-From there, turn around the right corner.

voice was heard

Allel was startled and looked around.

“what’s the matter?”

When Hella asked, Arell answered.

“A man’s voice close by…”

-grow. Reinhardt. Don’t be surprised if you send it remotely.


How can I not be surprised?

Arel’s eyes shook violently at the voice that seemed to echo in his head.

But he soon regained his composure. Anyway, it turned out that this was also Reinhardt’s number.

However, the question was the question.

‘It must have crossed the effective range of magic…?’

It is about 2km at most to transmit a voice with magic.

Magical action can be achieved only within the effective range of mana.

However, the distance between Reinhardt and her now was farther than that.

Reinhardt was watching the situation outside the castle.

Of course, the Balrog entered the castle, but that wasn’t Reinhardt.

‘Where is this place, and why did the Balrog enter the castle with the dragons?’

There was nothing like knowing anything.

First of all, this is somewhere.

I know it’s the boundary between the demon world and the middle world, but I don’t know why there’s such a gigantic castle on that boundary.

I don’t know how Reinhardt came to know about this place, and the Balrog had no way of knowing why he entered the castle with the other dragons.

But one thing is clear.

‘center of the world······.’

That this is the center of the world.

It was still dubious, but it wasn’t just a day or two that Reinhardt was strange.

In addition, since being rescued from Rigel Kingdom, Arel has been experiencing abnormalities about Reinhardt.

‘Feelings seem to be shared.’

When Reinhardt felt a strong emotion, Arel also shared that emotion.

For example, when Kazan was defeated by Whistle in the Colosseum.

When the whistle humiliated Kazan, Reinhardt was enraged.

She too felt the same way.

Like her own anger, she empathized. It was absurd considering the usual times when emotions were less agitated.

I could feel the tightness in my heart when I met the emperor, and the feeling of apologetic feeling when I met Raunel and his younger siblings… I could feel them all.

Not only.

‘Physical abilities are also changing day by day.’

Every day, the functions of the body are developing by leaps and bounds.

This, too, was far from common sense.

All of this happened right after the rescue. After Reinhardt rescued her, Arel experienced a dramatic change.

Reinhardt must have played some trick on himself.

This voice that Hella couldn’t hear must have been made possible because of that.

Things that can’t be explained otherwise are happening one after another.

“What are you doing? Aren’t you going soon?”


Arell brushed his face from side to side.

Now was not the time to be lost in thought.

In order to head to the Demon Realm, you have to remove that lightning curtain.

―Twenty steps forward, twenty steps to the left.

I still can’t get used to it.

Arel walked out vigorously as Reinhardt instructed.

how long has it been like that

basement of the castle.

When we headed to the basement connected to Rod’s room, another world unfolded in front of us.

“Hey, what are all these?”

Hella was startled and looked away.

Allel was also surprised.

That will be too…


It was because countless large white eggs were densely filling the basement.


Lightning Curtain.

It is the boundary between the demon world and the middle world.

It is the authority of the Lord, and at the same time, it is an absolute protective shield.

But is it really possible to continuously output such high energy for a disgusting amount of time?

‘It’s inefficient.’

No matter how you think about it, it’s abnormal. Inefficient.

If the nanomachines were handled with that much energy, it would have been enough to clear the demon world’s radiation right away.

The Pandemonium seen from the satellite was full of fog. Radioactive material so powerful that it was impossible to look inside was spread all over.

It meant that he had not used his hand at all, blocking it with a curtain.

‘The power of the rod is not enough. then······.’

Even if the dragon lord is truly a person with near-god abilities, it is impossible to continue the output of that abnormal and inefficient energy indefinitely.

If so, it means that there is something in the castle that helps with the energy output.

[An object presumed to be a ‘high power energy source’ has been detected.]

As if to support my thoughts, Zero, who had detected the lightning curtain, spoke.

There is an object in the castle that is believed to be the energy source that maintains the lightning curtain.

So I made a plan.

Disabling low energy sources while the meeting is in progress.

Of course, this is a risky gamble.

If they entered the castle unprepared, they would immediately be caught by dragon soldiers.

However, the soldiers of the castle, including the dragon soldier, do not react to the ‘dragon’.

So, he injected Arel and Hela with nanomachines containing dragon data.

This was the same principle as how Zero raised the northern dragon’s data to the surface consciousness and blocked the suspicion of other dragons.

‘The device that maintains the veil is likely to be somewhere in that room.’

The meeting will not be long.

I had to see the match in a short time.

‘Zero. Trace the flow of energy.’

[Yes, Master.]

However, it is to maintain that much energy.

There must have been at least one passage leading to it.

Like that, the success rate was slim, but the two succeeded proudly.


I was at a loss for words for a moment at the sight of the curtain being lifted.

‘I succeeded, but…’

As soon as the lightning curtain was extinguished, I was momentarily speechless at the strange beings that pierced the fog.

There is no other way to describe it except that it is bizarre.

