Martial arts is not simply a skill to use the body.

It was martial arts that awakened the forgotten self and awakened natural power, not artificial power.

And here in Cheonsan, a significant number of demons were learning shallow or deep martial arts.

Because martial arts were looked down upon only by demon lords.

Demon lords who thought they were complete after inheriting the power of the Seven Sins did not learn martial arts separately, but all demons who considered themselves incomplete learned martial arts.

The seed sown by the Heavenly Demon Lee Ja-baek.

It means that there are many seeds here.

And they were awakening at this moment.


‘Something overwhelming.’

It was only then that they faced the microcosm that existed inside them.

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Just by watching the trick of the Heavenly Demon God, I was able to wake up the sleeping microcosm.

Soon they realized that ‘mana’ is not all that exists in this world.

something huge and overwhelming.

Life itself has existed since the beginning of this world!

The moment they realized that it was inside them, they shuddered.

The seeds eventually germinated and left fruit on their bodies.

At the same time, he recognized that the flow of mana that had been strangling his heart had completely reversed.

‘Mana is stabilizing.’

‘The mana I didn’t know when it would explode…’

Even the demons knew. As time goes by and the flow of mana becomes unstable, he forgets himself and becomes a demon.

It is like living the rest of your life holding an explosive in your heart that you do not know when it will explode.

But now the unstable ups and downs were disappearing.

The curse that always walked through her body was also rapidly diminishing.

‘It’s a blessing.’

‘He is blessing us.’

Becoming a demon is like death to them. are considered dead The foreshadowing of the runaway was the incompleteness of mana.

So, this phenomenon was like a blessing to them.

It’s not just the stability of mana.

A bowl that holds mana. The shape of the ring itself changes and becomes larger and wider. It means that the original possibility and the path to infinite growth have been opened.


The Celestial Eye began to scatter blue light at Reinhardt.

“Heavenly Demon…”

“Two lights…”

Following the red original sin, blue is the light of the Heavenly Demon.

If you learned the Heavenly Demon Art and inherited the name of the Heavenly Demon Lee Ja-baek, it would be understandable enough.

However, it was the first time that the Celestial Eye gave out two colors to the same demon king at the same time.

But it didn’t end there.

As his choreography reached its climax, the light in his Celestial Eye changed again.

“It’s a golden wave.”


“Looks like you’re going blind.”

three lights.

Especially the last light was really beautiful.

There are no words to describe it other than how beautiful it is.

Because a wave of golden light began to pour.

like blessing him I was in complete communication with him.

At the same time, the demons had no choice but to admit it.


‘He is the Demon King of the Heavenly Mountain.’

Several demons, including the Blood Demon and the Yin Demon, bent on one knee. Those who attained enlightenment also put their right hand on their chest and bowed their heads with their eyes closed.


He recognized him as the Demon King of the Heavenly Mountain, who had been ignored and ridiculed for being human.


‘This is the first curse as vast as this.’

There was a slight tension in the eyes of the demon lords looking at the Celestial Eye.

It was the first time I had ever seen even the arrogance that had gone through a “day of worship” for so long that the Celestial Eye emitted curses to such an extent.

Demon lords with sins end their curses through communion with the Celestial Eye on this day. However, in the process, the curse often ran rampant and became a demon or a hematoma.

‘A curse of this level… hematomas might come out.’

When the demon king runs rampant, it becomes a blood clot.

If the hematoma goes on a rampage, catastrophe will ensue.

But without consciousness, the Celestial Eye cannot be calmed down.

If I neglect this curse, the entire Pandemonium will collapse.

You may ask if you can cut the Celestial Eye, but the Celestial Eye is the support of the Demon Realm.

It emitted curses and mana at the same time to achieve its own balance, and served as a barrier to block the false gods of the middle world.

can’t beep

Stabilizing is best.

‘If it shows signs of becoming a blood clot, kill it immediately.’

There is no demon king who is not sincere in his consciousness.

But Gyoman looked beyond. If it shows signs of becoming a hematoma, kill it immediately.

If left to become a hematoma, there was a risk of breaking the Celestial Eye or destroying Heavenly Mountain here.

At least, greed, jealousy, and indolence have a long experience of rituals.

However, this ritual was the first time that one person, the only one, had gluttony.

All in all, the first ritual became the most difficult one ever.

If you ask who is most likely to runaway and become a hematoma, it will definitely be gluttony.

That’s why I asked if I had learned the choreography properly.

Naturally, Gyoman’s gaze was fixed on gluttony.

‘Isn’t that the choreography of gluttony?’

However, the choreography of gluttony began, and pride had no choice but to wrinkle its forehead.

The choreography of the Seven Sins has been decided.

The dance that communed with the Celestial Eye and stabilized it was slightly different for each sin.

However, Gluttony does not have a set choreography, but his own sword dance.

‘… you’re invincible. Is it the sword dance included in the Heavenly Demon Art?’

The power to freeze mana in an instant by shaking the ground. than the reign of the Heavenly Demon. Since it was the first half of the Heavenly Demon Sacred Art, there was no way I couldn’t recognize it.

However, the sword dance that followed after that was extremely ordinary. He handled the sword in his hand in reverse order from bottom to top, left to right.

