Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 158: It is a talent, we must keep it

"Your Majesty, this is basically the case. We have controlled most of Paris now, but it will take about half a month to a month to completely cover the whole of Paris." Xiao Jie reported the situation since the establishment of the National Security Bureau to Napoleon made a brief report.

"It's no problem to cooperate with the underground forces. You must know that they are the main disruptors of law and order." Napoleon asked with some concern.

"It shouldn't be a big problem. They are all under our control now, and we will put a lot of our people in when necessary, so that it will be easier for us to control these forces. And we have supported two There are also irreconcilable contradictions between them, so we can prevent the situation where one family dominates." Xiao Jie said.

"Well, anyway, this matter will be handed over to you. But I hope you can speed up the progress, we are very tight now."

"I'll try my best. But our funds have been used up. Do you see if some of the funds are being allocated to us?"

"Is it running out so soon? No way? I heard people say that you have made a lot of big moves recently, and a large number of hotels and bars have opened in Paris. Why are you still short of money?" Napoleon asked without knowing why. .

"The organization's funds have been used up long ago, and now it's all my money." Xiao Jie said angrily, he could tell that Napoleon wanted to renege on his debts.

"Andresi, I think you need to correct your thinking. You have to know that you are the crown prince of France, and the whole country will be yours in the future. Why can't you make some initial investment now? Besides, you also know that our current financial difficulties, since you have money, you should take the initiative to help the country tide over the difficulties?" Napoleon began to preach.

After being told by Napoleon, Xiao Jie immediately lost his temper and had to give up. Besides, he didn't lose money, anyway, he lent the money to the National Security Bureau, and when the National Security Bureau got the money, it had to be returned to him, and the interest was very high, so he made a fortune. After chatting with Napoleon for a few words, Xiao Jie left. Napoleon was also very busy and had many things to deal with.

It's just that what Xiao Jie didn't see was that after he left, Napoleon showed a treacherous smile on his face, obviously the plot had succeeded. "I heard that this kid got another gypsy beauty. It seems that he is really lucky." Napoleon said enviously. At this time, he was also chasing a woman, the wife of his subordinate, General Juno, but now he was repeatedly hitting the wall, which made him very depressed.

Coming out of the Tuileries Palace, Xiao Jie went straight back to the National Security Bureau, because Fulton was waiting for him there now.

In a reception room of the National Security Bureau, Fulton was sitting in it anxiously. He didn't know why the Crown Prince, who was called a genius, asked to see him. He didn't seem to have met the Crown Prince, so this Makes him very uneasy.

When he was rejected by Napoleon again, he was very disappointed and was about to leave France and return to the United States to continue his shipbuilding business. When he was told that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince wanted to see him, he was brought here, but waited. It has been almost two hours and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has not yet appeared.

While Fulton was thinking wildly, a young man opened the door and walked in. Seeing that Fulton was in a daze, he greeted him enthusiastically, "Hi, Mr. Fulton, nice to meet you."

"Hello, do we know each other?" Fulton looked at the big boy in front of him with some doubts.

"Oh, we didn't know each other before. Please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Andresi." Xiao Jie said with a smile.

"Andresi?" Fulton thought for a while, but he still had no impression. Suddenly, he thought: "Didn't it mean that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince wants to see me? It is widely rumored that the Crown Prince is very young, so it could be him. So, Fulton asked timidly, "Are you the Crown Prince of France?"

Xiao Jie nodded.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Your Royal Highness." Fulton hurriedly saluted Xiao Jie, and looked at Xiao Jie secretly. The crown prince, known as a genius, was indeed too young. He didn't know what he was doing at this age.

"Mr. Fulton, please don't mind. I am not a crown prince, but a young man who is very interested in ships." Xiao Jie said modestly.

"Are you also interested in ships?" Fulton asked happily. Now that most people are still skeptical about ships, it is not easy for him to find a confidant.

"Yes, I am very optimistic about this invention. I believe it is definitely a cross-generational invention. It will completely replace the current sailboat in the future." Xiao Jie said affirmatively.

Excitement appeared in Fulton's eyes. It was obvious that Xiao Jie's words had reached his heart, and it was with this goal that he persisted in his struggle. But then his eyes dimmed: "But His Majesty the Emperor of your country doesn't seem to think so, he thinks I'm just talking nonsense."

