Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 483: Disobedience

Chapter 483 Disobedience

There was silence on the battlefield, and the American soldiers were all stunned. It never occurred to them that the gendarmerie would actually shoot at them.

"Those who retreat, die!" a military police colonel said indifferently. It was as if he didn't regard those American soldiers as his comrades-in-arms or his compatriots at all.

"Return to the battlefield immediately, and don't retreat without my order." At this time, Richard also came over.

The soldiers were in an uproar. However, at the gunpoint of the gendarmerie, they did not resist. Although their number is dozens of times that of the gendarmerie. Rather than dying in the hands of the gendarmerie, it would be better to die on the way to charge. Many American soldiers think so. To die at the hands of the gendarmerie can only be regarded as a deserter. And if you die on the way to charge, you are a martyr. The same is death, but there are two completely different consequences. American soldiers are not fools, so they all chose to continue to attack the French army.

This change in the concept of American soldiers immediately increased the pressure on the French army. Although during the US offensive, the losses were very large, and almost every second someone was killed by French soldiers. However, compared with the French army, the US military has an absolute advantage in numbers. Killed one, and countless US troops. Under the fearless attack of the US military, the French army began to suffer casualties, and the defense line became precarious.

After seeing this situation through the telescope, Richard smiled with satisfaction.

"5th Division, attack." Richard ordered. In order to break through the French defense line as soon as possible, Richard once again put a division into the battlefield.

The investment of this division was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, immediately increasing the pressure on the French defense line. Multiple lines of defense were broken through by the U.S. military, and cruel hand-to-hand combat began to be staged on the positions.

Time passed by like this. When it was 11 o'clock in the morning, after the French army repelled the US attack again, the French army had dropped from 10,000 at the beginning to less than 5,000 now. Of course, the casualties they caused to the US military were far greater than this. According to the most conservative estimate, the U.S. military has already paid a price of 20,000 people. However, the U.S. military still has nearly 80,000 people, which is 16 times that of the French army. If the U.S. military launches an offensive again, the French army will definitely no longer be able to withstand the U.S. attack.

When they are anxious. The signal soldiers received a telegram from Davout, asking them to retreat immediately.

After receiving this telegram, almost everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Without the slightest hesitation, the French army withdrew from the position immediately. After all, they are human beings and have a desire to survive.

The sudden withdrawal of the French army was not known to the US military. But when the American soldiers rushed to the French position with anxiety, they found that the French position was empty. After a moment of silence, the U.S. soldiers immediately burst into cheers. After all, the French army is gone, which means that they don't have to worry about being killed.

As for Richard and Dana, after learning about the situation in the French army's position, their expressions turned livid. Because, they have all guessed the reason for the retreat of the French army. There is only one thing that can explain the sudden withdrawal under such fierce fighting conditions, that is, there is no need for them to stay here anymore. In other words, Mike and his troops are finished. There is no need for the French army to stop the US military. Even if they arrived, they couldn't change the facts, they could only collect the bodies of Mike and his army.

"What should we do now? Do we still have to rush to Mike's place?" Dana asked with a wry smile. It's pointless to rush to Mike and the others now. In his opinion, it is better to use this time to pursue the French army. Maybe it will be possible to catch up with the French army, so as to recover a little loss.

"Go. We can't let our soldiers stay in this strange land like this." Richard said helplessly. Compared with the rational Dana, Richard is much more emotional.

Dana nodded. Even if he pursues the French army according to his intention, he may not be able to catch up. If one is not good, it may fall into the trap of the French army again. Then the loss outweighs the gain.

The American troops continued along the Essequibo River, and by 4:00 p.m. they finally arrived at the place where Mike and his army were wiped out by the French. What unfolded in front of them was a scene of hell, with limbs and arms scattered everywhere, and weapons scattered everywhere. The whole area exuded a very strong smell of blood, and even the blood hadn't cooled down.

