Nano Mashine

Chapter 104 Future Descendants (2)

“Queek, queek!"

I couldn't conceal my embarrassment as I was struggling in the air.

The impossible happened.

A seventh-generation nanomachine made of the greatest metal of all time, the Gatehium.

Combined with the best technology, self-repair even includes a self-upgrading feature that never breaks down.

‘Nonsense. How did he get out of prison? ’

If the nanomachines in the body control the interior, they cannot move.

It paralyzes the central nervous system responsible for controlling and moving the cerebellum.

Astonishment must have been very surprised, but this was natural.

[You have blocked external interference.]

‘Good job, Nano. ’

From the beginning, Nano detected the command frequency from the device carrying the astronaut.

And it was automatically blocked to prevent interference.

In fact, it would have been the intention of the city of Heaven.

But something happened that I did not expect either.

"It was fortunate that Nano was mistaken. ’

Nano was damaged while absorbing the dragon's brainstrikes from the North Sea.

In the process of repairing the error, the main chip in the nanomachine was damaged, and unfortunately, the external interference was completely blocked during the self-upgrade.

He shouted in a voice that he did not know.

“What the hell did you do? ”

It was emotionally aggravated.

That was because if he could not receive the data from the nanomachine, everything he had worked for so far would have been in vain.

But it was none of your business.

“What are you doing? ”

The thousand-year-old woman turned around and raised her finger up.

Then, the body of the floating astronomer went up even higher.


Her eyes were sharpened because they were not cold.

“Let's hear the explanation. ”

Damn it!

It was difficult to do anything about it.

The longer the stay of this era, the higher the chance of 'them’ being noticed.

So, instead of persuading them for a long time, they tried to go back to their own time by collecting all the data they had learned in the handset.

‘I can't move. ’

I was more restrained than I had ever been.

Seeing the thousand years full of unpleasantness, even the descendants seemed to be very angry.

However, it would not hurt as much as it would hurt the descendants of the far future, but it did not seem to be easy to overcome.

‘You have to explain it properly. ’

It was really dangerous if we didn't hurry.

I don't know if I'm alone.

Because they were in direct contact with themselves, there was a high chance that ‘they’ would touch her to leave no trace.

If we're unlucky enough to discover the existence of a seventh-generation nanomachine, the worst would happen.

“Joe, I sincerely apologize for my disrespect. But I really didn't have time. I didn't mean to harm your ancestors...”

“That's not what I wanted to hear. ”


- Zec!

Thousands of women move their fingers lightly.

At that moment,

- Woodtuck!


The left arm of the castle twists and snaps strangely.

What happened suddenly screamed without overcoming the pain.

"You're crazy! ’

I never thought I'd break my own healthy arm, a descendant.

He had never felt this kind of pain before, so his mind became confused.


“I'll make it clear. If you hadn't given me Nano, I would have cut off an arm right away. Don't cross any more lines. ”

- Creepy!

As soon as I heard that, I felt goosebumps all over my body.

Something passed by like lightning.

Among the many lyrics of the martyrdom, there were some records that evaluated the previous monks.

It reminded me of the verse that was described about the Holy Father in the twenty-fourth century.

[He has the cruelest hands of any religious scholar. Not a single person left with that starry melody or the arms of those who resisted planting….]

I cut it off. ’

If his memory is correct, so be it.

It was only when my arms twisted like this that I remembered it.

It was his worst mistake, thinking only of the thousand years of his childhood when he almost died.

We should be as careful as possible.


She looks at her right arm.

He was frightened and said urgently.

“Yi, I'll talk to you! ”

* * *


An hour before going back in time.

At the Sky Corporation lab, Dr. Baek handed over a master device capable of tracking and controlling a seventh-generation nanomachine to Cheonang.

Dr. Baek said in a voice that he didn't feel comfortable with.

[You said we could get a copy of the data terminal information.]

[Thank you. You're sure there's nothing else that can control a seventh-generation nanomachine?]

[There is no way to control the gateway unless the worst gate ever reopened.]

Then, as if he was satisfied, he frowned.

Once a gate is closed, it cannot be reopened.

Therefore, this device is the last means of controlling the seventh-generation nanomachine.

Dr. Baek raised his tongue.

[Hey, director of cloth. Wouldn't it be better if you took advantage of this nanomachine?]

It was a nanomachine he built but called the best masterpiece.

It can absorb all the existing energy and is a metal that does not exist on Earth and cannot be traced.

[This could result in sanctions or interference from the government or from Blade Six...]

You know that's not the answer, right?]

[..... So if you intervene in the past, you think Blade Six, or Extreme Meat Gate, will disappear? If time were any different, what you did would just be meaningless.]

Dr. Baek was most worried.

It was meaningless to intervene in the past in any way.

If history had changed, the present future could have disappeared completely like the butterfly effect. If the axis of time had not changed, it would have been a waste of time.

[It doesn't matter. All I have to do is prove my prediction. If that's true, I'm just as satisfied as I hit him on the back of the head.]