"Mr. Fulton, please don't lose heart, I believe you are right." Xiao Jie encouraged. At the same time, he was already thinking about how to let the inventor of the ship stay and work for him.

"Thank you for your encouragement." Fulton said, but he was still a little depressed.

"So what do you plan to do next, sir? You don't want to give up on the development of the ship, do you?" Xiao Jie asked.

"I will definitely not give up, but now I can only go back to the United States to continue my research." Fulton said helplessly. Developing a ship is a huge project that requires a lot of money, and he is short of money now. It would be great if he could get government investment, but the US government is not enthusiastic about it, so he I came to France again, but I didn't expect to be rejected.

"Mr. Fulton, if possible, I still hope that you stay in France, and I will provide you with research funds." Xiao Jie looked at Fulton and said.

"You? But it will cost a lot of money to carry out this project." Fulton said with some doubts. He didn't know Xiao Jie's situation very well, so he naturally didn't know how rich the Crown Prince was.

"Don't worry, Mr. Fulton, I can fully guarantee your research funding. To tell you the truth, I have already started making preparations for this a year ago." Xiao Jie confessed to Fulton.

"Oh? Really?" Fulton somewhat believed Xiao Jie's words.

Xiao Jie nodded, and continued: "For a ship, the most important thing is probably the power plant, but the power provided by the current steam engine is not strong, so that the speed of the manufactured ship cannot catch up with the sailing ship. A year ago, I commissioned the French Research Institute to improve the steam engine and increase the power of the steam engine. Now that we have achieved phased results, I believe that it will not be long before we can manufacture the high-power steam engine required by the ship."

"It seems that you really have already started preparing." Fulton was convinced. In the process of his research, insufficient steam engine power has always been a problem, but it is very difficult to improve the steam engine, so the steamship he developed cannot keep up with the sailboat in terms of speed, so it is not favored by others. If Xiao Jie can really make the steam engine If the problem is solved, then the developed ship will definitely be recognized by everyone.

Seeing that the inventor of the ship had begun to waver, Xiao Jie continued: "As far as I know, the ship you developed is propelled by two paddle wheels on both sides of the hull, but after our demonstration, we think It's not the best option."

"Oh, really?" Fulton was completely aroused. At the beginning, he also thought for a long time before he came up with the idea of ​​using paddle wheels as the propulsion device of the ship. How else could it be called a ship?

"Yes, after our research, the use of paddle wheels will cause a lot of waste of power, and it is not easy to operate when turning."

Fulton nodded. These are all problems encountered in the process of developing the ship. Now he also believes that His Royal Highness has a deep research on ships, and even has a higher understanding of ships than he does. . Where did he expect Xiao Jie to be because he knew the development of the ship. "So have you figured out any way to solve this problem?" Fulton asked curiously.

Xiao Jie nodded, and then said: "We have indeed come up with a good method to solve this problem. But please forgive me, I can't tell you. Because these will be applied to our warship manufacturing in the near future , so it belongs to our military secrets."

Fulton was a little disappointed, and at the same time, he didn't expect that the other party would see it so far. When he was complacent about the successful trial of the ship he was developing, others had already prepared to apply it to warships~www. has been far ahead of him. But at the same time, he really wanted to know how Xiao Jie and the others solved the propulsion device, so he blushed and said: "His Royal Highness, as a person who has a strong thirst for knowledge about ships, I really want to know your research, but I Knowing that this is unreasonable, please tell me, how can you tell me about your research?"

Xiao Jie saw that Yuer had already taken the bait, so he said: "Mr. Fulton, we admire your talent very much, so we want to hire you to design ships for us."

Fulton hesitated for a moment. He knew that the other party was planning to apply this new technology to warships. Once they succeeded, the performance of their warships would far exceed the current sail warships, and it would inevitably affect the the interests of other countries, including his home country. But in the end, his strong thirst for knowledge overcame his rationality, so he agreed to Xiao Jie's request.

After getting Fulton's consent, Xiao Jie immediately let Fulton sign a 10-year labor contract. Fulton also knew at this time that the other party was already prepared, but fortunately Xiao Jie paid him a very high salary, one million francs per year, so Fulton signed this "deed of sale" to sell himself Gave it to Xiao Jie.

(To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please log in to .FU., more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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