Giants who seem to deny God.

Giants with two wings appeared with spears.

Oh oh oh oh-!


And those giants are fighting dragons.

The story of a real myth or legend seemed to unfold before my eyes.

But even that majesty doesn’t last long.

The dragons gathered here at the Dragon Blood Society were ‘real’ monsters.

In an instant, they are slaughtering giants as if they were a meal.

‘This is not the time.’

There was no time to be idly by.

In the meantime, I had to break through them and enter the demon realm.

“egg plant.”

He said to Arel and Hela, who had escaped the castle.

The opportunity was now.

Through the path he had searched for in advance, he ran quickly, avoiding the eyes of dragons and giants.


The lightning curtain went out.


It’s something that has never happened in the time of disgust.

The Dragon Lord couldn’t help but wonder.

‘I have the key to block the energy source of the veil.’

Lightning Curtain.

It is the result of the combination of her powers and underground energy sources.

However, the supply to the tent was cut off.

Someone on the outside deliberately cut off the supply.

But, how?

Numerous dragon soldiers in the castle also did not react.

If there was a strange sign, she would have known first.


The only thing that can move freely in this castle is the dragon.

Fifteen dragons gathered at the meeting.

Only sixteen dragons, including himself, were guaranteed freedom.

Of course, if another dragon has entered, you have no choice but to notice.

But I didn’t notice.

‘They imitated the signs of the dragons attending the meeting and came in. So that I don’t feel strange.’

This explains why the mercenary soldiers didn’t move and why he didn’t notice.

but it’s polite

It was too cynical.

All in all, the meeting was scheduled at exactly the right time.

It means that it was the work of an insider who knew the meeting time.

‘Among the dragons attending the meeting, there are fake ones.’

she concluded.

Currently, there is a fake that imitates the dragon’s presence in this castle.

It’s sophisticated and great enough to fool yourself.

‘Singularity. Zero. Twelve Gods…’

They, or something related to them, is here.

singularity. If it is a deadly sin, it is related to the demon realm.

There is also a possibility that someone among the Twelve Lords may have intervened.

Finally zero…

She shook her head.

In any case, once the Lightning Curtain was turned off, the purpose was obvious.

It must be to open the gateway to the demon realm.

It is not clear whether the purpose is to enter or to take someone out.

It would be their goal rather to waste time looking for intruders like this.

‘I won’t let you go as you wish.’

She reactivated the Lightning Curtain.



where demons live.

A place where demon lords who want to invade Middle-earth reside.

To mankind, the Demon Realm was regarded as a ‘den of evil’.

It is because the demons that sometimes popped out of the demon realm mercilessly slaughtered humans. Demons called the Great Demons left tens or even millions of corpses.

However, on the contrary, there is no story that humans entered the demon realm.

200 years ago, there is a record that the Empress, who commanded the empire, sent a large number of soldiers to conquer the demon realm, but no one returned alive.

‘It’s a demon.’

It is the same that I am also unknown to the demon realm.

Neither through the satellite nor in the data of Zero and the dragons, there was no information about the ‘Pandemonium’. Even the dwarves didn’t know.

『He who possesses great ancient technology, please share your vision with us. 』

『The information and technical skills of the underworld are unaffected by the hands of those gigantic evils.』

“If only we could have it, we would be even greater.”

before entering the realm.

The Dwarf said in a voice that sounded like he was excited.

But I didn’t hold hands with them. Because I haven’t come up with an offer that appeals to me yet.

‘Zero. Block the passage through which the eyesight is shared with the dwarves.’

[Yes, Master.]

The line of sight connected to the dwarves was blocked.

Then a groaning voice was heard.

『Ah, what are you doing now?』

『That place is a true mystery for us to explore.』

『He who possesses great ancient technology, will he really come out like this?』

I ask if it will come out so meanly.

I tried to ignore it. Now was the time to focus on entering the Demon Realm.

A wall of misty fog.

Beyond that wall, there is the Demon Realm.

the world of unknown.

The Great Sin Church, the home of all demons!

Chow ah!

However, electricity began to boil over the land.

Enormous energy was eating away at the land.

‘They don’t follow the trail?’

I couldn’t help but frown.

I intentionally left traces here and there to pass the time.

So that the Dragon Lord would concentrate on finding the intruders until they passed into the underworld.

However, the Dragon Lord did not fall for such a trick.

As if he knew my intentions, he immediately reactivated the Lightning Curtain.

At this rate, there was a high possibility that he would be consumed by that energy before passing to the Demon Realm.

『······ The curtain of lightning is being reactivated again.』

『All we can do is delay a little bit of time.』

『She will notice our presence, but one with great ancient skills.』

『I will wait for your wise choice.』

Chijik. Chijijijik!

Lightning boils and disappears again, repeating.

It was clear that the dwarves were using their hands.

But even that won’t last long.

I ran with all my might, with all my might.

And finally.


I crossed the wall of the demon realm.

< Pandemonium (1) > End

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