Napoleon in 1812

Chapter 66 - 11. Operation Sickle - 4

Chapter 66



11. Operation Sickle – 4

An hour before France’s Middle Guard began massacres in the reed forest.

There were push-and-pull skirmch and the coalition forces south of the Arlanzón River. Between the townes, there were opens and hilltitudes. The solmies repeatances and retreats at the command of officers, the plaes.

“Step down!”

A brutal gunfion ensued. In the werasslands of theses and wounded led up. The soldiers standing in the front row and pointin faces full of grim determar. This was whatd about battntrymen:

‘There are only twall the enemies in front of youmy.’

However, on actual battles.

Infantry lincause few soldiers could maintain their mental and fighting power. Therefore, after a few rounds of shooting, they retreated ane to recover, they could dying.

Napoleon changed the process and made it.

When they fired whiled forward and led thend form a opposite when theack. Napoleon made the time of exposure to theattalions.

Thanks to this, men were able to carry ou suffering relatively lightthe front line line.

It was difficult to reduce the total amount osure on the soldiers and saving time for maintenance of the unit, it eventually led to a rise in power itself.

This was why the French did not fall be Allies had special weapons and special soldiers that the French did not have.

The fire from the reeir aim shot force non-commissioned they had difficulty.

It was nosh Baker rifle, Fraced a rifle called the Verw how to handle was that Nabot, the source of the production of the rifle becaustion process, expensive.

‘I will make sure again. I will creal unit bettish and marest.’

It was difficult to distinguish the dark, so it could not be helped.

“The food squadrons when the French hit our troops, we’ll have to fight a difficult battle.”

“The golden words said, the rear is also dangerous, so it would be better to run.”

“You’re putting the heavy squadron together? Where in the world? We should rather split up!…”

The overall situation across the peninsula, and now they had to unwillingly retreat from the battlefield against the decision was ultimately up to the commander. But he if something unexpected were to happen. The soldiers who were the recapture of Madrid, talking about a lot of them were probably thinking about returning to their and reuniting.

Since the atmosphere had completed all preparations for the retreat.

Usually, the coalition forces wouldowed because they did it secretly not to get caught by their enemy. At this point, Wellesley and the other relieved at the thought pressure.

There was still about an launching an offensive in the dark before dawn. Of course, the Allied had prepared a lot to stop them but… the best was to leave.

The sudden sound of artillery fire from the other side of the Arlanzón River was enough to freeze all Allied soldiers. But did they not make preparations for the above situation in the first place?

At Wellesley’s command, persed the artillery shoe where else. There were also others. As soon as the shelling stopped, left the main unit.

These were Napoughts, as he looked at thicers withdrawinoting of the British French and Allied forces had been searching for gaps in their opponents, seeking even a littorable terrain.

Napoleon looked at the long lines of the two armies with a telescope and figure was the tike action. If pressate, he could gain an advantack. Now was the the deployment of batteries.

“Why on earth cannons so slow!?”

“I’m sorry!”

There was an accident in which 24-pound canno attempt to transporte riverge. Frowning, Napoleon deci their place with lightons.

“They heavy.”

These were words.

The coarces had brieflassed by the surprise nit led by Louist. To block theiad of dealing with.

The reserve forcep between the main forces of thts right wing, and coout head-on. This created a natural battle line, which could guarantee the security of the right side of the Allies.

They showed finished a confident expression on his face.

Napoleon entrusted his Corps. For a fierce artillery shelling attack, they were deploying the advantage of the coalition.

“I trust you.”

As if he had been waiting for these words, Perrine smiled.


Marshal Perrillery with a solemn expression, ordered.

150,000 cannons fired.

It was impossible respond quickly, as if the French would deplr and fire at them. Like a field of corn that bison roamed through, the rows of ened.

The coalinders could take coamage was reduced a little thanksue thin battle formation.

“Marshal! The firsssful! Many French cannons them to blow!”

“I know it from each battalion!”

“However, this is the first time for our artillery to handle cannons this close to the enemy… A lot of officers are anxious.”

The lieutenant was not wrong. It was one of the worries that Perrin had as well.

Currently, the battery was only about 600 to 700 meters away from the enemy line. The artillery shelling from this close could massively wipe out the enemy with its destructive power, but it could not be denied that the entire battery was exposed to a huge risk.

The enemies could reach the battery in only five minutes if they were properly determined.

The distance between the battery and the enemy was even shorter than the distance between the battery and the French main forces, showing how bold he not be able to cope with the little tricks of his enemies? You don’t have to worry about anything. Behind us is the great Emperor watching.

This was because change, as did serving him for a long time. Starting with his personality, speech, and habits, his Emperor had really changed a lot.

Among these changes, something from the expedition. In particular, his ability using trick the enemy’s mind was one of the most unusual features that previously.

Now the Emperor did. It was because he believed and answered no matter what.

The French artillery was firing excitedly, using their superior number of cannons. But they were also carefully firing their cannons, and soon noticed.

“The troops in front of us are changing the unit, preparing to be deployed to capture the battery there.”

At the words of a staff officer, Perrine confirmed it with her own eyes. Through the lens of her telescope, she could see soldiers lining up with the artillery officers were anxious, but Perrine’s faith remained.

“This is an order from the Marshal! The French are expected to deploy large infantry battalions to take pellets and explosive bullets!”

It was the words of a messenger riding a horse.

Perrine asked him.

“Did the Emperor mention other units that could protect the battery?”

“His Majesty only added that Marshal Bessières was preparing for a ‘heroic counterattack’…”

Perrine just grinned without answering. That was what she had been waiting for.

“With this one move, my Corps will lose its power.”

Napoleon, of course, could certainly push them away if he took the baton himself and ran with all his heart. This battle could lead to victory. However, if that happened, they would have to bear enormous damage that would overshadow their victory. To that extent, the current defense posture of the Wellesley Corps was solid.

Napoleon had proved to be right numerous times even though he might take strange decisions. Napoleon, packing his luggage and climbing onto his horse, was thinking of Arthur Wellesley, his rival in this battle, who might be leading his troops passionately on the other side.

It was the emergence of the French.


Allied forces begun to advance.

Because they had lost a good location to use artillery to the French, forward battery and firing their cannons back through this mess.

“Let’s try to get here!”

Perrine’s exclamation was not a bluff. Cannons armed with pellets were able to show a truly destructive power at a short distance.

Pellets, which threw dozens of smaller iron bullets, were an excellent explosive ballistic weapon against infantry. Explosive bullets with bullets that required to calculate distances to set the time of explosion and shoot. Accurately calculating a bullet to explode just over the sharp fragments and pieces of steel in the bullet were pouring out in all directions.

Its power was such that it turned the body tissues of the people who were within the scope of the damage into small pieces of English, Spanish, and Portuguese resonated desperately. Perrine’s battery fired again.

There were soldiers who survived. Of course, their faces were imbued with a deep fear from which they could not escape.

“The British cavalry is moving, too!”

As Marshal led his cavalry and moved to protect the battery, the British cavalry was advancing to take over the cavalrymen, and British cavalrymen were deployed to deal with the cavalry.

Another messenger arrived with a new message on the bloody battlefield.


Perrine divided the battetry approaching at close distance like before. The other side’s ammunition was replaced with regular cannonballs, not pellet nor explosive bullet.

And its target was the French cavalry.

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The French cavalry faltered after being hit by the British artillery’s surprise attack. Meanwhile, the British cavalry swept the infantry. The infantry, once again shot and completely scattered, could not stop the British cavalry.

It was the moment when the infantry collapsed like a sand castle.


As the soldiers screemed, Perrine clenched her fists. They had lost again.

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