Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 552: Abandon the car to protect the handsome

Covering the capital ship's retreat means that for many cruisers and destroyers, they will face a powerful enemy alone and desperately stop each other. But now, the French fleet has the absolute upper hand. After the French Channel Fleet and the South Atlantic Fleet converge, not only the quality of the warships surpasses the US Combined Fleet, but they are also far ahead in terms of quantity. This is not only manifested in the duel of capital ships, but also in cruisers and destroyers.

In the past, before the arrival of the South Atlantic Fleet, the U.S. Combined Fleet could still deal with the Strait Fleet by virtue of its numerical superiority. However, as the Straits Fleet persisted until the South Atlantic Fleet arrived, the offense and defense suddenly stopped.

For the US Combined Fleet, the best chance has passed. If the French Channel Fleet was ignored in the morning and retreated to the north, it might be impossible for the French Fleet to encircle and annihilate them. However, Harold saw his own advantages and wanted to defeat the French Channel Fleet. In the end, not only did he lose himself, but the U.S. Navy also had to pay a heavy price for it. [bsp;After receiving the order from Godfrey, the remaining cruisers and destroyers of the United States United Fleet were silent for a while, and then began to accelerate towards the French battleship.

From the beginning of the battle to the present, the US Combined Fleet has a total of 150 cruisers and destroyers. In terms of number, it is dozens of ships ahead of the French Channel Fleet, but now, there are only less than 100 ships left. In less than a day, a full third of the battle sank. The loss of the French Channel Fleet was relatively minor. After the addition of the South Atlantic Fleet, it also has a clear advantage in terms of numbers.

The entire surface of the sea has become a mess, with burning warships everywhere, some of which are slowly sinking into the bottom of the sea, and some of which have only some waste floating on the surface of the sea.

In terms of naval guns, the difference between the U.S. Navy and the French Navy is not one star and a half. Only when they close the distance between the two sides can they fight more accurately and ruthlessly. But similarly, the hit rate of the French Navy will also be greatly improved.

In doing this, the U.S. Navy is completely desperate to hurt the enemy at the expense of itself. In this way, to achieve the purpose of blocking the French navy. If the capital ship of the US Navy wants to escape, the high-speed destroyer is undoubtedly their worst enemy. Only American cruisers and destroyers can hold back their opponents, so the possibility of them escaping safely is very high. Although the French capital ships are faster than them, they are limited after all. Besides, it will be dark in two hours now, and once it gets dark, they will be safe.

The French fleet was a little confused by the sudden attack of the American fleet. They did not expect that the American fleet would be so desperate. In almost all French concepts, Americans are greedy for life and afraid of death. Unexpectedly, they would have such a heroic day.

All of a sudden, several warships were hit, a raging fire was ignited, and thick smoke rushed straight into the sky. Then, a fierce counterattack was also launched. The Americans dared to go all out, how could the heroic French soldiers be afraid of them.

The battle on the sea has completely heated up. Bullets were flying across the sea, and torpedoes were shuttled under the sea.

Battleships were constantly being hit and sank. In order to deal with the strong counterattack of the American fleet, the French fleet directly used all the torpedoes that were originally used against capital ships. It's just that cruisers and destroyers are faster and can easily avoid torpedo attacks. However, this also stalled the US fleet's offensive. Sometimes, unexpected receipts may also be obtained. Since there are too many warships gathered in this area, perhaps the original target was not hit, but hit other warships instead. Of course, South America will also cause fratricide.

"What's going on with the Americans? Are you ready to go all out?" Hercules put down the telegram in his hand and said softly. The fierce battle between cruisers and destroyers also attracted his attention. This seems a bit unusual.

Now, there are only 6 US battleships left, while the French Channel Fleet and the South Atlantic Fleet add up to ten ships, which are in an absolute advantage.

"Damn it, the Americans want to escape. Immediately send a report to Bennett, asking him to keep an eye on the movement of the American battleship. The other party may want to escape. Hmph! It's not too late to think of fleeing at this time." Is it too late?" Hercules said coldly.

Now, although the five battleships of the Strait Fleet have been scarred, they still have the power to fight. They are biting the remaining six battleships of the United States United Fleet, and cooperate with the five battleships of the South Atlantic Fleet. It launched a brutal strangulation.

