Chapter 107


19. European Summit – 4

Goodwill could hide the most treacherous minds. This was because people had the instinct to take advantage for themselves at critical moments.

Therefore, the people who made up society admired others who did things out of goodwill and supported their work. They respected them because they knew how much courage and sacrifice these people had made.

However, it was rare for a ‘good man’ to be respected until the end. This was because when the last moment came, people betrayed him by drawing out their ugly inner selfishness. That was right. In other words, the act of respecting goodwill was ultimately human hypocrisy.

However, if one thought about this the other way around, it could be a new key to leading the game. And Napoleon never intended to make a noble sacrifice for a great cause.

The ringing of the clock announcing 6 p.m. broke his thoughts. Napoleon talked to Baron Fain while the tailor and his servants were meticulously checking his clothes, decorations, hair, and makeup.

“I guess it’s almost time. Did you say that all the people to whom we sent an invitation arrived at the palace?”

“Yes, Your Majesty! There were a few country leaders from the Confederation of the Rhine that notified of their absence due to physical illness or unavoidable circumstances, but most did not reject the Empire’s request.”

“Not everyone would have welcomed this event.”

“That’s right, Your Majesty. However, the list was hardly different from the expectations of the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs.”

Napoleon and the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs had asked all European countries to attend.

Among them, there were cases where monarchs or leaders were too old or seriously ill to move, and they explained their circumstances in advance and sought understanding from the Empire.

Napoleon was not that inflexible, so they could resolve the situation by sending representatives in their stead.

‘However, there were some that did not fall under this case and did not want to recognize the hegemony of the Empire.’

Britain, of course, had no intention of participating in this French-led order, and France had not even sent it an invitation at all as it had no expectations to receive a positive answer. The two countries were in full swing, reminiscent of the current quasi-war situation. Napoleon ordered strict surveillance of the British embassy.

An invitation was sent to the Ottoman Empire, but they made it clear that they would not attend. However, it was not because of the bad relationship with France, but because of the Ottoman internal situation.

Since France invaded Egypt, Ottoman had lost control of it. In the meantime, the Governor of Egypt, Muhammad Ali[1], was taking his own independent route after seizing the military power, intensifying the confrontation with the Ottoman central government.

The wind of nationalism and independence blowing in the Balkans was also a factor that bothered them. Threatened by national changes and internal stability, they could not afford to intervene in Europe’s affairs.

For similar reasons, Spain and Portugal also declared their absence from the banquet. Instead, they sent high-ranking representatives to save face. The real problems were Russia and Sweden.

“Let’s go.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

They seemed determined not to withdraw the guns aimed at France in the end. Napoleon had no intention of showing mercy to those who refused even his last hand.


The central hall of the Rohan Palace boasted a quarter of the entire building, excluding annex palaces and gardens.

On top of that, an open double-story structure was formed around the inside of the hall, and indoor terraces were connected to each floor in the east, west, north, and south directions, allowing a significantly larger number of people to enter the hall than what could be expected from the outside.

Nevertheless, the central hall of the Rohan Palace was crowded with so many people that it looked like a market. Even though the door of the hall was opened, a considerable number of people were currently outside the palace.

“Well, we have certainly delivered our requirements to each country, recommending that leaders should only be accompanied by attendants and a minimum number of cabinet members. But one by one, we have been asked to make an exception for a few people, and now… I apologize, Your Majesty.”

Officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of the Administration, who had suffered a lot while preparing for the grand banquet, bowed their heads to Napoleon with sorry faces. Napoleon decided not to think much of it.

A party was just a party. If the number of people increased more than expected, it would be more crowded. Of course, there was a separate place for serious national discussions.

“I’m ready.”

Baron Fain bowed his head at Napoleon’s words. The baron sent a signal to the servants of the court.

“His Majesty the Emperor of France is entering! Distinguished guests, please stop what you are doing and show courtesy!”

It was time for the host of the party to appear.


