Nano Mashine

♪ Chapter 100 Not you (4) ♪

It was not only the word "extremist" that was discussed in the mouth of the woman who drank it, but also the word "extremist."

I couldn't hide the embarrassment of all the bandages, from the man's empire to the doorways.


It was the whole body they worshipped.

The problem was not that they knew the name.

Many Muslims also knew the extremist so-called the most unmanned person in the past.

Moreover, in the sectarian and religious sects, they realized that they were descended from extremists.

But that was it.

There was no one who knew the true secrets hidden in the Extreme Meat Gate.

“Y-yeah, super salty? ”

Then, why did the woman who drank it refer to the fugitive as a fake extremist?

It was impossible to know their secrets.

The fugitive who was carried on the back of the catholicism said with a trembling look, filled with anger.

“You have not yet inherited his title, but you are not worthy to discuss it. ”

Succession? ’

There was a bundle of twinkle in her eyes.

The word 'escape' made us realize that the name 'extremist' is equivalent to the symbol 'the heavenly horse’ of the Church.

A single unintended stimulus resulted in unexpected information.

Thousands of years later, she remembered the face that was on Nano's video log.

‘It's different. ’

The extremist face of strong eyebrows was completely different from that of the fugitive.

It meant that he was not an extremist who ruled in the distant future.

I felt confused thinking like this.

‘Then, is it possible that someone in the past did not leave in the future, but someone in the extreme meat sect will inherit the name of the extreme spirit, just like the one in the case of the fugitive? ’

I was able to make these assumptions.

He was quite unlike the extremist who appeared in the days of the old Black Horse Ball.

It was more realistic than making complex connections.

Well, one thing's for sure.

“Not you. ”

I felt a strong unpleasantness that drove me away with a thousand-foot expression.

“...... What are you talking about? ”

“You don't need to know. ”

“How dare you! ”

The man in the bandage had even more heat.

Then, she made me realize the reality calmly.

“You're not mistaking the fact that I deserve water for losing and sacrificing my own men, are you? ”

- Pussy!


The woman carrying the escape felt a tremor on her back.

They also felt a strong anger and hatred towards him because of their humiliating emotions. Is it different to run away?

However, it seemed that she was forcibly restraining her anger.

- Suzus!

The fugitive was making every effort to export the terrifying Black Energy within his body.

The body recovers quickly by sending this out of the body.

If we all die here, the Ultimate Butcher Gate will be hit by the irreversible.

"This guy must be after the stronghold." ’

We had to delay his exit any way we could.

I wouldn't answer what he's saying, but I have to draw as much as I can to solve this crisis.

“...... What do you want to know from the script? ”

The question of escaping was a thousand years old.

I couldn't give him a straight answer, so I thought I'd overwhelm him and try to figure it out by implication, drugs, etc.

[Energy activity in the body of an injured person is active.]

Nano's voice echoes in the thousand-year head.

‘I know. ’

I could feel the energy rising from the body of the escape without even telling me.

Moreover, I could see it even more when I looked at the nervous eyes.

‘..... You're playing tricks. Trying to draw time and dig deep into the body. ’

I realized what he was up to.

It was better for Lady Chun to use it back when she was having second thoughts.

I was trying to extract information from the containment clause at the bridge with implications and drugs, and I lost Izzie without saying a word.

‘Since he is the leader, there is very little chance of that...’

It was hard to settle down because even the top brass were a thorough organization to finance it.

Then it was better to be deceived appropriately.

Thousands of women opened their mouths as they watched the escape.

“You said you'd kill me and change the future. ”


The eyes of the fugitive shook.

I didn't think I'd dig it up even if I asked.

Even if he didn't want to be as introverted as possible, the augmented reality was uncovered, so he could see from one of his facial muscles to the contraction of his pupils.

“..... Do you know your future as well? ”

‘!!! ’

Not only did I run away with a direct question, but the gaze changed not only to the internal burrow of bandages.

In case you were wondering, it was information other than what I thought.

Are you sure? ’

She asked this with the assumption of things.

If you go back in time, what would you do to change history?

His progeny injected a nanomachine.

The descendants of the extremist were also likely to receive something from him from the future.

What the hell is going on in English? How did Marcin do that… ’

Only a few people knew about this, even within the Extreme Meat Sector.

The fugitive raises his eyes and looks at the wilderness and sends a message.


[I wonder why this is in English too?]

[..... Was the record he left leaked?]

Without it, Marcin couldn't have said something like that.

The wilderness replied with a puzzling voice.

[That can't be right. Escape! No one has ever broken into the home of the text. Moreover, even if it were leaked, it would only be me and my two mindsets.]

It was right from the Wasteland.

Even if it was leaked, there were only four people who could read it, including running away from extreme meat.

As a test, I let those who didn't know it read it, but it was hard to interpret.

because besides simplicity, there were other nouns that didn't exist in the middle.

It meant that I couldn't read at all without learning.


Her eyes narrowed.

I was able to listen to their conversations thanks to the activation of the ability to eavesdrop on the audio.

Suddenly, I remembered what the Tai Chieftain said before.

[They were great people. They didn't get much information because they created and used passwords with concise Korean characters.]

At that time, she assumed it was written by itself.