"Search to see if there are any survivors." Richard said expressionlessly. In fact, he has been deeply blaming himself in his heart. If he hadn't listened to Dana's advice at the beginning, perhaps none of this would have happened. However, it is too late to say anything now.

After a careful search, more than a dozen survivors were found among the dead U.S. troops. However, these survivors were all seriously injured, and the least injured was a broken leg. With the current medical conditions, very, very few of them can survive.

These are all secondary. The most important thing is that the morale of the US military has become extremely low because of what happened to Mike's army. While they are rejoicing, they also feel that death is so close to them. There is already a shadow in the hearts of these soldiers. Even if they go to the battlefield again, they may not be able to exert their maximum combat effectiveness.

In this case, Richard had to order the withdrawal of troops. Withdraw to Georgetown for rest. Otherwise, it is uncertain whether the soldiers will mutiny because of excessive fear. In that case, their losses will be even more serious.

The news that Richard's army was severely damaged spread throughout the U.S. and Canadian troops participating in the attack on the Guyana plateau in a very short period of time. Almost at the time of receiving this news, all the troops stopped attacking. Some timid ones even started to retreat. They all fear the same consequences as Richard's army. After all, among the many armies that besieged the Guyana Plateau, Richard's army was the most powerful. Even if they are not opponents of the French army, let alone them. Keeping your own life is the most important thing.

Similarly, Cavenster and the others also got the news that Richard's army had been hit hard. When they received the news, the faces of the three of them turned pale. They never thought that the battle would be so difficult. Nearly 50,000 men were lost at the very beginning of the fighting, so that the siege of the Guiana plateau was forced to collapse as the eastern armies retreated.

And at this time, Cavenster had no choice but to call Richard an idiot. At the same time, he had to find a way to hide the news. Otherwise, if it reaches Washington, he will be out of luck. 50,000 people is not a small number. Besides, he was disobeying orders. If Washington wanted to deliberately embarrass him, he could even be sent to a military court directly.

Although Cavenster tried every means to delay. However, there is no impenetrable wall in the world. Paper cannot contain fire. The news that Cavenster sent troops without authorization and caused heavy damage to the US military still reached Washington.

To this end, Adams called the members of the cabinet and called an emergency meeting to discuss this matter. At the meeting, everyone was very angry that Cavenster did not obey Washington's order and sent troops without authorization, causing the US military to suffer heavy losses. Zominsk even proposed to depose Cavenster from his position and order the military police to arrest him and return him to Washington for court-martial. Henry, the head of the War Department, also expressed strong support for this.

However, Secretary of State Brandon objected to this. His reasons are also very good. We are now in a very critical moment. Removing Cavenster at this time will inevitably cause instability in the army. It will even make Cavenster take a risk. After all, the whole of South America is still under the control of Cavenster. If Washington's makes him rebel, then in South America, no one will be able to restrain him. Cavenster has been operating in South America for so many years, and his confidants have already almost controlled the military and political power in South America.

Both parties were at loggerheads, and in the end, the decision was handed over to Adams.

After consideration, Adams chose a more compromised decision. That is to give Cavenster a certain punishment, but let him still serve as the supreme commander of the US military in South America. After deliberation, a decision on the punishment of Cavenster was finally formed. In view of Cavester's mistake this time, Washington reduced his rank to lieutenant general. However, he still commands the American and Canadian armies in South America. However, Washington once again emphasized that the attack on the French First Army must be stopped. Without Washington's order, no attack on the French First Army is allowed, and only defense can be adopted.

After Washington's resolution spread to South America, Cavenster was greatly relieved. As for the rank being reduced to lieutenant general, he didn't care at all. In South America, it is basically his world. Even if he changed his rank to marshal, no one would be able to control him. The premise is that among the military ranks of the US military, there must be a marshal level. And Washington's order to stop him from attacking the French 1st Army, he will not obey even more. It's not his style at all if he suffers a loss and doesn't get it back. Washington's order was thrown aside by him, and he still forced the troops to continue to march towards the Guyana Plateau as planned.

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