Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 454: last struggle

Chapter 454: The Last Struggle

At the beginning of June, the Eastern European armies received Xiao Jie's order and began to launch the final attack on the three Eastern European countries. The Polish army and the French 4th Army launched the most violent attack on St. Petersburg. The two troops concentrated more than 400 cannons, constantly bombarding the defensive positions of St. Petersburg, and at the same time destroying the morale of the Russian Democratic Republic army bit by bit.

The French 2nd Army also launched a tentative attack on Moscow. The Iberian 2nd Army began to clear the Russian Federation Army around Moscow, trying to isolate Moscow as soon as possible.

The Iberian 3rd Army also launched a fierce attack on Orenburg, the capital of the Kingdom of Russia. Under their attack, the Russian army's defense line has become precarious, and it may be broken through at any time.

However, although the French army's offensive is so fierce, it is still impossible to completely defeat the armies of the three Eastern European countries in a short period of time. After wanting to surrender, but unable to accept France's harsh demands, the leaders of the three Eastern European countries began to make up their minds to fight France to the end. In order to boost morale, they distributed part of the wealth they had collected over the years to those brave soldiers, inspiring them to fight the enemy bravely. And painted a picture for them that the coalition forces of the United States and Canada are about to land in Europe on a large scale and start a decisive battle with France. The grand blueprint for a strong Russia after the overthrow of France. Those silly Russian peasants were immediately attracted, plus they had money to take. So each of them put down the hoes in their hands foolishly, approached the barracks, and picked up their rifles.

Although these Russian peasants had no education, they also did not understand any military literacy. Most of them only learned how to shoot and were sent to the front line. But this does not affect their patriotic spirit. In the exciting battle, they even dared to take up their rifles and charged towards the solid firepower of the French army. Even though the people in front had been hit and fell to the ground in pain, they seemed to turn a blind eye to it. As if it had nothing to do with them at all.

"Those Russians are very good soldiers. If they can receive formal military training and be equipped with the same weapons as the French army, then the final winner of this war is still very difficult to determine." This is the second French Marshal Besières, the head of the legion, expressed emotion after watching the battle of the day.

For the performance of the Russians, Bessières gave a high evaluation. He even suggested that Xiao Jie set up a special army composed of Russians after the war. He believed that after being trained by French officers and equipped with sophisticated weapons, this unit would definitely be able to shine.

The only thing to worry about is the loyalty of this army. Of course they can be brainwashed. But to be on the safe side, they should still be put on overseas battlefields. Bessières also said he could assume the role if no suitable commander was willing to command the force.

For this suggestion of Besières. Xiao Jie agreed after thinking for a while. Although after more than ten years of development, France's military resources are still very sufficient. But after the war is over, it will definitely land on the American continent next. At that time, a large number of troops will also be needed. If a large number of Russian troops can be used on the American battlefield, then there must be many young French people who will not die in the war. Many people do not lose children, husbands or fathers. The military is also able to save a lot on pensions.

After discussing with Eke and the others. Xiao Jie immediately planned to recruit 200,000 Russians to form the Russian Army after the war in Eastern Europe ended. And sent a large number of low-level officers to conduct military training on them. After the decisive battle with the United States and Canada begins, they will be used as the vanguard of the French army landing in America. As for the commander of this army, it will be Marshal Bessières who proposed the plan. Of course, he also continued to serve as the commander of the French 2nd Army at the same time. And the French 2nd Army was also stationed with this Russian Army so that it could handle emergencies at any time.

Of course, these are all things to talk about. Before the three Eastern European countries are completely defeated and Eastern Europe is pacified, these are all empty talk.

As the war progressed, the war situation became more and more unfavorable to the three Eastern European countries. Those who had insisted on carrying the war to the end also fought each other because of the extreme unhappiness of the war. I hope to preserve my interests as much as possible.

The strength of the Kingdom of Russia is the weakest among the three Eastern European countries. Although it was only the Iberian 3rd Army that attacked them, it still made them suffer.

King Valentin of the Kingdom of Russia sat blankly on his throne. Because he was on the right team that day, he was able to have a chance to be the king. However, it is a pity that in this war, he was on the wrong team. Therefore, everything he owns now is about to be lost.

Not reconciled, Valentin is very unwilling, he hasn't been a king yet? Asking him to give up the power in his hand is definitely more serious than killing him. Now, he regrets it very much. But there is no regret medicine in the world, and he has no chance to choose again.

"Xenia, what do you think we should do now?" Valentin asked blankly. For some reason, he trusted this woman very much.

"Your Majesty, the current battle situation is very pessimistic. I don't think we can last long." Xenia said. She is an informant. But now the information coming back from various sources shows that the three Eastern European countries are completely hopeless this time.

Valentin hugged his head in pain, **** the already thinning hair. He is deeply aware of France's determination this time, and they have never tolerated betrayers. They will surely send themselves to the gallows. Valentin was terrified just thinking about it.

"Your Majesty, I have a plan. If it succeeds, maybe we can successfully escape the pursuit of France." Xenia said.

"Oh? What's the plan? Come and hear it." Valentin said excitedly, like a drowning man grabbing a straw.

"Your Majesty, we can abandon our current country. Break out to the east. Cross the Ural River. Leave Europe. As long as we have an army in our hands, we can also re-establish a country." Xenia said.

Valentin is also a very thoughtful person. As soon as he heard Xenia tell the plan, he began to calculate the feasibility of the plan in his mind.

If you leave Europe, then France will most likely not pursue it. But this also means that all the wealth in Europe must be given up to start from scratch in Asia.

"Do you decide that we have a chance of success?" Valentin asked, staring at Xenia.

"I'm 50% sure." Xenia said.

"Fifty percent? This is too risky." Valentin hesitated.

"I have another method, which may increase the probability of success by three layers." Xenia said.

"Oh? That's really great, let's talk about it." Valentin said excitedly.

"We can send electricity to the Russian Federal Republic and the Russian Democratic Republic, tell them our plan, and ask them to act with us. At that time, they will definitely attract most of the attention of the French. We will be able to take the opportunity to throw off the French army , across the Ural River," said Xenia.

"This plan is indeed good. But do you think the two old foxes, Leonid and Anatoly, will be fooled? After all, St. Petersburg and Moscow are too far away from Asia. The French army is likely to intercept the vast Eastern European plains. Get them down," said Valentin.

"Yes. This is indeed very difficult for them. But this is their only chance. There is no place for them in Europe now. Except for leaving here, they have to wait to be hanged by the French I think, even if they understand that this is a trap, they will jump into it without because they have no other choice." Xenia laughed.

"Hehe, that's true. I'm not afraid they won't be fooled." Valentin laughed. All the gloomy mood disappeared. "Xenia, dear. You are my lucky star!" Valentin said, holding Xenia's hand. "After we successfully cross the Ural River and establish our own country, I will definitely make you my queen."

Hearing Valentin's assurance, Xenia was overjoyed. She has longed for the title of queen for a long time.

After that, it was inevitable that nights would be long and dreams would be many. Valentin and Xenia acted separately. In his own name, Valentin sent telegrams to both Leonid and Anatoly, inviting them to go to Asia to build a new world. And Xenia went to select elite soldiers and prepare supplies for the expedition. You know, due to the blockade of the French army, Orenburg lacks everything now! Especially weapons, equipment and ammunition are even more pitiful. They can't let their army reach Asia and use rifles without bullets to compete with those nomads for territory.

Both Leonid and Anatoly received Valentin's telegram, and they were cunning, of course they would not think that Valentin would be so kind. But Valentin's proposal really moved them very much. In Europe, they really couldn't stay any longer.

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