Nano Mashine

# Chapter 101 Border of Life and Death (3) #

Surprisingly, the extremist was aware of the condition of the thousand years.

Several consecutive fights consumed thousands of pilgrims.

Jingi remained about this while dealing with the human form of the Pleiades, the Furious Evil, the Natural Harmony, the Fleeing and the rest of his men.

- Quack, quack!

The mangrove section was torn and regeneration was repeated.

The pain was unacceptable.

It was a judgment that had to be consumed considerably to eliminate the remaining echinopsia that had dug into the body.

“You…… were you always watching? ”

He looked at her with cold sweat and said, with extreme arrogance behind him.

“Distributing and attenuating your opponent's power is a basic tactic, isn't it? even if it's a trifle of diarrhea. ”

I frowned a lot.

Being a coward was not an insult.

He showed up by calculating his weakness thoroughly.

It was absolutely right.

“...... I've been beaten. ”

“It's all about seeing and learning from you. ”

“Ha... ha... You learned that from me? What the hell are you talking about? ”

Most of what he said was hard to understand.

I keep talking like I have a face with myself, but I've never met him.

To such a woman, the extremist pointed his finger at her body.

“If you're not wearing it, I don't think it's possible for you to fully understand what I'm saying in this age. But the suit. Clearly, the future of technology looks like a concentrated nanosuit. ”

‘!!! ’

The word nano suit from his mouth hardens his face a thousand times.

I didn't think I'd recognize a nanosuit at once.

This made it clear.

‘This man must really be from the future. ’

The extremist continued to speak towards the astonishing thousand years.

“I didn't originally plan on seeing you here. Over the years, all of your feelings have been diluted. ”

It was hard to understand what he was saying.

She didn't take her eyes off him, focusing on emitting as many intangibles as possible.

He once again points to the cracked nanosuit.

“But I was curious as you became much stronger than your original history. ”

“Original history? ”

“Come to think of it, there's no way anyone else could have done what I thought. That means that there will be evidence of the bridge in the distant future. ”

“....... ”

She couldn't say anything.

Nano Schutzmann metaphorically resembled a significant situation.

It was terribly insightful.

He said with one look that the extremist couldn't understand.

“That's strange.”

“Ha… ha… what are you talking about? ”

“Your body has a technology that shouldn't be in this age, so why don't they know you exist? ”


She wondered who they were talking to.

The extremist staring through that thorny nanosuit is silent as if he's thinking of something, and then he opens his mouth.

“Too bad. If it was in the distant future, I'd like to hack in and steal it. ”

Extreme Sin revealed its greed for the nanosuit.

He tasted it as if he really wanted it or not.

Then I walked back towards the Thousand Diamond.

“My curiosity is solved, so I'll have to look into my own business. ”

- Gooooooooo!

The aura was unnatural.

The woman who became the culprit with cold sweat hurriedly tried to pull out the shape-shifter in her body.

"Just a little more…"


All you have to do is wrap an intangible detector around it and expel it from your body.

I couldn't let it go to extremes.

- Pot!

The extremist, who had confined his space in a heartbeat, reached out to the Thousand Heavens.

He was after something else.


It was the source of the Pleiades, which had been secured by the wire of a nanosuit on his back.

“Let's take this first. ”

- Tight!

I caught a glimpse of the source that was fixed to the thousandfold waist.

Extreme temptation was pulled to pull it out.

- Paoaoaoaoaoaoang!

However, no matter how extreme the wire made from part of the Gateway Nano suit was, it could not be easily ripped off.

With my back, my body was pulled back.


“You're annoying.”

- Whoo!

The extremist's hand blade air trembled and produced a concentrated level of intangibility.

You try to break the Gateway wire surrounding the march at once.

It was that moment.

- 52517;!

A sharp talk erupted from the body of a thousand millennia with heat like azirang.

It was an amorphous dogma of extremism.


- Whip it up!

Extreme godliness freely prevented the intangible airplane from escaping towards itself.

Without missing the gap, Lady Luck flies the new statue and opens about four paces away from him.

“You can't run away. ”

The extremist, who stopped all the intangibles, tried to kill her again.

It was that moment.