[Whew, stubborn.]

Aren't you the one who's been stubborn? Hehe.]

He waved his head as if he had lost.

I brought the two thousand () family members from a distant ancestor to my predecessor father, but they were stubborn together.

[I see.]

It was not a matter of suspension.

He said, pulling out a time pack from the bag on his waist.

[This may be the last time, but what's the last thing you want to say?]

[Don't even joke about it...... Phew, please don't do that plan you just mentioned. That's why I built this device.]

[Hahahahaha, come on. The surest...]

[Arthur! Where's the crazy idea of bringing someone from the past to the future?]

He said with a heavy voice that became heavier.

[That's how desperate it is. He's the only one I know who can handle that monster.]

[...... This is crazy. It's not a brilliant idea. It's crazy.]

[You'll see.]

[Now, wait a minute!]

Despite Dr. Baek's urgent request, Cheonan smiled and unplugged the safety on the timepack and pressed the start button.


Along with the dazzling light, the space fluttered and his body was drawn into the gaps in space-time.

* * *

When I heard the story of Cheonan, I asked as if it was strange.

“What? You were going to take Detective Thousand to the future? ”

I didn't even know that was coming from his mouth.

By combining some of the information I learned, I only thought that the purpose of the future descendant of the city of astronomy was to prevent extreme self-control and extreme meat.

But it was absurd to hear that he tried to take Thousand Horses to the future.

“He's the only one who can handle that monster. ”

‘He's out of his mind too. ’

Dr. Baek was reasonably bored.

Of course, he thought it could be because it is a sure hand that can prevent extremism.

But being here meant that it failed.

“That was the original plan, but Thousand Horses seemed to think that the work of the future should be solved by the people of that age. Hah…”

It was a very slow idea.

“I tried to force him to take me, but I couldn't find the thumbs to take him. ”

The thousand horses were too strong for that.

When I saw the bitter man, I was very lucky to kick his tongue.

“Tsk, tsk, did you tell the investigator to pretend to be a prophet so he could prepare for the future? ”

‘!? ’

At his words, his eyes widened.

“No! How did you know that? ”

I was surprised to learn that even though I didn't tell the story.

I had no idea that the thousand fortunes that existed in this age would know this much.

Who the hell is this guy? '

I injected the nanomachine, but I couldn't even imagine what had happened in just four years.

‘Because the survey showed it to me. ’

The prophet who showed the will of Heavenly Mother was the City of Heaven.

Hence, she knew that he had also been in the age of the heavenly investigation, a farther past.

I thought I'd explain.

“Tell me what you were saying first. ”

“...... Got it. ”

I could no longer bury the frightened planet of Tiananese because I was afraid my arms would be cut off.

Thousand Yeon asked me a question first.

“I have one question. If my guess is right, you gave me the nano to stop the extremely fleshy and extremely arrogant. Then why did you want to take the investigator to the future? ”

That's the part I couldn't understand.

If I didn't feel bad about myself, I could have gone to 1,000 investigations in the first place.

It doesn't have to be such a hassle.

Then, he hesitated for a moment.

“There is a phrase called the Time paradox. ”

“Time Paradox? ”

“It means a time contradiction. If time were right, I'd be gone by the time I injected the nanomachine into your ancestors. ”


“History is about to change completely. If you just change one fact, the wavelength is enormous. Of course, I should have disappeared, but I didn't. That's when the Time Paradox happened. ”

She frowned.

It seemed to me that something was very complicated.

Then, the Emperor explained again.

“...... I'll make it simple for you. We have a right to action. If I were to kill someone in this age, his children, his grandchildren, his future descendants, would be gone. ”


Then Lady Chun could understand what she was saying.

If you think about it, if he hadn't injected a nanomachine into himself, the Ultimate Butterfly Gate would have gotten the Origin of Horror and put the Moore in their hands.

“I had a hunch. because we've talked about it a lot in a lot of famous books and in a lot of published theories. that the axis of time and space will be reborn. ”

“The axis of time? ”

“To exist without disappearing is to change the past so that you and I can walk on different time axes. Even if I go back to a future where the space-time coordinates of my time were, the world would still be a time when blades, or extreme meat, would move the world. ”

He continued to speak with a bitter expression.

“If that's the case, I'm not rewarded enough to go back in time. From the beginning, I came back with two purposes. If the time is so fragmented, I can take you to the future, Inspector ShenMa, an absolute warrior who can deal with the extremists of my time, or if not...”

It was just then.

Beep, beep, beep, beep!

At that time, a strange alarm sounded from the mechanical bracelet on the wrist of the astronaut.

There was an earthquake in the pupil of Cheonan who looked at it.


- Whoo-hoo!

The surrounding space surrounds them is frightening to the end of the confusing words of Cheonan.

In the receding space, the spirits covered with bright light appeared.

He mutters in a desperate voice.

“Th... blood! ”

What I was so worried about happened.

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