Maybe it's a side effect of the high (+34865;) and the implications in your head.]

The mild auxiliary nano stopped the electric shocks in the head from affecting the high cost of the head, then disassembled and let it flow out through the nostrils and mouth.

However, it could not have been so healthy since it had been sitting on its head for a long time.

[The Catholic Church also suffered cardiac damage from the side effects of the inverted hematoma...]

It also took a few months for the Pope Cheonyujong to wake up.

The exact cause is unknown, but it has been in the dark for longer, so it cannot be determined when it will awaken.

Soon after the absorption of the advance, she decided to return to the Hundred Thousand Mountains as soon as the North Sea Ice Palace was finished.

‘Wake up, Pope..... A lot has changed since you've been away. The Mission, which was swayed by the Six Tribes..... Even the Extreme Butcher Gate, which you considered dangerous from the Black Horse Ball, is still afraid of the current Pope. ’

He did not know all of them, but the sacrifice was also great to go to.

“Deputy Heo. Please.”

“I understand.”

I was about to leave the med bay looking for him without hesitation.

“Cough... Cough! ”

Maraheum turns his head to the sound of heavy coughing.

Surprisingly, I opened my eyes to see if it was the Catholic Church who had been lying down like a sleep until now.

“My lord!”

Marakim hurriedly approached the bed, coughing and raising him up.

His condition of clearing his face with a dull face was not so good.

“Cough, cough, cough, cough..."

Marahem's eyes trembled at the voice of the celestial caller who listens to him for a long time.

Maracum asked Hubong to speak urgently.

“Deputy Heo. Bring me the Principal right now. ”

“Oh, I see! I'll be right there! ”

- Blame it!

The former monk, who had just heard the word, hurriedly opened his eyes and went out, as if he had woken up.

“My lord! Are you all right? ”

“Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough. I ”

Even though he was in bad shape, I also looked at him with a different look of remorse, whether he was a Catholic Catholic.

It was worth it after seeing the old master in twenty years.

“Cough, cough!”

“My lord!”

Maracum's eyes widened.

There was blood on the mouth of the coughing woman.

Though there would be damage to the breath of life, the large internal injuries could not be traced.

I tried to help him out, but my hands refused.

“Cough... Cough... That's good. It's not internal injuries.”

- Bloop!

I told him not to mind, but even the nosebleeds seemed dangerous.

He breathes heavily, and his energy begins to aggregate.

- Gooooooooo!

However, his whole body was filled with a golden aura, and he seemed to be practicing a technique that was completely different from that of the previous martyrdom.


In the sense of heaven, even light was born, I felt the energy of fire.

Maracum had seen this kind of energy before.


It was reverse radius 31563; the channel, the deep core of which only Shaolin Abbot could learn.

The reverse dyslexia, which is known to have been invented by the investigation of baridalma, contains the essence of purity and supreme law.

"How can the Pope have such a hard time? ’

It is a technique that is completely different from the Celestial Law.

While the colossal technique invented by the sword is intended to thoroughly increase internal air, reverse muscle dysfunction is thought to enhance body capacity.

However, it is different in nature, so it can only be learned by giving up the existing standard.


Then someone rushed in through the door of the med bay.

“My lord!”

He was a thousand-year-old prince.

He rushed to Hebong after hearing that he was a Catholic Catholic.

- Gooooooooo!


The entire medical room was grimaced by the aura of blasphemy.

I had never experienced the energy of dyslexia directly, but I could tell it was the energy of fire.

“What the hell is going on? ”

Maracum shakes his head in response to the thousand-year question.

“I woke up, and I was not well enough to cough blood. You're in the weather, and you're having a hard time as you can see. ”

“Adversity? How could your grandfather do Shaolin shameless work? ”

“I guess we'll know when the weather's over. ”

The reason was also unknown to Maragom.

However, the awkward complexion of the former Catholic Church who operated the dyslexia was gradually brightening.

As Maracum said, there was nothing left to wait for.

How long has it been?

About a second ago, the aura of the flame slowly subsided.

When the golden aura was completely gone, I opened my eyes.


I took a deep breath.

Then he saw the thousand women standing around him, and his eyes widened.

‘!? ’

I was shocked as soon as I saw it, though it only seemed like the terms and conditions.

It is said that the energy is damaged, but whether it reaches the phenomenon called "hardship" or not can be determined by the opponent's power.

"Who is this young man? How could you... ’

The young man in front of him could not even fathom its power.

The energy of the pebbles was shifting.

I looked at her with cautious eyes, and asked Maram the Great Barrier next to me.

