Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 187: psychological warfare

"Now that the war has reached the final stage, do you have any good suggestions?" Xiao Jie led the main officers of the 88th Army on a hill outside Madrid, looking at the guarded by Castagnos. Madrid, which is impenetrable, opened a combat meeting.

Madrid is the last stronghold of Castagnos. Now in it, a total of 100,000 Spanish rebels have gathered, which is basically the last force of Castagnos. If Madrid is captured by the 88th Army again, Then the Spanish war would be over.

"It can be seen that Castagnos has put a lot of effort into Madrid's defense. It may not be easy to break through him in a short period of time, unless..." Dougal observed Madrid's fortifications Said.

"Unless what?" Xiao Jie asked.

"Unless you agree to transfer the heavy artillery regiment directly under the regiment and the heavy artillery battalions of the 1st and 2nd divisions, although Madrid's defenses are very strong, I believe that under the attack of 105mm heavy howitzers, all this will soon be destroyed. Crushed," Dougal said.

"As I said before, this method won't work. We can't attack Madrid by force. We need to find another way." Xiao Jie said seriously. The reason why he did not agree to storm Madrid was because under the fire of the 88th Army, Madrid would inevitably be reduced to ruins, which he never wanted to see. Madrid is the capital of Spain and the economic and cultural center of the Iberian Peninsula. Everything here has a long history. It does not belong to a certain person, but to future generations. Of course, Xiao Jie cannot let these cultural treasures live in It will turn into ashes in my own hands.

"Your Highness, Castagnos is now determined to fight us to the end. There are still 100,000 people in Madrid, many of whom are relatively elite troops in the Spanish chaos. If we use our firepower If we have an advantage in the field, even if we can take down Madrid, we will suffer heavy casualties. If Madrid is gone, we can build another one, but if our elite soldiers are lost, it will be difficult to replenish them!" Eke also persuaded road. In his opinion, although Madrid is very beautiful, it is nothing compared to the heroic soldiers of the 88th Army.

"Let me say one more thing. Attacking Madrid by force is not an option. I absolutely do not agree to do so. Everyone should find another way." Xiao Jie said resolutely. After hundreds of years of continuous construction, Madrid has reached its current scale. If it wants to rebuild, is it easy to negotiate? Even if another one can be built in the end, is that kind of artistic atmosphere and cultural atmosphere so easy to build?

Seeing what Xiao Jie said was so resolute, Du Geer and Eke had no choice but to keep silent. Since they couldn't think of a solution to the problem, they had no choice but to surround Madrid first, and wait until they thought of a solution.

People in the city of Madrid are also panicking now. Because Castagnos is afraid that the 88th Army will forcibly attack the city, he ordered all the residents of Madrid not to leave and all to stay at home. I hope this can be a weapon for the 88th Army. . But doing so also has a big problem, that is, there are more than 400,000 residents in Madrid, and the daily consumption of so many people is also a very scary figure, although before that, Castagnos has been hoarding With all kinds of materials, it is impossible to support the consumption of hundreds of thousands of people. In addition, due to the successive defeats of the Spanish rebel army, the morale of the entire army is now very low. Because Castagnos prohibited the announcement of the state of the war to the residents of Madrid and set off various campaigns against the French army, the people of Madrid hated the French army. The army's understanding has been seriously distorted. Under the deliberate leadership of Castagnos, in the eyes of the people of Madrid, the French army is no different from a scourge. His original intention was to use this to guide the people to stand on his side and fight against the 88th Army, but under the circumstances of false rumors, the 88th Army has become something comparable to the devil. The devil is against each other, and they all hide in their homes, never stepping out of the house for nothing, let alone helping Castagnos fight with the French army.

"Misend, how long can our current ammunition and food reserves last?" Castagnos sat on a chair and asked distractedly.

"The ammunition reserves are still sufficient, but the food is slightly insufficient. Although we have stored a large amount of food before, all the exports to the outside world are now blocked by the French army, and our food is now getting less and less , if we only need to supply our army, we can last another two to three months, but if we want to supply the civilians, we can last at most one and a half months." Misendhui, who is now in charge of Castani All mistakes in the Osi Group except military affairs.