“Ha... ha... Try to stop this, too. ”

- Pachynchik!

An intangible sword of the black brain was formed right in front of the hypersine.

A single point in the black brain's intangible sword caused the space to fluctuate as all competencies were concentrated together.

It was a centralization of capabilities.

‘This is a little dangerous. ’

The extremist frowned for the first time.

No matter how hard he tried, he wanted the inevitable street.

- Pazicqik!

There is no escape, and a flash of black brainlight flashes right in front of you.

It was an unparalleled period of intent and flight.

‘It is inevitable. ’

- Kuaaang!

The rays quickly enveloped the extreme body.

Fragments protrude from the ground as they hit directly in front of you.

Papa, Papa, Papa, Papa!

But something amazing happened.

- Whoo-hoo!

The extremist reaches out and blocks the rays from the front.

A massive ripple erupts from the space around his blade.

It was similar to that of a compulsive malice, but one other thing was that it was much more powerful.

We have to break through! ’

I gathered all the remaining weapons.

It was only through this that we were able to exterminate the extremists.

- Pachynchik!

The black light of the rays became darker.

- Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack!

The rays that strike the breach ring out, desperately trying to pierce it.

- Tak, Tak! Tak!

Half the edges of the extremist's hand are blackened.

His footsteps seem to push back gradually.

It was just then.

The extreme body that was blocking it with one hand, concentrating its capability, the air around it shifted, and it was sucked in like it was absorbed.

At that moment, the extremist's hands gave a sharp gesture as a single degree.

- Boom!

At the same time, the rays that hit the door burst into the air.

‘!!! ’

We stopped the Geiger counter.

You melt half the extremist's right hand, making sure it's completely undamaged.

Her eyes trembled.

What do you mean, you're blocking me from the street? ’

Squeeze, squeeze!


The thousand women who consumed most of the pilgrimage twisted their bodies to see if they were completely exhausted.

However, he managed to hold on to it and try to fall.


The extremist glances at his right hand, half-flew away.

"My hands don't regenerate immediately? ’

The dreadful dark energy of the wounded area distorts the spiritual energy and interrupts the regeneration.

The extremist, who was looking at it as interesting, pushed the Black Energy that had been dug out into an endless mass.

- Ser!

The black azrang blooms, and the melted hand begins to regenerate.

- Churrrgh!

The bones, blood, muscles, and skin were restored in an instant.

As my hands recovered, the extremist walked slowly back towards the millennium.

“You're certainly stronger than you look. I can't believe you made me use more degrees than that. But that's the end of it. ”

The extremist drew the blade in a straight line.

Then a terribly sharp talk rose and pierced through the thousandfold body.

- 52517;!

It was not an intangible figure.

It was an invisible figure.


Blood burst from the thousand mouths.

Something clearly penetrated through the body, which was essentially different from a simple Qi.

It seemed as though he had cut off his own unwavering will.

My whole body trembled with the sharp pain of sinning in my heart.

- Fluffy!

The thousand-year-old body, who was trying to endure it somehow, sank forward.

- Pussy!

My whole body trembled like crazy.

“It's not going to be easy to get rid of that at your level. You can't do that because you're wasting all the gin anyway. It will be a pleasure to watch you die in agony like this. ”

The mouth of the extremist who was expressionless trembles.

I felt really joyful at the sight of her falling down.

“Now I must retrieve the originals. ”

- 52517;!

When the extremist shook his hand lightly, an intangible figure arose, and the Gateway wire that was fixed on the back of the thousand women broke.

- Degulgulgul!

The march of Pearl Harbor fell to the floor.

It was a moment when the extremist reached out to it and tried to pull it down.

“Cough... cough...”

‘!? ’

The eyes of the extremist turn to the sound of a fine cough from behind.

The extremist sticks out his tongue with his expressionless face.

“That's some tough life you got there. ”

Surprisingly, he who was coughing was malicious.

As his arms are cut off and his head falls down, he stares at the extreme with a pale, dull face.

Even though the bleeding was so severe that he was about to suffocate, his eyes did not die.

At that time, the eyes of the extremist shook.

The malice that seemed to be collapsing soon took a step forward.

‘..... What's moving him? ’

I couldn't understand.