“Great law. What about this young man? ”

It was me who answered the question.

“....... Soson Lady is handing out her grandfather, the former Buddhist monk. ”

- Tak!

In the face of a thousand women taking possession, the two pupils of Heaven and Heaven shook like they were having an earthquake.

“Cute?...... child of flower flower? ”

I couldn't have known that name.

He remembered precisely because he intervened directly in the tumult of the six factions by marrying the Maiden of the Apocalypse.

"This young man is the lucky one"? ’

He named the child himself before he left the church.

It was because Yooseong, who had not asked any of the children born to the wives of the six sects, asked for a name for the first time.

“He's the Pope of the time. A former Pope. ”

“The Pope of the time? ”

I was even more amazed at what Maracum said.

“No? … is that true? ”

I looked at the thousand clouds, widening my eyelids full of wrinkles, whether they were solid or not.

He assumed, of course, that the Pope of the Age would still be the Great Sage.

Even though he had visited the door of extreme meat on his own feet, it was because of the continuation of the heyday of the thousand species.

"I can't believe this child became a bishop..... How could this happen! ’

It was only surprising that it was a thousand.

Of course, he thought the next Bishop would come out of the six sects.

She was always sad because she assumed that she would not be able to protect the child of the flower that Heavenly Father Yooseong loved.

What a miracle! ’

I thought it would last forever.

But the first time a bishop came out of it, there was no way to express his feelings.

I would not have believed it so easily if I had just heard it in words.

However, the sheer sheer sheer force of nothingness from the Thousand Wolves proved to be true.

“I'm surprised you became a bishop. Can you get any closer? ”

At the words of such a cloth, I came to my bed confidently.

It also felt strange to hear him mention his mother, Hwayeon.

It is because I have never felt the kindness of the flesh since the death of the flame.

“You look just like him. With your mother.....”

In that short sentence, he could see that his two great-grandchildren had surpassed the long years.

He said with a slightly emotional voice, although it was a blunt thousand.

“I'm so glad you're doing well...... Grandfather. ”

The last thing I said was that my grandfather's eyes trembled.

It was also impossible for the flesh to lose heart after twenty years.


Just that word makes it clumsy.


Then he smiled with a loving face.

He was strict with the other children, including Yooseong, but I couldn't help but become grandfather's heart when I saw my mature grandson.

‘..... It's not like the Holy Father. ’

I haven't seen my grandfather since I was a baby.

In the loving smile of his grandfather, a thousand years old, I could feel the hot feeling coming from within for the first time.


I felt that I couldn't feel it if I didn't have children.

The flesh was really strange.

I let the heart of the thousand goddesses who were frozen.

‘I also wanted the Pope to see this changed mainland. ’

Maracum also gazed silently at the two of them.

Sometimes men do not express a lot of things, but they are the exchange of emotions through their eyes.

That was their situation.

I was facing the car for a long time, and I urgently asked if I thought of something, whether the Catholic Church was heavenly or not.

“Great Lakes! Where am I? ”

“Calm down. This is the North Sea Glacier Bow. ”

Maram calmed him down as if he was restless.

The word "North Sea Ice Palace" made me wonder with my eyes wide open.

“The North Sea Glacier Bow?.... In that case.... ugh! ”


He grips his head with both hands, as if it were painful.

When Chonnyeon and Maraheum, grandchildren, who were complaining of the pain, tried to lift their hands as if they were fine.

“Well, that's good. It's because I don't have a complete memory. ”

It was a lot of confusion.

As I was released from the implication, my memories were mixed and I was distracted.

It was the only thing I could remember correctly.

“Sweetheart, y'all, we got to stop this now! We must not allow the Dragon's Origin into their hands. ”

“Calm down.”

“I don't have time for this. Once they have all the Orion's origin! ”


As I tried to get up on the bed, I stumbled, and gently pressed it down with a grand gesture and sat down again.

- Fluffy!

This kind of force? ’

Although the condition is not intact, it does not conceal its surprise that it is full of overwhelming seriousness.

I guessed it, but it was great.

“Don't worry, they haven't got the origin into their hands. ”

“No, not into their hands? ”

Then she scratched her head and said beautifully.

“I was drunk from the Dragon's Origin. ”


I looked at it with wide eyes, whether it was an unexpected answer or a thousand.

It was awkward when I had just insisted that it had to be prevented from getting into their hands somehow.

“Hey, Lucky. You got it?”

As if to prove it, Lady Chun put her brain in the palm of her hand.

- Pazizizich!

