Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 129: angry tsar

(There should be another chapter later, thank you for your support!)

Although Talleyrand really wanted to complete this diplomatic mission, he also knew that it would be very difficult. It would be very difficult to get Alexander to agree to peace talks with France and to sign an armistice treaty. There was no objection to the proposed approach. If Alexander was willing to accept the terms and sign a peace treaty, then it would be fine to send these captives back. If not, then these captives might not have the chance to go back, or if they want to go back, they would have to be ransomed by Russia.

On January 23, Talleyrand set off from Warsaw for Moscow. In order to protect his safety, Xiao Jie deliberately took out a battalion of troops from the 88th Army to **** him.

After Talleyrand left, Xiao Jie also began to deal with the affairs of Poland. Since Poland was brought under the rule of France, a large number of businessmen came from France. Among them, Xiao Jie's Andrési Group was supported by Xiao Jie. seized a lot of rich resources. They employ low-cost Polish labor to mine various minerals, among which coal mining is the largest. Due to traffic reasons, they had to transport the mined minerals to ports such as Gdynia in the north, and transport them back to France by sea. But this is to beware of the interception of the British navy. Basically, 1 out of every 10 ships transporting minerals is intercepted by the British. This makes the French government very angry, but their own navy is not their opponent, so they can only try Send naval escorts to reduce losses. Fortunately, the British only emptied the cargo on the ship, and returned both the people and the ship. Probably they want to use this method to share Poland's interests from France. So they didn't intercept too many ships, only 10% of them. Even so, France has gained a lot from Poland, so it also acquiesced to this situation. The navy cannot defeat Britain, and they have no resistance to these.

After driving all the Russians out of Poland, in order to control the Polish government more, Xiao Jie carried out a large-scale cleansing of various forces in Poland. First of all, the cleaning was carried out in the army. , The Polish army has also slowly formed its combat effectiveness. Although it cannot be compared with the French army, it can also become a good help for the French army. Under such circumstances, Xiao Jie pushed out all the officers who were hostile to France and those wavering Polish officers out of the army, and replaced them with pro-French officers, making the 120,000 Polish army firmly under his own control. hands.

The second is the cleaning of the Polish government. When the Polish Communist Party was established, in order to maintain the stability of Poland and avoid a fire in the backyard during the confrontation with Russia, some forces against France were retained in the Communist Party. Now that the Russians have been driven out of Poland, it is time to drive these people out of the country. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xiao Jie suppressed Cacust, pulled him down from the first ruling position, and then supported Kropoulos, which can be regarded as fulfilling his promise to Kropoulos . Although this made Kakust very angry, but now Poland has been completely controlled by Xiao Jie, his resistance seemed so weak, and in the end his wings were cut a lot, if not to avoid Cro The Pross family is dominant, Xiao Jie will not keep these people.

The third is to brutally suppress Poland's industry and commerce, causing the complete collapse of Poland's local industry, while various French industrial factories and mines took the opportunity to occupy Poland and quickly occupied the market, making Poland completely economically owned by France. vassal. Nor can it shake the rule of France in Poland.

After sorting out the plan for dealing with these affairs, Xiao Jie handed over all the work to the people below, and he himself fell into the gentle fragrance of Mary again. Of course, during this period, he did not forget to write many letters expressing his thoughts to Angel in Paris. Rigorously make sure your own backyard doesn't catch fire.

On the other side, Talleyrand finally arrived in Moscow after a month's long journey. But the Russians treated them very coldly. They not only arranged them in the worst posthouse, but also found various excuses to make things difficult for them many times. A battalion of the 88th Army stationed outside Moscow to **** Talleyrand was also surrounded by the Russian army intentionally or unintentionally. If the situation changes, the Russian army will quickly attack them.

It was a low-level official who received Talleyrand, but he could also feel his anger towards the French from his eyes. After all, the casualties of hundreds of thousands of troops have made the current state of the country very critical, so for these culprits How can the troublemaker have a good face?

Talleyrand was also very angry. He felt that he was ignored by others, and vowed in his heart to look good to these barbarians, but now this is not France, not Paris where he can show off his might, so he had to swallow his anger. "Sir, on behalf of His Majesty the Emperor of France, I request an audience with His Majesty Tsar Alexander."

"Didn't I tell you? Our great Tsar Majesty is not free now, and when His Majesty is free, he will naturally receive you." The official replied very arrogantly.