The eyes of countless people from all over Europe, who were enjoying the party, changed in a moment when the French imperial court servant shouted in a loud voice.

Finally, was the person who led this huge game going to appear? Along with the horn’s unique musical instrument sound, the sound of flute and drum rang in the central hall of the Rohan Palace.

The court music played when an emperor or king entered was a little lighter and more colorful for the French Emperor than for other European rulers.

When the court music ended with a flute’s solo, a historical giant dressed in white and blue clothes appeared.

The Emperor of the French Empire was standing on a three-story podium made of marble. His eyes, looking down from a high place while wearing a laurel crown, were those of the absolute monarch ruling Europe.

“What will the French Emperor say?”

“Well… Probably the usual speech? Thank you for attending the banquet and brightening up the place, we all have to work hard to protect this era of fragile peace, etc.”

“Criticism against Britain cannot be left out.”

No matter how much the justification to work for peace and Europe’s future was used, the fact that this was a place to glorify the prestige of the French Empire had not changed. Diplomatic delegations from countries other than France were only good decorations in the end. Their cynical tone was unavoidable.

On the other hand, the invited celebrities were looking at Napoleon with sparkling star-like eyes. What kind of words would this huge person say and what topic would he raise at this banquet?

“Europe is a continent that leads the world, and all mankind.”

The Emperor’s first words were unexpected. There were many stories to talk about with European talents, but now he hurriedly brought up something completely unexpected.

“Many studies, ideas, technologies, institutions, and rights born in Europe have greatly changed the world and have now created a lifestyle for mankind. In the future, countries on other continents will also learn and imitate the advancement of Europe, and the European lifestyle will remain universal for mankind. Europe can be seen as a teacher who leads the world and teaches mankind as a whole.”

It was a terribly European-centered way of thinking. Therefore, it was possible to stimulate and inspire those who gathered here in the Rohan Palace. Because they were all from European countries.

“We will declare a step that has never been taken in the history of mankind, the pursuit of future harmony determined by peace and common values through reconciliation and concession. No one knows whether this will be the Holy Grail or a poisoned grail. Nevertheless, the guests who had the courage to gather here deserve to be called true Europeans.”

Europe was leading humanity and the world. The people gathered here had been chosen. That was why they deserved a great challenge. They should unite to challenge the utopia that mankind had dreamed of.

The Emperor of the French Empire Napoleon Bonaparte was saying this. Applause was heard from European celebrities. However, Napoleon raised his hand to stop it.

“Please continue to enjoy the banquet. We haven’t achieved anything yet. Praise will have to go back to everyone here after the meeting is over and the Council is formed.”

He must have left a strong impression in the minds of those who saw him for the first time. This was the name of the era, Napoleon.


The schedule for the Strasbourg banquet was as follows. It would begin with a party running day and night from today to December 31, and with New Year’s events on January 1.

Of course, the party would continue even during the talks, and all guests would be able to hear the progress and results of the talks in real time.

Outside the palace, there were media outlets from European countries for coverage. Reporters had even brought military tents to settle close to the palace.

Like this, they would be able to immediately write the breaking news about the banquet or the talks as a manuscript and hand it over to their newspaper companies. As such, the Strasbourg banquet was receiving unprecedented attention.

“It was a touching and heart-warming speech! Your Majesty’s remarks will remain as an eternal myth in Europe and be recorded as the hope of human history!”

These were the words of the King of Saxony, Friedrich August I.[2] Among the members of the Confederation of the Rhine, he was the most enthusiastic person to Napoleon. It was very burdensome to see tears in his eyes.

“Thank you. The role of the Kingdom of Saxony will be very important in the talks.”

“The Empire is the parent country of our Kingdom. His Majesty is undoubtfully a hero in France and even in the entire Europe. We will do our best to meet your expectations!”

Saxony was one of the four kingdoms that existed in the Confederation of the Rhine, and it was the second largest after the Kingdom of Bavaria.