“Oh, my God! Are you sure? ”

I was surprised if there were any blue flashing brains.

I had no idea that the dragon's Origin would be so triumphant.


- Tak!

The relief sigh was unbearable, and he stopped trying to break his butt and leaned against the bed.

Whether or not it was genuinely fortunate.

I was hesitant for a moment.

“....... Grandfather. I just woke up and tried to ask you slowly, but what happened to you? Why was he caught in the hands of the Extreme Butcher Moon? ”

I was curious so much that I asked Bourne all at once.

I felt like I was in a rush or something.

If not, I'll just wake up and not be satisfied.


I closed my eyes and sighed deeply because of the thousand years of looking at me and the anxiety and curiosity of Marahem.

If we think about it, we thought that if we sacrificed ourselves as the setting sun, we would be able to protect the welfare of the main Church and the Muslims.

‘It was foolish of him to overlook himself. ’

But it was arrogance.

Together with the power of the ancient masters, I almost caught them by the ankles, rather than fending off their ambition.

Fortunately, one of the five spirits was drunk by his grandson, Thousand Luck.

I opened my mouth with my eyes open because I had taken care of myself for a while.

“Everything is the fruit of the old woman. The old man sacrificed both the ambassador and" them. "”

“Quotation? ”

The former director of Shaolin, who had hidden his whereabouts eighteen years ago.

The hairdresser's story said he was among the best in iron masks.

I asked two people who were curious if they were a thousand.

“Now that you've come all the way to the North Sea Glacier Palace and taken the dragon's advance, you know who they are. ”

“You mean the Extreme Meat Gate? ”

“...... you know that. Phew, I tried to stop them from getting up. ”


In the words of the grieving Heaven, there was a double mark in the eyes of Maracum the Great Law.

A vague guess as to why he disappeared.

It could be extreme meat.

I continued to wonder if it was the Catholic Church.

“I don't know where to start….. yes. That's good. I said, what's the angle? Ghost means the five spirits, such as foreign weapons, dragons, fireflies, parapet, and Pleiades. ”

It was a thousand years old, but also Maragom knew it.

It is the five monsters spoken in Baek Jin-kyung, one of the three midterm gangsters.

“We've come to the North Sea Ice Palace, and we know that the Ultimate Meat Gate seeks the advance of these five beasts. ”

‘That's right.'

At that, I nodded to see if one question had been resolved.

He was the one who assumed that the Extreme Butcher Gate was trying to gather spirits because of the incident at the North Sea Ice Palace and the previous Yellow Hills.

“What's really fortunate is that Luck has taken you to the Dragon's Origin, which is one of them. My memories are not intact, but they try to pursue another creature's origins other than here. ”

“It was…… somewhat speculative. ”

I wondered if it was Thousand Wolves.

“You were guessing? ”

“We stopped them from taking over the Yellow Hills in the castle. ”

“...... What? ”

I couldn't hide my embarrassment because of the unexpected news.

If not, the origin of Bulgirin is hidden in the imperial archipelago, which he was about to tell us should be stopped as well.

“Considering what your grandfather just said, they may have planted a mole in the Headquarters to try to report to the Maguire, as well as the power of this weapon's advancement. ”

“No. What the hell is that? ”

I didn't know anything about this weapon.

Then, when she breathed a thousand words into the protective pole surrounding her right arm, Black Iron disintegrated with a terrifying energy and turned into a sword.

- Chariot!

“This... this? ”

“A true Thousand Sword. ”

“Chew, the Heavenly Sword!!! ”

There was no way he could recognize a thousand swords as a chariot priest.

It was a legendary sword that only a true descendant of the Heavenly Horse could obtain.

It was only surprising that it was in the hands of a thousand women.

But the surprise was not the end.

“The Thousand Horse Sword contained the power of this weapon's advance. And as you can see, I'm also drunk. ”

‘!!! ’

The words, "I have taken the power of this weapon's origin," made the mouth of a thousand people blurt out.

It made me wonder what happened while they were holding the iron mask in their hands.

“Now, hold on! Lady, I heard you stopped them at Yellow Hills. Did you get drunk from the Bulgiraffe, too? ”


“What? What the... What the...? ”

I was frightened and lost my words.

The information he had only learned as he made the sacrifice.

However, I tried to warn them not to let the Archbishop of Extreme Physical Education take the advance of Wuxi, but I was also surprised to hear that his grandson, Thousand Yeon, had drunk three originals.

‘....... let's not talk about the bandages. ’

Then I was troubled by the reaction of the Catholic Church.

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