"With so little, don't the citizens have food reserves in their homes?" Castagnos asked.

"Because the French army came too quickly, everyone was not prepared at all. Even though some citizens had stockpiled some food, it was not much, and they couldn't last long at all," Misend replied.

Without further entanglement on this issue, Castagnos continued to ask: "Canel, what is the mood of the various troops recently, do you have the confidence to defend Madrid?"

After Kanel lost Getafe last time, Castagnos originally wanted to punish him, but considering that he is now employing people, and Kanel is his most loyal subordinate, so Castagnos eventually spared him his punishment, allowing him to continue leading the army. Castagnos relied too much on Canel, which made the other generals in the Spanish rebellion very dissatisfied. If Castagnos hadn't been closely monitored recently, he might have betrayed Castagnos long ago. Dedicated to the 88th Legion. Castagnos is obviously aware of this, so there are military police in red uniforms patrolling everywhere in Madrid now. Once suspicious people are caught, they are directly shot, causing many innocent people to be killed.

"General, the fighting enthusiasm of the army is not very high now. If we want to confront the 88th Army head-on, I admit that we are not their opponents, but if we want to defend Madrid, I believe it is not too big if all kinds of materials can be supplied in time. That's right," Cannell replied.

"Misend, you heard it, it's up to you whether we can keep Madrid." Castagnos said after listening to Canel's answer.

Misend secretly scolded Kanel for being despicable, whoever said Kanel was simple-minded, who still said that now, Misend must be the first to be anxious with him. Now Canel is throwing the responsibility of keeping Madrid on Misend, which makes him very angry. He knows that the current Spanish rebellion is already sunset, and the hateful Canel actually let him be the last How can he be willing to take the place of the dead ghost? But he quickly replied: "I will try my best to ensure the supply of various materials on the front line." But he said in his heart: "Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous." In contact with the 88th Army, perhaps because of the various information he provided, the French army may be able to entrust him with important tasks then. Now there are quite a few people in the Spanish rebel army who have the same idea as him. After all, no one is willing to stay on the wrecked ship of Castagnos, which makes Misend's plan highly feasible.

While Misend was thinking about how to contact the 88th Army, Xiao Jie and the others were also thinking about whether they could induce some generals of the Spanish rebellion to defect. If they could cooperate internally and externally, it would be much easier for them to capture Madrid . But they don't have any suitable candidates now, and the intelligence department doesn't have much information about the generals of the Spanish rebel army, so these have to be handed over to the intelligence department to continue to work hard. But during this time, it is impossible for them to do nothing? So Xiao Jie came up with a strategy of using psychological tactics to continue to attack the Spanish chaos.

He specially printed a lot of leaflets to dissatisfy the logistics, all of which introduced the failure of the Spanish rebel army, called on the people of Madrid to rise up against the rule of Castagnos, called on the soldiers of the Spanish rebel army to surrender, and did not hold ordinary soldiers accountable. Responsibility, preferential treatment of prisoners and the they may not be able to play a big role, they are still very attractive to grassroots soldiers and ordinary people.

The flyers were made in just one day, but how to get them into Madrid was another problem. "I should have fiddled with the airship if I knew it earlier. It would save a lot of trouble." Xiao Jie thought a little depressed. The technical requirements for the airship are not very high, and it is not very difficult to build it with the current technological conditions, but because Xiao Jie is too busy, he did not expect to encounter such a thing, so he was negligent.

Later, the artillerymen figured out a way. They poured out all the explosives inside the shells, put leaflets in them, and then fired these "cannonballs" filled with leaflets into Madrid, so that people would pick them up again. Cannonballs that will not explode, or the outsiders of the shells will break due to falling from a high altitude, and the leaflets will also be spilled. Their purpose has also been achieved.

So, after careful preparations, one night, Xiao Jie's artillery fired 500 of these shells at Madrid, covering almost the entire Madrid. So overnight, everyone in Madrid was talking about the contents of the French army leaflets, wondering whether it was true. This caused confusion among the Spanish army.

(To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please log in to .FU., more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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