Nano Mashine

Chapter 106 To Lower North Castle (1)

The nanomachine with the identification chip was broken.

It also meant that the Time Patrols had become untraceable.

I asked with a trembling voice.

“How the hell did you break it? ”

Originally, even a hundred doctors said that a fifth generation nanomachine flowing through blood vessels couldn't be eliminated unless it was EMP or Electric Shock.

If the electric shock was enough to break the nanomachine, it could be dangerous because it was electrocuted as soon as it touched the body.

“I destroyed it with an intangible sword containing brain matter. ”

His eyes widened.

The pain that continued to tingle as it penetrated through the body was electric shock.

Since the human body or blood acts as a conductor, electricity can cause an immediate shock to the entire body.


“I've adjusted the brain so that it doesn't extend elsewhere. Did you answer your question? ”


You calculated that? ’

The city of Cheonan lost its words.

Inside, he thought that people in the past might excel at nothing, but rather as simple as civilization is falling.

But it was great in every way, judgments and insights, up until 1,000 years.

“Come on! Now keep talking. Take the investigator to the future or what? ”

She wondered what was behind it.

‘If the identity chip had been removed, even they would be difficult to track. ’

If this era were the future, it would be easily traceable.

It was an era of cameras and electromagnetic waves everywhere.

But not here.

I couldn't search this wide middleman, no matter how much time troll, because I had to solve everything with just the equipment I brought.

‘You bought us some time. ’

I found out that I had traveled through time, but it was a situation I had to endure anyway.

All you have to do is accomplish your last calling before you get caught.

“...... ancestor. Would you like to talk while you go? ”

Staying here was dangerous, even if it was untraceable.

There was nothing to be afraid of, but she didn't have to make a fuss, so she went down Mt. Jangbaek with him and continued the story.

“It was your ancestor who chose the next one because he couldn't take you. It was the next best thing.”

As I said that, I noticed a little bit of Cheonan.

But she wasn't particularly offended or upset.

It was roughly speculated by the previous conversation.

“But that suboption failed. I used up all my spare time packs. There's one left, and without it, I can't go back. ”

He tapped the square bag of his waist dance.

I came to this age with my life in mind, but if I die, it was his heart that wanted to meet the end in the original age.

“That's why I had to make one last plan. ”

The last plan was the way Dr. Baek prepared it.

Cheonan said, pulling out the handset from the bag.

“The nanomachines in your ancestors' bodies are the only seventh generation of humans in my time. ”

A portion of the Gateway piece is inserted into the terminal.

It was the only device capable of making a seventh-generation nanomachine and copying information data from the thousands of bodies with the remaining pieces of Gateway.

“I asked them to move all the data I had analyzed from my body to the master controller and copy it to something like aerial and judicial. ”

“...... Sorry. I should have asked my ancestor first, but I was running out of time. ”

It was an inevitable choice for the astronaut, who could not stay in one place for long.

I only extracted the data as quickly as possible and tried to go back to the original era.

Of course, now it's impossible.

“I don't know what's going on, but there's been an error with the only interfering master device. ”

The handset itself was not broken.

Obviously, the nanomachine in the thousand years blocked the higher commands of the master ID.

Unless we forcibly pull the nanomachine out of the body and reprogram it, it will become the ultimate machine that no one can interfere with.

‘It's programmed to self-destruct once it's out of the body..... so it's completely available only to your ancestors. ’

Unfortunately, I couldn't help it.

I would like it to be datalized and uploaded to the main drive of Sky Corporation in advance before I go back to time trolls, but it's gone too.

At that time, a thousand women stopped at the foot of the mountain.

“Based on your story, I think I know what the future might look like. ”


“Emperor Zero advances over time. But if you come back in the past and try to replicate them, that means you've lost a lot of them in the future. ”

‘!? ’

His eyes widened.

I haven't even talked about the Catholicism of the future yet, but I got it right.

It was almost embarrassing, almost stabbing the valley.

“How did you know that? ”

“With your mouth, you said you were in the position of Elder of the Headquarters. But the elders are at their peak? ”

The peaks are not low because they are unmanned.

However, when viewed as an elder of the Catholic Church or as a minor Christian, it was just a terrible level.

His face was burning.

In the past, it was called this much.

“Let's see what you're made of. ”


I was curious about this nonsense.

Then Lady Chun backed up and said to him, almost defenseless.

“Come at me with the best balls you can spread. If you were a bishop, you'd have learned to work for the bishop, wouldn't you? ”

“W-well, how could I talk to my ancestors so carelessly...”

I saw the Thousand Deities before my eyes.

You can't beat yourself up over this.

I was just embarrassed.

“Don't talk nonsense. Did he try to restrain me by controlling Nano? Don't be ridiculous. Come on. ”

At the stubborn words, Tian Zhang lowered his head.

The skill gap was clear, but I thought it was a waste of time to do this.

“Very well. I don't have any weapons now...”

- Brace!

Tian Sheng broke a branch.

She still gazes back at him calmly.

“Go ahead.”


- Pot!

Along with that, Cheonang opened the book of Psalms and narrowed down the distance from Cheonan.

As she watched the footsteps and footsteps, she frowned.

It was clearly said to have a shaman, not a thousand swordsman, or a thousand horse swordsman restored by the sword.

- Tata! Tata!

The tree branches of the castle, which were narrow down the street, spread their swordfish.