At present, the capital ship of the United States United Fleet is also scarred, at least from the perspective of the superstructure. The worst ship 'Ohio', the entire superstructure has been smashed, and it looks completely black. But in reality, it didn't do much damage.

"Start! Spread out and rush out of the encirclement of the French!" Godfrey saw that the cruiser and destroyer had already entangled the opponent, and immediately issued an order to retreat. The six capital ships of the United States United Fleet began to turn around one after another. They quickly turned their bows and rushed to the depths of the ocean. With the road back to the north already blocked, it is undoubtedly the best plan to rush into the ocean and go north after dark.

Moreover, the 6 warships choose different directions. In order to preserve the battleship, the US fleet has exhausted all means.

The actions of the US fleet also exceeded the expectations of the French fleet. It was completely unexpected that they would retreat so simply. Are the cruisers and destroyers in the back all gone?

Both Hercules and Bennett immediately ordered the destroyers to pursue the escaped American warship. But at this time, it was discovered that almost all the destroyers were entangled, and they couldn't be adjusted at all. Only then did they understand why the cruisers and destroyers of the US fleet worked so hard. At the same time, I also admire their actions.

In desperation, Hercules and Bennett respectively gave orders for capital ships to pursue. The 10 capital ships were divided into 6 directions and chased after them respectively. Although the speed is a bit faster than the opponent, it is still difficult to sink the opponent in a one-on-one situation. And, it's going to be dark soon. After dark, the US fleet can easily use the night to escape.

A big battle ended like this. Although in the follow-up pursuit, the "Ohio" of the US Combined Fleet was sunk and the "Huron" was injured, but was still escaped by the opponent. The first battle failed to do its best.

As night fell, the brutal direct battle between cruisers and destroyers came to an end. After being unable to catch up with the five capital ships of the U.S. Combined Fleet, Hercules and Bennett both cast their anger on these warships. If there is the cooperation of destroyers, maybe all 5 capital ships of the opponent can be kept.

Another purpose is that the loss of warships can be replenished quickly, but the loss of skilled sailors is not so easy to replenish. A qualified sailor needs at least several years of training to become an excellent soldier. Therefore, killing these cruisers and destroyers can also consume the strength of the US Navy to a large extent.

When it was dark, there were only more than 20 American destroyers and cruisers on the sea, and almost all of them were injured. As for the French fleet, there are still hundreds of ships. Surround them all on the vast sea.

In the end, with no hope of escape, the remaining US fleet chose to surrender. For them, their task has been well done. Now that the capital ship has withdrawn, there is no need for them to fight any longer. In their view, it is normal for them to save their own lives when they must die.

"Open the sea valve! Then! Get on the lifeboat!" The captains of many American warships issued this order. As far as they are concerned, the war is over and they have done what they can. The rest has nothing to do with them.

For these American soldiers who surrendered, the French fleet imprisoned them all, and they will stay in the prisoner-of-war camp until the end of the war. They will get the tomahawk treatment they deserve, and will not be sent to do coolies like those who were caught before. They will be respected for what they do on the battlefield.

The French Channel Fleet and the South Atlantic Fleet left all the severely damaged The remaining warships that still had the power to fight the First World War regrouped and then rushed northward quickly. Tomorrow, in the north, there will be another fierce naval battle. 10 battered battleships, surrounded by dozens of cruisers and destroyers, sailed north.

Hercules quickly reported the battle report to the French Navy Ministry. At the same time, it was also notified to the Mediterranean Fleet and the Atlantic Fleet.

However, this brought a new change to the battle situation. Only 5 battleships left in the U.S. Combined Fleet escaped, and the rest of the warships were either sunk or surrendered, temporarily losing their threat to the French Navy. But at the same time, this also made it unnecessary for the several fleets going south from the mainland of the United States to continue going south. They can return to the continental United States quickly.

Therefore, the French Admiralty quickly ordered the Atlantic Fleet and the Mediterranean Fleet to move northward quickly. Instead of waiting for the U.S. fleet, take the initiative.

The order was issued, and the two fleets, with a total of more than 200 warships, set sail one after another and headed for the Lesser Antilles. The US South Fleet is probably in that position. In order not to miss it, the French fleet sent a large number of destroyers to serve as scout ships.

Similarly, whether to continue going south has also troubled the US Navy.

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