Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 525: Surrender without ammunition

"Send a report to General Howard! Tell the 7th Army to speed up, and no matter what, they must block the American and Canadian troops! In addition, let the 12th Army also speed up their march, and come up quickly." Bride ordered. Although everyone is the head of the army, he is the field marshal of the empire, and Howard is just the general of the army. Moreover, the General Staff also appointed him to take full command of this battle.

"Obey! Your Excellency the Marshal!" the staff officer immediately took orders.

The U.S. and Canadian forces responded faster than Bryde expected. But this is also understandable. After all, the French 4th Army stayed in London for several days. As long as Davis is not a fool, he can feel that something is wrong. The United States and Canada have been operating in the United Kingdom for two or three years, and I am afraid that as long as there is a little trouble, they will not be able to hide it from them. [bsp;However, Bride is not worried that Davis and the 300,000 troops will escape. The entire 3rd Legion, more than 600,000 French troops, plus hundreds of thousands of British troops, can crush Davis and the others to death. Moreover, the U.S. and Canadian navies have been severely damaged, and it is impossible to support them in a short period of time. In addition, if you want to take all the nearly 300,000 people away, you will need a large number of ships. The United States and Canada will definitely not be able to do it. The 300,000 US-Canadian coalition forces will only become a féirou in the mouth of the French army.

"Send a report to the British as well! Let them hold the Americans back no matter what. If they show color, we will properly consider increasing their armaments after the war. After all, the world is too big to rely on France can’t afford it either, so it’s good to have an ally.” Bride was in a good mood, and gave the order again. It's just that he promised to consider increasing Britain's armaments, these are just nonsense, and he has no right to do that. But in order to stimulate the fighting spirit of the British, we can only make a promise like this first.

Everything Bryde did was to stop the American and Canadian armies at the border between western England and Wales. This area is relatively narrow, which is conducive to the French army's encirclement and annihilation of them. If they were allowed to escape to the Scottish region in the back, it would be more troublesome to wipe them out. France, on the other hand, doesn't seem to have that much time and energy. Moreover, what worries Bride the most is that if he is dragged in England and cannot realize his dream of leading an army to land in America again, it will be miserable. So, by all means, get Davis and his troops out as soon as possible.

In order to get rid of the French pursuers and gain a broader strategic space, Davis led 15 divisions of the US-Canada allied forces. After breaking through the interception of the British army, they fled desperately to the north of the UK. But they carried a large amount of luggage, especially those captured by the British army, which greatly limited their speed.

"General, why don't we throw away these luggage, or we will be caught up by the French sooner or later." Siméng said worriedly.

Davis shook his head: "The navy is defeated. I'm afraid we won't be able to get supplies for a long time. These supplies, we have to rely on these supplies to last for several months or even longer." It's all on the verge of breaking out. Davis believes that before long, the two sides will launch a real decisive battle at sea. If you win, all kinds of supplements will come in a steady stream. If they fail, they will have to fight to the death or surrender. There is no second way to go.

"Then how do we deal with the British who are catching up? Those shameful traitors, I don't know how they did it, did they use so much effort? If they had behaved like this when attacking the Isle of Wight, maybe we have already taken It's off to the Isle of Wight. The situation won't be so passive anymore." Simeng said with a look of hatred. He seemed to have forgotten that a few years ago, he also went to Canada from England, and these British people were of the same species as him.

Bride's "commitment" to the United Kingdom has taken effect. The Secretary of the Interior, Edward, personally rushed to the front line to block the British troops of the US-Canadian coalition forces. Almost all of them were the Royal Guards, and Edward was their immediate boss. Both George IV and the British government put pressure on him, asking him to do his best to hold back the US-Canadian coalition forces. Let the French see that the British army still has a strong combat effectiveness.

Therefore, under Edward's strict order, nearly 20 divisions of the British Guards, after being held back by the US-Canadian coalition forces, pursued frantically. The combat power shown is also completely different from before. It's unbelievable that they are the same army.

"Leave the blocking troops!" Davis thought for a moment, then said. Although he has presided over the work of the navy all the year round, he is not ignorant of land warfare. On the contrary, he is superior in strategic vision.

Siméng was silent. Blocking troops means that they will face several times the number of enemies, that they will be trapped in a tight siege, and that they are close to death.

"That's it, leave two divisions to stop the enemy. The other troops, march north quickly!" Davis made a decisive decision.