Twelve different kinds of swordfish aimed at the thousands of blood vessels.

- 52517;!

Aren't you going to avoid it? ’

He was embarrassed to spread his sword candles.

She was still stuck with the back of her head.

I was wondering if the city of Cheonan should stop.



She grabs his wrist as it unfolds.

It was a branch, not an autopsy, but it could be dangerous because of its resonance. I grabbed it like it was too easy.

“Joe, your ancestor? ”

“You're not suggesting that this shaman is for the Pope, are you? ”

“....... I'm sorry, but it's only for the Church. ”

The voice crawled into the gaze of Thousand Wolves looking at me like it was ridiculous.

She shakes her head.

‘Ha! Isn't that just imitating? ’

I couldn't resist disappointment.

This was only to the extent of the swan horse's reconstructed technique.

It was as if someone had just imitated the shape of the report and even created a new method of engineering and elongation for it.

“What a mess. ”

“Well, except for the Blade Six group, it's the best swordsmanship of my time...”

“Are you going to cry? ”


Thousand luck cut off his horse, placing it on his wrist.

Since he was scolding as a leader, he had no words to say, even two mouths.

“....... I'm sorry. ”

“That's why they say they're taking data from the drones. ”

“In order to revive our group, or the Headquarters, we decided that the only way to restore the martial arts practiced was for the future. ”

I thought there was nothing I could do about Blade Six right now.

Then, the only way to resurrect the Catholic Church was to spend time with the restored bureaucrats.

I thought, looking at Tianwoo.

‘Probably the reason why we lost our headquarters as we went into the future. ’

I didn't have to listen to the explanation.

I'm sure they used their hands in the Extreme Meat Ministry.

I don't know why I became such a big organization to rule the future, but I don't know why I didn't completely destroy the school, but I was sure that I weakened it.

"I want to go back to the time when he was there myself because I feel like it..."

As Thousand Horses said, the future belonged to their descendants.

He couldn't solve everything as if he were a solver.

Moreover, according to what Cheonan said, he came from a future where the extremist changed the past and became the ruler of eternal life, among many axes of time.

‘There are many axes of time, but it cannot change all the futures. ’

I didn't like the future in which the extremists won, but if the time axis was varied, there might be quite a lot of such futures.

‘But I don't owe him anything. ’

Even myself was helped by the future descendants.

If it weren't for Nano, we wouldn't have been able to escape this many crises.

‘Then I'd better give him a chance, too. ’

Thousand women have made a decision.

“Fine. I'll listen to what you want, coming here with the will to revive the Headquarters like that. ”

“Yes? What's that? ”

“I will teach you shameless. ”

At his words, he asked again with a trembling voice.

“Y-you 're going to teach me shameless? ”

“Yes, how are you going to compete with the future of extreme education to revive the school with that pathetic shaman? ”

I removed the identity chip anyway, so I decided I could take the time to teach it because it was untraceable.

Of course, even if the Time Patrols showed up, it was a thousand years to deal with them.

I could take that kind of risk and help.

- Fluffy!

Tianxiang bowed down and thanked me.

“Thank you, ancestor! I don't know how to repay this kindness... Ugh! ”

- Boom!

However, it was coerced by the profound intensity of the millennium.

I spoke in a calm voice towards him, astonished.

“Don't me. I'm only repaying what I owe you. ”


Even so, I couldn't help but be glad.

It was natural to be taught by a master of natural wonders from a distant ancestor.

Then she said to him with her mouth tail up.

“Don't be like that. Teaching wouldn't be so nice if you were going to punch me in the face for a short time. ”

“…… four? ”

It didn't take long to realize that.

* * *


Space unless exact location is known.

It was quite spacious with all the state-of-the-art equipment installed.

There, a middle-aged man with a mustache twisted his leg and sat on a chair, watching carefully with a blonde boy dressed as Time Patrol.

What they were looking at was the monitor on which the video was playing.

The middle-aged man who had not taken his eyes off the video all the time opened his mouth.

“Video paused. ”

The video that was being broadcast from the monitor was paused.

The middle-aged man with the mustache pointed somewhere on the monitor.

“Zoom in on this part. Keep your eyes peeled. ”

[Zoom in on the video.]

The middle-aged section of the monitor was greatly enlarged.

The monitor became full of one person's face, who was a thousand years old.

“Just zoom in a little bit more. ”

[Yes, sir.]

When the middle-aged command came through, the monitor now had only a thousand eyes.

However, the enlarged pupils were filled with fine white light particles.

The blonde Time Patrol sees this and cries out with trembling eyes.

“Yi, this! ”

“You've invented augmented reality. ”

- Exactly!

A middle-aged man with a mustache bounces his finger off the chair.

Then I told the blonde Time Patrol:

“Look at that. Am I right? ”

“The deputy director's right! It's true. I thought something was wrong when I saw through stealth mode. ”

The blonde Time Patrol was the only one who escaped the thousand years.

As the middle-aged man with a mustache gathered five fingers toward the monitor, he saw a thousand inches of body as the screen that had been expanded again diminished.

He stares at the thousand lashes in the video, and then he speaks in a meaningful voice.

“Nanomechanisms... I don't know what tricks you were hiding, but you injected something that didn't fit that era. Cord orange situation. Assemble the squadron commanders. ”

“T, Special Forces! Lazer!”

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