―Ra······ Inhardt······

Whistle is not dead. But it wasn’t normal.

Whistle, who had a brilliant aptitude, is now unable to use magic.

A child who breathes with the earth and is the only one among his children who knows how to use magic.

He paid more attention to the child who had what he did not have.

so i saved I did my best not to lack in learning.

Unlike the imperial family, the grand duke did not have a mage tower or kite.

However, in order to study Whistle, he visited all the famous Mage Towers.

Any wizard with ability was invited, and if there was something he wanted, he would give it even ten thousand dollars.

‘That, in just one moment.’


Since the belt of mana surrounding his heart was broken, he would never act like a wizard again.

Whistle, who has lived his entire life as a wizard, being unable to use magic is close to a death sentence.

It might be better to die.

However, the option of death was given to Whistle.

It’s useless anyway, so I won’t care anymore.

‘I’ve put a guy with no qualifications in that position.’

But it’s not that I haven’t figured out anything.

The name Whistle called before he passed out.

······ Reinhardt.

The last person I met was the crown prince.

Then, did Reinhardt plant loneliness in Whistle?

It’s ridiculous.

unqualified guy. An incompetent guy.

The one who installed such a guy as the crown prince was himself.

to act as a puppet.

To use it like a slave with his hands and feet bound.

However, Reinhardt showed up in the north and killed Thebeus.

It was no different from a declaration of war against him.

However, it was saved.

Thebeus was a child he had already given up, and the crown prince might still be useful.

Because a usable prince was better than a useless child.


But dare.

I didn’t even know it was sky high and I sent a summons.

to yourself. To the Grand Duke, the pillar of the empire!

How should I accept this?

According to the news, the move was also unusual.

Maybe it wasn’t madness…

No, no.

It was planned from the beginning.

It may be that he acted to achieve all of this.

After killing Thebeus, there is even a suspicion that he planted loneliness in Whistle.

‘Kill it.’

He faced Dejef with eyes full of anger.

Djeep nodded quietly.

“Yes, Father.”


Among his other children, he was the only one allowed to call the Grand Duke ‘Father’.

To that extent, Djev has the most ‘artistic’ talent.

A realm close to mystery where even the word genius is not enough.

He had already killed the Sword Master when he was not a Sword Master.

Dojep, the chosen one and the owner of the divine beast, is the finest work of art created by the Grand Duke.

In particular, his sense of battle was unrivaled, and he also had the aspect of becoming stronger when he met a strong man.

don’t lose how can i lose

No matter how much he was the crown prince, even though he was wearing a mask, he wouldn’t be able to block Dejev’s sword even if he was desperate like a bug.

It was his fate that he had to explode if Djev stepped on it.

Since the title of the crown prince could not allow the sword to swipe through the neck to deflect… the result would be death.

It’s hard to watch any more.

Prince Reinhardt was no longer a puppet.

‘From now on, you are my enemy.’


A being that must be trampled on and destroyed.

It’s not abstract, it’s not just imaginary, it’s actually going to be like that.

Even if Croft in his prime is alive and well, Djep can kill him.


– Undefeated.

– The hero of the reverse.

-Complete form.

– Hero of Valhalla.

– An alien monster.

– Superman riding a white horse.


Numerous titles and reports modifying Djev.

Deus knew about him right away.

I had no choice but to know. I hear it even if I don’t want to hear it, and I see it even if I don’t want to see it.

When the news of victory sounds, he is always at the forefront with Archduke Carlos.

He raged fiercely on many battlefields.

It has reversed unwinnable wars and won countless battles that it has no choice but to lose.

It is truly the aspect of a hero who conquers the world.

Even that is not enough, he is the ‘chosen one’ who listens to the voices of Valhalla’s great heroes.

If Launel had met Djeep, he wouldn’t have lasted a few days.

It was quite a gap.

So even if Reinhardt won the victory over Raunel…

‘In the end… I’ve come this far.’

Deus drew a picture of Kazan and Launel winning.

So that you don’t have to go to the last match.

D’Yef was a monster he didn’t want to associate with, so he planned not to make it appear at all.

However, Kazan was defeated by Whistle and the picture was torn.

Even if Launel achieved a valuable victory… that’s it in the end.

It’s not that I don’t trust Reinhardt, but the opponent was too bad.

“If you are tired…you can declare defeat. I will not blame you.”

Before the match began, Emperor Deus spoke frankly to Reinhardt.

There is no shame in declaring defeat against an unbeatable opponent.

Rather, it is wise.

It is much more important to know and understand yourself than to act recklessly.

Although he won’t be able to capture Archduke Carlos, he might have another chance.

Of course, there will be more preparation and more pressure, but that’s okay.

as long as you live

As long as it is in good health, the opportunity will surely come.

“Are you concerned?”

By the way… are you worried?

that smile It’s not that maddening smile from before.

That was the smile that reminded her of the empress.

whom he loved and cherished.

