Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 414: Siege of the Azores (Part 1)

The suicide attack of six warships including the "Loire" stopped the pursuit of the US 1st Fleet and bought time for the main force of the French expeditionary fleet led by Vasseur to get rid of the pursuit of the US Navy's 1st Fleet. When the U.S. Navy's 1st Fleet dealt with the "Loire" and several warships, Wasser and the others had already escaped from the U.S. Navy's sight.

On June 12, after more than 10 days of sailing, the French expeditionary fleet returned to the Le Havre Naval Base on the same route. However, when it arrived in Le Havre, the French expeditionary fleet was left with only the scarred "Dreadnought" and two "Bonaparte"-class warships and 4 "Iberia"-class warships. There was also a 'Bonaparte' class battleship that sank on the way back because of its serious injuries.

After the fleet arrived in Le Havre, Wasser and others were warmly welcomed by the French people. With the hype of the French propaganda apparatus, they became French heroes. Although there were only 7 of the more than 30 warships left during the expedition, and they were all bruised and had to be returned to the shipyard for repairs, but this could not conceal their achievements. The Canadian mainland fleet was wiped out, the important Canadian naval base St. Johns was destroyed, the important Canadian shipbuilding base Quebec was destroyed, and the US Navy's 1st Fleet was also damaged. Calculated in this way, the loss of the French expeditionary fleet is less than the results of the battle. Much bigger.

"Vassell, congratulations, you have achieved such a great result." Burt said happily.

"You have to treat us to a big meal." Sucrete also said.

"Okay, Wasser. Get ready to go to Paris, His Majesty the Emperor is waiting to summon you!" Boult said.

In Paris, Wasser was warmly received by Xiao Jie, and he and the entire French expeditionary fleet were commended for their achievements, and generous pensions were also given to those soldiers who died.

In fact, the results of this battle are far more symbolic than practical. Although the Canadian mainland fleet was wiped out, the naval strength of the United States and Canada did not actually decline much. As for the destruction of Quebec, its effects will not be manifested in a short time. But France needs this victory, and the French people need this victory. This victory not only greatly enhanced the confidence of the French people, but also shocked European countries, making them have to quell their imminent thoughts. After all, France is still extremely powerful.

As the saying goes, some are happy and some are sad. While France is celebrating its victory, the atmosphere in the United States and Canada seems a bit depressed. The original optimism of the people of the two countries has also disappeared, replaced by the fear of failure. They knew that if they were defeated this time, what awaited them would be an unimaginable catastrophe.

Under these circumstances, the governments of the United States and Canada quickly met to discuss a solution to the crisis. On June 15, the governments of the United States and Canada held a meeting in the city of Niagara Falls in the United States. The participants were high-level officials from the two countries, including US President Adams, Secretary of State Brandon, Chief of General Staff Zominsk, and the head of the Department of the Navy. Davis, Canada is King William IV, Prime Minister Liverpool, Army Commander Wellington.

"Everyone, we are in a very bad situation now! The people generally have a pessimistic mood, thinking that we will lose this war. Let's talk about what we should do?" As the initiator of the meeting, the host Adams first Said.

"In fact, although our country suffered huge losses under the despicable sneak attack of the French fleet, in fact, in a short period of time, we still have an advantage in our confrontation with the French navy." William IV also said . He felt extremely angry about this sneak attack by the French fleet, because more than half of Canada's foundation accumulated with great difficulty was destroyed, and it would not be able to recover in a few years.

"However, the public does not believe our propaganda and thinks that we are deceiving them. Alas, the strength of France has already made our people cite it." US Secretary of State Brandon said with a sigh.

"Yes! If the war goes well, then the people will fully support us, but if the war goes a little bit wrong, the people will exaggerate the defeat and even feel war-weary." Liverpool also said helplessly.

"This is definitely not going to work. Without the support of the people, we will never win the war. We must find a way to get out of the predicament as soon as possible." Adams said. Afterwards, several people looked at Zominsk, Wellington, and Davis. After all, they are professionals who have the most say in military affairs.