American soldiers from two divisions were choued out. They will stop the pursuers on the north bank of the Wye River, and at least fight for 5 days for the main force. After 5 days, they will retreat on their own.

At this time, the U.S. military has a strong national consciousness. Although they know it is death, almost no one refuses. After watching the main force leave, they began to build defensive positions. Because they know that they not only have to face the British, but also the more powerful French.

Davis was on the horse, watching the soldiers building the position with tears in his eyes. War means that people die. Their sacrifice will save more lives. Therefore, their sacrifice was worth it. Generals such as Davis and Siméng, after solemnly saluting the soldiers, headed north quickly.

The blocking battle soon started. The two divisions left by the U.S. Army were fiercely attacked by more than a dozen divisions of the British Army. Although the combat effectiveness of the British army is slightly weaker, and the will to fight is not very firm, but at this time, the numerical advantage has already determined the outcome. In the first day of fighting alone, the U.S. military has lost more than half. On the second day, although the British army seemed a little weak-willed due to the huge casualties, they still suffered a lot of casualties. On the third day, they had no chance. The 4th French Army arrived. Bryde ordered the artillery division to launch a fierce shelling on the US defense line. Then two divisions were organized to attack.

The U.S. Army, which suffered heavy casualties, could not withstand the attack of the British Army at all. The first round of the French charge broke through their positions. In the end, only a hundred or so U.S. troops from the two divisions were captured, and the rest were all killed in battle.

Bryde handed over the task of cleaning the battlefield to the British Army, and left two divisions to guard the artillery division, and then led the remaining 10 infantry divisions to advance lightly. Anyway, the U.S.-Canadian coalition forces also lack artillery. Even if there is no artillery division, the French army has stronger firepower than them.

At the same time, the French 7th Army also went all the way. When they set out from London, they forcibly collected a large number of horses and carriages. Priority was given to equipping two divisions and allowing them to advance quickly.

On August 2, Chester, a city in western England. Although Davies left blocking troops, they were stopped here by the 7th French Army. Although these are only the vanguard two divisions of the French 7th Army, and the main force is still 100 kilometers away, this is enough to stop the advance of the US military.

Davis organized the army and launched an attack. But it was impossible to break through the French defense line. If the stalemate continues, the US-Canadian coalition forces will only be surrounded by the main force of the French army that came later, and then annihilated.

After discussing with Siméng, Davis immediately gave up his plan to go north, and ordered the entire army to immediately break away from contact with the French army and turn westward. They eventually crossed the Cumbria Mountains and arrived at the coastal city of Bangor on the Irish Sea. On the other side of a narrow strait is the Isle of Anglesey.

Davis ordered the troops to build a position in Bangor to stop the French army, and to collect ships to cross the strait and land on Anglesey Island.

The island of Anglesey is small, but if they can board more troops, they will be able to rely on it and stick to it. Until the ammunition and food are exhausted.

On August 6, both the French 4th and 7th Army held off Bangor. At this time, there were less than 80,000 US-Canada allied forces crossing the strait.

But at this time, their fate has been decided. The Channel Fleet appeared on the scene. They bombarded Anglesey while blocking the channel. Cooperating with the French 4th and 7th Corps, they launched a fierce attack on the US-Canadian forces still stranded in The French army concentrated a large amount of artillery fire, especially the naval guns, which gave the US-Canadian forces A lot of damage.

At the critical moment, Godfrey arrived with the remaining warships of the US fleet. Their sudden appearance repelled the French fleet. He took over 20,000 to 30,000 troops to land on Anglesey Island, and left part of the luggage on the island. Then retreated.

Davis also retreated with the fleet, and Siméng became the commander of the US-Canadian coalition forces on Anglesey. This was an order from the joint command established by the United States and Canada. Davis' strengths lie in the navy. If he is trapped on Anglesey, it will undoubtedly be a great loss to the United States. Therefore, Adams personally gave Godfrey the order to bring Davis back to the United States no matter what.

Siméng led nearly 100,000 American and Canadian allied forces to confront the French army on Anglesey, but France did not land. After leaving a small number of troops in Bangor, they blocked the island of Anglesey with a fleet, intending to trap them to death on the island.

In the end, at the end of the year, Siméng led the last 60,000 skinny and defeated soldiers to surrender to the French army. At this time, the decisive battle at sea is over. France won the naval battle.

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