Her smile, which he still misses, was visible from Reinhardt.

Eventually, Reinhardt refused, leaving strange words.

“Yes, I am human.”

······ What is this again?

It’s not wrong, but isn’t Reinhardt a human too?

As if he wasn’t human, or as if humans couldn’t understand him.

He left an ambiguous comment.

It was then.

The stadium was in an uproar.

“It’s a unicorn!”

“crazy. A real unicorn?”

“Is that Dejef’s favorite horse?”

It was because a pure white horse with horns and two wings appeared in the arena.

What is a unicorn like?

He too was a lost mystery and myth.

The unicorn, which only appears in legends, is a species that has already disappeared.

But the unicorn appeared in the arena.

Even on top of the unicorn, Dejef was sitting.

in a relaxed manner. With a smile full of composure!

This is the appearance of a true hero selected from the great heroes of Valhalla.

If you deal with a sacred unicorn, you are already overstepping the authority of the imperial family.

“Isn’t he the true great hero?”

“Mystery… no, sacred.”

“I think I will go blind.”

People cheered. While looking at the unicorn with hazy eyes, I fell in love with the enchanted unicorn.

Dejef riding on that divine being only looks like a more perfect god.

Who would dare to stand up to that divine being?

Reinhardt? No matter how great the prince is, will he be as good as a unicorn?

Imperial family?

Who in the imperial family could be more sacred than me?

does not exist. Such a person, such a being, does not exist here.


A booming voice.

It seems that it will spread beyond the Colosseum to the entire capital.

A majesty that is deafening.

Mana’s magnificence was indescribable.

Even the mana he possessed was proof that its quality and quantity surpassed those of the Archmage.

“If I win, I will take one of the knights of the Yellow Dragon Knights.”

That’s not the end.

Dejef aimed his sword at Reinhardt on the platform.

That he would bring one of his direct officers.

It might sound like he intended to damage his reputation, but Dejef’s eyes were full of desire.

‘The woman. I didn’t see it properly, but that’s for sure.’

Among the knights of the Yellow Dragon Knights, there was a woman.

And the unicorn reacted to the woman.

It couldn’t have been an illusion.

A unicorn only responds to beautiful and innocent women. It doesn’t respond simply because it’s beautiful, just because it’s pure.

He only reacts when he has both of those things, and when he embraces a woman like that, Dejef feels the utmost pleasure.

But it’s rare.

So far, only two women have responded to the unicorn.

I had one of them, but I couldn’t catch one.

The feeling of having that one person is still unforgettable.

It’s far from the kind of ecstasy you can taste with drugs.

What should I say about that?

It felt like approaching the truth and tasting the hidden secrets of the world.

A feeling that can’t be imitated by anything else, truly a god.

I would give my life if I could taste it again.

However, it was found in an unexpected imperial family, and also in Reinhardt’s direct order, the Yellow Dragon Knights.

Could there be anything more perfect as the spoils of victory?

Because I can’t get tired of myself anyway.

He who does not know defeat has perfect motivation.

‘It’s a unicorn. Was that report true…’

On the other hand, Emperor Deus’ expression became even more miserable.

There was a report that Djev was the owner of a unicorn in myths and legends.

There were so many exaggerated and false rumors that I tried to ignore them.

But it turned out to be true.

And that, of course, right now, right in front of your own eyes.


Even Djep alone is daunting, but if a unicorn is added, even the slightest hope disappears.

There was no rule against using tamed beasts in this Colosseum.

Djeep. Are you really a hero of Valhalla?

Valhalla, the world above the sky where heroes head when they die.

The one who hears the voices of the heroes there. Those who were chosen by the Constellation used to be called ‘chosen ones’.

‘I have to give up…’

Can’t win.

Deus’s eyes, all eyes of the imperial family, turned to Reinhardt.

Wouldn’t it be better to give up, to admit defeat?

That would be better than risking embarrassment and possibly death.

Well, he said he was a human, but isn’t that unicorn a completely different being?

are more than human

Humans are inaccessible

A divine being of the highest order that should not be violated.

Because it was a unicorn.


However, Reinhardt made his way to the arena.

It wasn’t a normal walk.

Reinhardt climbed onto the podium,

called ‘something’.


oh oh oh oh

At the same time, the wind blew.

An unusual, hot wind blew.

All eyes turned to the sky.

The eyes of the spectators, both the imperial family and the grand duchess, looked beyond the sky.




I’m at a loss for words.

I had no choice but to lose.

It was neither divine nor ecstatic.

It was just an intimidating and ferocious predator.

A huge torso covered in golden waves.

Bizarre eyes like those of a lizard.

Everyone had no choice but to fall in love with the monstrous figure that was threatening the world, the monster that created terrifying fear just by existing.

“Yellow… dragon…”


The guardian of the empire, a golden dragon called the predecessor.

This is because it has now appeared here, in the Colosseum.

< Encounter (6) > End

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