Tightening has already been built.

It was impossible to try to reverse it in any way, but I couldn't figure out why it showed the willingness to walk towards me.

- Tak!

The malicious man takes another step forward.

An extremist who was looking for malicious intense eyes, whether it was a lightning storm or not, turned around.

“What a hassle. What would you do if you lost both your arms? ”

- Whoo-hoo!

The extremist's hand blade trembled with air and condensed intangibility.

He admitted his determination to be a martyr and tried to spare his body, but decided it was meaningless.

I was going to go halfway.

At that time, the malicious man takes a hard step forward and opens his mouth.

“The friends… said. ”

“? ”

“Is the burden you were about to lose…… so… light? ”

“I don't know what it is you're talking about, but we're really sending it to the afterlife...”

It was before the words of the extremist ended.


- Boom!

You shrug your shoulders as the malice makes its way to the grave with enough diameter to vomit blood.

Even without both arms, it was like a fist swing.

He shakes his head, shaking his head as if the extremist were absurd, and tries to strike the figure of invisibility at him.

It was that moment.

- Boom!

As a cannonball explodes, a tremendous ability penetrates your chest, pushing your extremist body back for a long time before kneeling on one knee.

- Fluffy!


Blood spurts from the mouth of the extremist.

The shivering man kneels on one knee as if it were absurd, muttering, looking up at the evil intent.

“Heart"? ”

It was the right of the heart.

The extremist who was struck by an unexpected blow stood up for the first time in anger or sharpened eyes.

I thought I'd be relieved if I could repay this humiliation to the persecution right away.


“Son of a...? ”

The malicious man's pupils are loosened in a clenched fist position.

He was really out of breath.

The power of his heart was the last fist of his life with malice.

- Shoot!

The tail of the malicious mouth rises, washing off the blood of the face with drops of rain.

Is it satisfaction to finally achieve the best privilege?

Or is it a smile from the satisfaction of seeing the friends who left first?

It was only a matter of dead malice.

"With this humiliation in my hands! ’

An extremely disfigured figure figure with an expressionless expression tries to split the intangible figure in half towards his corpse.


- Wook, wook, wook!


The heart, which had been dug up without defence, was guilty of cardiac arrest, and blood burst out.

The power of the mind to break will breaks the body itself.

This was the fear of the heart.

‘Not a thousand horses... I can't believe I got hit by a man who didn't drink. ’

I felt a lot of anger.

It would have been unpleasant even if it had been consumed by the current drink, which was an insult to the present self.

First, I had to drive out the conscience in my body.

- Gooooooooo!

The extremist circulates the natural energy and tries to remove the digging heart.

However, how strong the will was before death, it was not easily expelled from the body.

‘Bastard. ’

The extremist, trembling in anger, reaches out for the march that rolls down the floor.

‘Let's rush to the spiritual power of the expedition and cast the right of examination. ’

It may take a long time just to circulate the natural energy.

The extremist rushes to absorb the spirit of the crew that was sucked into his hands.

At that moment, his face hardened.


Of course, there was almost nothing in the crew that needed to be full of spirituality.

Only a little spirituality was left to make the light shine.

I turned my gaze toward the thousand women who had fallen in haste.

‘No way. I wouldn't even have a chance to absorb the spirit of the expedition. ’

It was impossible to understand.

In such a short time, he couldn't have fought by absorbing the advance.

I saw for myself that I was completely exhausted.

‘Let's check again. ’

The extremist endured the pain of sinning in his heart and walked towards the fallen millennium.

At that sound, the thousand-year-old's body flinched.

Six feet.

Five feet.

Every time his footsteps got closer, his fallen eyes became nervous.

'Nano, are you ready yet?'

[98% Progress]

Yes, sir.

Three Bo

It was a short drive ahead of two pavements.

Nano's voice echoes in the thousand-year head.

[All analysis of the energy charged with Gateway Boom is complete. Begin converting your energy based on your recharged energy.]


At that moment, a dazzling light appeared from the nanosuit of the whole body.

It resembled the light from the source of the similar-looking Pleiades.

“Well, how do you get spirituality from a nanosuit? ”

The eyes of the cracked extremist shake violently in calm.

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