If their conversation was true, I must have despaired of what they referred to as His records, whether or not I was a Catholic Catholic.

The wilderness kept denying that she might eavesdrop on the sound of the battle.

[It is absolutely impossible for Marcin to know that!]

[God forbid… wait!]

The eyes of the fugitive tremble violently.

I just didn't think his record was leaked.

But something was wrong.

If I think about it, according to his record, it was still time for Drinking to become a minority of the Church of God.

In the beginning, I gave my hand to Cheonseong Yoojong, the previous bishop, to prevent him from becoming even a small bishop.

‘Because he intervened in the past, he did not care that all the records he left would not fit perfectly. ’

Although it was faster than the history of the records, the drink proceeded on foot.

Only they didn't stop it as planned.

The records also say that you are a monster called the Second Coming of Heaven, so you should never be careless, so you try to get to the entrance quickly.

But he was clever enough to interfere with the system.

Thanks to this, even the originals of the blown dragons and even the Pleiades were taken away, as well as the roof that moved by itself.

‘My guess was wrong in the first place. Since he is the Second Coming of the Thousand Horses, it is not beyond the expectation of the throne. ’

He said, looking at her with a stiff face.

“You know the future. Drink!”

We couldn't have turned the system into a bulldozer without it.

I stared at her with one look as if there was no way to be a wilderness in the shout of the escape.

Their reactions were heavy with a thousand glances.

‘You're going in a completely different direction. ’

You don't know the future.

I just knew that future people intervened in the past.

Even though they had a false leg, they felt there was no need to deny it.

‘I can draw more. ’

Perhaps we could find out from them who the true extremist was.

She said without hesitation.

“You're pretty quick on your feet. Then you know you can't cheat, right? ”

When I told them they were right, they were shaken.

Particularly, the reaction of the person called the Wasteland was the fastest.

[Deo, run! This is impossible. You said in his record that if you can't remove something from his body, no one else can intervene in the past except you, because T.P. intervenes!]


It was neither the language of the Middle Church nor the words that refer to something of this age.

She had heard this before.

Obviously, this was also discussed in Nano's video recordings by the descendant of Thousand Director.

[You too, Dr. Ay. If we don't, the I.D. chip will be compromised, but if we can get the nanomachine to track T.P. faster, you know that?]

The one who was his descendant, Cheon, was also worried about it.

In combination with his words, it seemed that T.P. was something that prevented future people from intervening in the past.

The offspring also injected themselves with the nanomachine and quickly disappeared.

The two eyes of the thousand woman who thought about this became larger.

‘Wait, does that mean that the person they said was not just helping them in the future, but staying in the past? ’

He didn't return like his descendants.

I will always stay in the past.

When I think about it, I wondered what traces of the extremist who appeared in the time of the sword ball were left in the Old Age of the Heavenly Horse Examination in the closed scissors.

Moreover, the extreme initiative of the minister has progressed.

‘I was wrong. Yeah, that's it. He went way back in time! ’

Thousand years later, she told them with a reminder.

“That's the one you're talking about...”

It was just then.

- Shhh!

A black orange sprays from the fleeing body like a fountain.

It completely emptied the fabric that was in the body.

At the same time, the eyes of the fleeing fugitive were revived, and they fled for the thousand leagues at a tremendous speed.

- Heave!

“As expected, you must be killed here! ”

- Whoo-hoo!

The space distorted around the blade of the escaping hand and the powerful capabilities aggregated.

It was a centralization of capabilities.

From the extreme cold season of the rooftops to the point of entry, the runaway was trying to fly the best toward the Thousand Wolves.

It was the only chance he had to kill me now that he was being careless.

It was that moment.

- Pazizizich!


A black brain shaped sword was formed, projecting electric shocks in front of the thousand millenniums.

It was a mistake to be cautious because of his injuries.

The millennium continued to be full.

“You're throwing appendix. ”

Along with that, Lady Chun reaches the checkpoint forward.

- Pazicqik!

The black brain's intangible blade tip distorts the space as its capabilities become centralized.

"Woman, centralization of capabilities? ”

The escapee couldn't help but be astonished.

He had been in a closed tube for over twenty years to learn the story of this man.

Earlier, in the battle with Drinkin, it was a number of spleens in case he was hiding it all the way to the end.

“That's ridiculous. Yes, what are you...”


Before he finished speaking, a ray of black brains immediately fled the scene.

He responded urgently with a centralization of his ability to gather.

- Paoaoaoaoaoaoang!


Blood splattered from the mouth of the escapee.

I tried my best to survive.


There was no way to prevent vinegar that simply went beyond centralizing capabilities with an intangible sword in the black brain.

Cheonyeon said in a cool voice towards him.

“Don't even think about regenerating. ”


“Don't, drink! Inoooaoaoaaaaaaaaaaaah!”

The centralization of the ability of the escape was disrupted, and his body was instantly swept away by the rays.

The screaming of evil suddenly became a scream, and the moment was over.

Only signs of destruction lie where the rays of the black brain have touched.

“Oh… how did this happen! ”

“Dozu woowoo!!! ”

I tried to find him, shouting for disbelief in the ruins and doorways of the bandage man, but there was no trace of him.

Escape has disappeared.

It literally disappeared completely without leaving any cells behind.

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