After hitting a wall several times in a row, Talleyrand's patience was almost exhausted. Just as he was about to give up this mission and return to Russia, the official in charge of receiving him said that the Tsar wanted to meet him. Talleyrand then went to the Kremlin with the official to meet the Tsar.

"Kowtow to His Majesty the Tsar, on behalf of His Majesty the Emperor of our country, I would like to bless you and your country becoming stronger and stronger." When seeing Alexander, Talleyrand saluted respectfully.

Hearing Talleyrand's words, Alexander's face changed instantly. This time Russia lost hundreds of thousands of troops in the hands of France, and also lost Poland. Isn't Talleyrand mocking him by saying this? In fact, this is what Talleyrand said on purpose. Who told him to be left in the posthouse for so long? The clay figurines are still angry, let alone the powerful French foreign minister.

"Thank you His Majesty the Emperor for your blessings, and I also wish His Majesty Napoleon and France more and more power." Alexander said expressionlessly. "I don't know what's the Duke's business in Moscow this time?"

"This time I am because His Majesty cannot bear to see France and Russia continue to be hostile, and I hope that the two countries can end the war and achieve peace." Talleyrand directly stated his intentions without going around the corner.

"Hmph, peace? Does Your Excellency the Duke think it is possible to achieve peace between our two countries?" Before Alexander could answer, a tall and thin old man said directly and coldly.

"I don't know who this lord is?" Talleyrand asked.

"This is Marquis Froskov, Minister of State of our country." Alexander introduced.

"It turned out to be Your Excellency the Marquis. There is no conflict of interest between France and Russia. As for the previous wars, your country was the first to start the war. Of course, it was all because of the shameless British who provoked the conflict between France and Russia. Conflicts continue to break out between the two countries, and we do not want war between the two countries, so His Majesty the Emperor hopes that our two countries can stop the war and realize peace between the two countries."

"It is not impossible to stop the war, as long as France can compensate us for the losses of the war, return the captured soldiers of our country, and withdraw from Poland. Then, peace will come soon." Froskov said boldly, as if in It was not the same as Russia that lost in the war.

Talleyrand's face changed instantly. He knew that it was completely impossible for Napoleon to agree to these conditions. So he looked at Alexander and said, "Your Majesty the Tsar, is this what you mean?"

"Yes, in order to achieve peace between Russia and Russia, France must agree to these conditions of our country." Alexander also said affirmatively.

Talleyrand looked at the two of them very contemptuously, and then said: "Did I remember wrongly? Does it seem that our country won this war? His Royal Highness, Crown Prince Andresi, wiped out Your country has hundreds of thousands of troops and hundreds of thousands of prisoners. Hearing what His Excellency the Marquis of Froskov said, I almost thought that our country lost hundreds of thousands of troops?"

"You!" Both Alexander and Froskov stared at Talleyrand viciously, their eyes were about to burst into flames. If eyes can kill people, then I believe that Talleyrand will not know his death at this time. time.

"Your Excellency, Duke Talleyrand, are you insulting the great Russian Empire?" Alexander stared at Talleyrand fiercely like a polar bear that had been shot in the throat. Seeing that insulting the son like that is like tearing him apart.

"Your Majesty the Tsar, I have no intention of your country at all. I am just stating a fact." Talleyrand replied without changing his expression.

"Is this the sincerity of your country's desire to fight for peace?" Froskov said aside.

"As long as your country is willing to cease the war between the two countries and sign a peace treaty, our country will show our due sincerity."

"I think our country has made it very clear. If you want peace, your country must compensate us for our war losses, return our captured soldiers, and withdraw from roared.

Talleyrand also turned cold, and said: "The war was not started by France. Doesn't His Majesty the Tsar think that your conditions are too much?"

"Bold. Talleyrand, you dare to say that His Majesty the Tsar is too much." Froskov shouted.

"If France cannot agree to our conditions, then continue the war." Alexander waved his hand and said forcefully.

"France is not afraid of war. Since His Majesty the Tsar refuses to accept peace, let the war continue as you wish. Farewell!" Talleyrand said coldly, and then left the palace. In his opinion, both Alexander and Froskov didn't understand the situation at all, or they could immerse themselves in the past glory of the Russian Empire, or more precisely, they were escaping from reality.

When Talleyrand went out, he seemed to hear Alexander's angry roar and the sound of something breaking.

(To be continued, if ** knows what will happen next, please log in to .F., more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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