It’s so slow that it’s frustrating for the viewer.

‘All effects of mana have been eliminated… The body without mana has no choice but to collapse. But it is not a complete exclusion. I’m putting all my mana into only one place.’

Mana is like the driving force that moves the body.

All living things grow with mana, so it’s natural.

Even small muscle movements are impossible without mana. Living organisms chose the path of evolution to coexist with mana.

But now, the gluttonous Reinhardt had completely eliminated all of that mana. Even a drop of mana refuses to help the body, moving only with his own power.

It’s like moving your body without bones. Or, it is the same state as exerting force without muscles. Truly extreme.

What’s the use of sword dance in an extreme state?

However, the body of gluttony began to speed up little by little.

Because mana is back again?

‘no. something entirely different. A completely different force is at work.’

As the mana emptied, a new power awoke.

Pride didn’t know what that was. But one thing is for sure, that power is very natural.

Moreover, it was vast and oppressive.

Then did Gluttony completely abandon the power of mana and transform himself?

Prideful Delbaran shook his head.

Not even that.

The mana, which had been discharged for an instant and lost its power, was instantly driven into a corner of the body. Rather than completely evaporating it, mana was tied together for more dramatic efficiency.

New power and mana swirl together.

what should i say about that


do not deny I do not deny it.

The vast energy and mana contained in the Rune of the Heavenly Demon cannot coexist.

The Heavenly Demon also told her to throw away all her mana, but that too was not completed.

Is that why? Gluttony awakened a new third power.

How should I describe that power?


Another word for coexistence is chaos.


If there is no road, make a road.

The Heavenly Demon said to throw it away.

But I couldn’t throw away zero.

Zero is also my talent, and if it’s a part of me, it doesn’t make sense to throw it away to get it.

Denying Zero was like denying me.

In addition, life eventually evolved by combining with nanomachines. I was the same, so isn’t it strange to deny the product of this evolution?

No matter how artificial it is, if it has been living for a long time and made evolution, it should also eventually turn around and see it as natural.

so i didn’t throw it away

However, the use has changed.

‘The cause of the runaway of nano machines lies in too many uses.’

have been too reliant

However, the use of nanomachines was fixed from the beginning.

Curse, purify radioactive material.

To heal the body and aid recovery.

Trying to use it for everything beyond its usefulness is bound to result in overload.

I drastically changed this structure.

[Gathers the discharged nanomachines in one place and compresses them.]

[Discard the incomplete nanomachine.]

[Delete unauthorized nanomachines of unknown use.]

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Just as poison builds up in the body, it becomes sluggish and sick.

Even nanomachines become unstable if used for a long time or if they exist in the body for a long time.

Even if nanomachines remove the toxins accumulated in the body, then who will remove the toxins accumulated in the nanomachines?

Because it does not disappear 100% naturally, in the end, such things pile up and cause runaways.

‘I have zero.’

Something the Heavenly Demon did not have.

So he chose to throw away all mana and nanomachines.

Because you can’t pick out the unstable and toxin-laden nanomachines.

However, I can It is possible enough because there is zero.

The selected nanomachines were collected and reconstructed again.

The circulation structure was changed so that the healthy nanomachines flow from the tip of the toes to the tip of the head. It is made to make roads and only use them where necessary.

Then, the energy of the rune, the energy of the heavenly horse that had been separated, began to assimilate with mana.


This would also be in the same context.

At last, the spirits that play with the whole body. The Heavenly Demon Lee Ja-baek called it like this.


karma power. It is a circular chakra that connects the body and the mind.

【If you open the chakra with the energy of the rune, a new world will open.】

【When all eight gates are opened, you will realize the universe and enter the realm of nature.】

【Open one by one, and the road to the end is incomprehensible.】

It is only when the open gate, the closed gate, the life gate, the upper gate, the head gate, the sutra gate, the sutra gate, and the death gate are all opened that the real true gate is opened. is to become a god

Even the Heavenly Demon died without opening the last Samantha.

Only when you realize it can you open the first door, the opening door.

So did I.


open door.

Finally the door opened.

But it doesn’t end there.

closed door.

second door. Even that opened up easily.

The Heavenly Demon Lee Ja-baek said that they should be opened one by one.

Even opening one is the same as incomprehensible, so it is truly the path to confession.

Even the Heavenly Demon, who devoted a long time only to opening the eight gates, could not open both at the same time.

So, it’s surprising that both are open at the same time.

‘The gate of life.’

But it doesn’t end with just two.

The door, once opened, continued to hit the bolt of the next door.

Even the third gate, the gate of life.

But this, too, was not the end.

‘Scarred door.’

When the fourth door opened, the hordes of microcosms were visible.

As I connect countless microcosms, my existence becomes infinitely smaller.

But I was definitely at the center of it.

The existence of a country that exists and affects everyone.

It was difficult to express this with words such as simple awakening or enlightenment.

It was me.

This was a process of getting to know me, existing only for me.

That’s enough.

If the Heavenly Demon had seen it, her stomach would have turned over in pain.


‘Head gate…!’

The door of incomprehensibility continues to open.

< Demon King (16) > End

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