"It is actually not difficult to get through this difficulty. As long as we also achieve a victory, only then can the people realize our strength, know that we have not deceived them, and that we still have the potential to defeat France." power," Davis said.

"It is true, but our advantage over the French navy is not obvious now. It may not be so easy to win. As for the army, it is even more impossible. Although the army has occupied most of South America, but The northern part of South America is still under the control of the French army." Wellington said directly.

"The current situation is indeed like this, but this does not mean that we have no chance to win." Davis said **** for tat.

"Oh! Then I'd like to hear the general's opinion." Wellington said with some disdain. Although Canada and the United States are temporarily united, there are still contradictions between the two countries, especially between the two national teams. The reason is also very simple. Due to the strength of the United States, the commanders of each theater are often served by American officers, while the Canadian army is completely in a supporting role, which naturally makes Wellington very dissatisfied.

"If you want to defeat France, the key is to work **** the navy. At present, in a short period of time, our navy is still in an advantageous position. As long as we use it well, we still have a chance to defeat the French navy. According to my analysis, the French navy is in this position. The reason why I took a great risk to launch a long-range sneak attack this time is that there are two peonies, one is to weaken our strength, and the other is to destroy our front in the Central Atlantic region. Therefore, I have formulated a plan for this situation A plan, if successful, maybe we can successfully advance the front to Europe. My plan is this, since the French side wants to destroy our front in the Mid-Atlantic region, then we will do what they want. Release the news , there was a conflict between our country and Canada, and the Canadian navy angrily pushed out the front in the central Atlantic region. After learning of this situation, the French navy will inevitably launch a large-scale offensive, and this just falls into the trap we set. We We can just take this opportunity to injure the French navy in one fell swoop. After that, we will gather our forces and focus on attacking the Azores, the base of the French Atlantic Fleet, to completely drive the French Navy out of the Central Atlantic region. In this way, we can take advantage of the situation The front line has advanced to the eastern Atlantic region, even threatening mainland France." Davis said excitedly. This was a plan he had carefully prepared for nearly half a month. If adopted, he is 70 percent sure of success.

Indeed, the plan proposed by Davis is very good and perfect. It almost captures the strategic trend of the French navy. If it succeeds, it will basically establish the situation in the Atlantic Ocean.

Even Wellington, who has always been against Davis, admired this very much. Even so, he said sourly: "What if the French navy is not fooled and does not launch an attack?"

Davis was speechless now. That's right, no matter how good his plan is, if the French navy doesn't take the bait, then his plan will be in vain. For a while, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

"General Davis, if, as you said, the French navy launched an attack on the Mid-Atlantic region, how sure are you of winning?" Seeing this sobriety, Liverpool quickly changed the subject.

"In that case, I have 70% certainty that I will succeed." Davis said confidently.

"Seventy percent sure? Although it is already very high, it is still not very reassuring! If something unexpected, then we will be in danger." William IV said.

"It is impossible to achieve 100% in any plan. Seventy percent is already very high. Of course, I also have a way to improve the winning rate." Davis said.

"What way?" Everyone's eyes lit up.

"The U.S. 1st Fleet joined the plan," Davis said.

"It won't work!" Adams immediately refused. "If the 1st Fleet is sent out, wouldn't the safety of our coastal waters be guaranteed? You know, there is only such a fleet in the coastal waters of our two countries. If there is a surprise attack by the French fleet, what will we do?" Resist. No, it's too risky."

"The fleet sent by France last time has suffered heavy losses, and it is basically the last mobile force of the French navy. Therefore, I can guarantee that the French navy will never have the strength to send such a fleet. Therefore, our offshore It's absolutely safe," Davis persuaded.

"General Davis, I want to know, if the 1st Fleet joins, how much will the winning rate increase?" Zominsk, who had not spoken all this time, suddenly asked.

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