Napoleon, well aware of its importance, promised him and his kingdom enough compensation. He looked blind, but he was a clever man who knew what he was going to get.

After Friedrich August I, Napoleon met a comrade whom he had not seen in a long time.

“I salute Your Majesty, the Great Emperor of the Empire! Your Majesty may not know how happy I was to hear the success of the Empire from afar.”

Karl von Württemberg, the younger brother and representative of the King of Württemberg, who was sick, attended the Strasbourg banquet.[3]

He was also the general who had commanded the French troops disguised as the army of the Confederation of the Rhine at the Battle of Hrodna.

“It has been a while. Is it the first time we meet since then?”

“That’s right, Your Majesty! I still remember it vividly. The overwhelming moment when we cut off the Slavs’ beards with brave French warriors.”

Napoleon grinned.

The Battle of Hrodna was a battle that would be deeply remembered even in the history of war. It must have been a big event for Karl von Württemberg that he would never experience again.

The Kingdom of Württemberg was able to obtain the fruit of a sweet victory thanks to its good line-up without betraying France even at the decisive moment.

Of course, it would actively support France this time after having such an experience. In addition, Napoleon, accompanied by his attendants, met with the monarchs and decision makers of states that could become faithful allies. The banquet itself was like a preliminary tour for the upcoming talks.

Before coming to Strasbourg, most of them had worked with a group of experts from their home country to set up a diplomatic route, but depending on the atmosphere here, modifications and corrections could be made.

Therefore, Napoleon exchanged greetings with friendly people once and shook hands to confirm their support. Of course, he also had to meet with a smile on his face those who did not want to come.

“I never thought you would come here yourself. Didn’t you have a lot of regret for your country?”

“I’m sure you’ve heard this before? It doesn’t matter how veterans feel. For my country and His Majesty, it’s my mission as the Prince of Wahlstatt to be a loyal dog that can bow on the ground at any time.”

The man, so belligerent that he was called Prussia’s ‘Marshal Forwards’, was staring at Napoleon with his bewildered eyes. The relationship between Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher and Napoleon was not good in the other world, and it seemed to be the same here.

Napoleon’s attendants and escort officers gave fierce glances at Blücher’s disrespectful appearance. Tensions arose between France and Prussia. Napoleon was tempted to tease this fiery and simple man, but when he saw Friedrich Wilhelm III fidgeting beside him, he decided to give up on the idea.

“Prussia is the shield that protects Europe’s periphery from the Slavs. The King must have a loyal servant.”

“…Thank you very much.”

“However, I think that his leash is a little loose.”

Friedrich Wilhelm III’s face became paler, and Blücher’s lips twitched. Europe’s periphery… This meant that Russia and Sweden in the east and north would no longer be regarded as Europe.

Prussian Prime Minister Hardenberg looked as if he had realized the truth hidden in the Emperor’s words. However, Napoleon’s interest, which caused a small stir in Prussia’s delegation, was already directed to another side. The eyes of the people gathered in the central hall turned to a single place.

As if drawing concentric circles, the people around them stepped down, leaving some space centered on the two factions. As if they were inaccessible. The ruler of a country that was also called an empire along with the French Empire was waiting for Napoleon. It was Franz I, the Emperor of the Austrian Empire.[4]

He was followed by the Austrian Foreign Minister Klemens von Metternich, head of the court Josef von Mercier, and Karl Ludwig.[5] Facing them, Napoleon walked toward them.

“It’s been a while since I last saw you, Emperor of the Austrian Empire. How have you been?”

“…Long time no see, Emperor of the French Empire.”

The two emperors faced each other.

TL notes

[1] Muhammad Ali of Egypt

[2] Frederick Augustus I of Saxony

[3] The King of Württemberg William I, his younger brother Prince Paul Heinrich Karl

[4] Franz I

[5] Klemens von Metternich, Archduke Charles

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