Naruto: A New Reality

Chapter 2 - Transformation Jutsu

"Anddd, boom I'm first," Tora yelled as he slapped the front of the Academy building. "Looks like I'm definitely going to be graduating today. Sucks for you guys."

Sasuke and Naruto weren't too far behind as both of them slapped the wall simultaneously, both forcing themselves to stop as they had been sprinting at full speed. They weren't out of breath but they both looked slightly frustrated. However, they weren't upset at tying for second place with one another, that much Tora was certain of.

"What the heck Tora," Naruto complained as he took his hand off the wall. "At least wait for us to catch up so its a fair match. Having a head start doesn't make you the winner, just makes you a cheater."

"It doesn't count if you have a head start," Sasuke said simply with a frown on his face. "You cheated meaning that the race is a tie. Loser."

Tora shook his head. "Sasuke, why does everything you say have to end in loser? In any case, if you guys are so hung up about losing...I guess we can try aga-"

"Oh? And what exactly are you going to try again?" A voice said from behind the three of them. "Trying to not be late again? Because you failed that miserably!!"

Tora flinched a bit before all three of them turned their heads to look at their teacher and mentor, Iruka Umino. He had a smile on his face but it contained a fierce annoyance and well deserved anger. This wasn't the first time the three of them had been late as, if even one was absent then usually the other two would be as well. Ironically though, Tora and Sasuke were the top of their entire class despite these absences.

"Oh, Iruka are you today? You looking great today!! Did you do something new to your hair? Looks good!!" Tora ran his hands through his spiky black hair nervously as he stared into his teachers eyes.

"Get!!" Iruka almost screamed as he pointed inside of the still open door. "You guys constantly drive me up the wall. Especially you Naruto since you actually need the lessons."

The three of them headed inside without a word, not a single sound uttered from any of them. The muttering that came when they walked inside was enough for all three of them. However, Tora was used to it so he wasn't too upset about it. Iruka usually yelled at the three of them at least once every two weeks but he would usually get over it rather quickly.

Walking up the steps of the classroom, the three of them took their places at the large desk they all shared. There were quiet talks happening all around them but they were still rather easy to tune out.

"As punishment for 3 of the students being late and missing the short lecture," Iruka said after he slammed the door shut. "The WHOLE class can review the transformation jutsu."

A chorus of mȯȧns and groans were issued throughout the classroom followed by numeorus glares issued at Tora as if they knew he was the primary culprit. The stares were definitely correct but Tora had to wonder how they knew it was his fault and not Naruto's or Sasuke's. Its not like he was the one who continuously was absent or skipped classes every now and then...well he was but he wasn't about to say anything about it out loud.

This one statement actually drew a laugh from Tora as he stood up from his desk and went to stand in line near the front of the class like everyone else was doing. "I'm sorry...did you say something? I couldn't hear you over your constant suċkɨnġ of Sasuke's dɨċk. You and Ino be all over that more then anyone I know."

Sakura opened her mouth to say something but immediately closed it again, unable to think up a response. Instead she just stood in line next to Shikamaru and became as quiet as a mouse. Ino was great at insulting people and gossiping but when it came to straight up insulting her, she could either go ballistic and start cursing loudly or fall completely silent if she couldn't think of any words.

Years of messing with her and insulting her had morphed her personality to the current one and Tora happily took all the credit for it. Hell, Tora would even sometimes purposefully antagonize her simply because he liked her reaction and wanted to see how she handled it. He absolutely despised Sakura for various reasons, her annoying voice and constant Sasuke worshipping being the main one.

Tora stepped into the back of the line of students, each person who made it to the front having to do the Transformation jutsu, all of them choosing to transform into Iruka. Everyone seemed to be able to do it smoothly, at least until Naruto stepped up. Right before he even did anything, Tora already knew what he was gonna do and had to stifle his laughter. He had seen it happen many times before and this time would surely be no different as Naruto would never pass up an opportunity such as this.

Sure enough, putting his hands together in a sign and focusing his chakra, Naruto transformed into the female version of himself...a nȧkėd female version. He didnt really seem to mind being nȧkėd in this form and considered it more of a joke. It was a ninjutsu he invented called Sexy Jutsu and it was actually pretty useless in actual battle except maybe to confuse the opponent for a certain amount of time.

However, despite it being almost completely useless, it seemed to work incredibly well on Iruka as he took a step back, blood beginning to trail from his nose. He was obviously surprised which didn't make sense given Naruto's track record, but here he was all stunned until Naruto transformed back into himself.

Tora let out a laugh as Iruka shook his head, wiping his nose with his sleeve. "Damn it Naruto, I already told you not to do that. Now do the Transformation Jutsu!!" He looked pissed as hell, and it didnt help that Tora was still laughing from watching Iruka trying to staunch the flow of blood from his nose.

Naruto laughed a little before putting his hands back together and gathering his chakra. Moments later, he stood tall as an exact replica of Iruka, pulling it off without a single issue. It wasn't any surprise to Tora though as he and Naruto spent hour after hour practicing it together with Sasuke, turning into various people passing by on the street. It got to the point where, with a bunch of encouragement and friendly advice, Naruto could transform without a single error.

"Good job," Iruka said as he worte something down on his clipboard. "I knew you had it in you. If you'd just stop sleeping during my classes, I'm sure you'd be at the top of the class just like Tora and Sasuke."

Sasuke liked to act all cool on the surface, acting as if nothing fazed him, but in reality he didn't like people laughing at his two friends. He wouldn't admit it if he was asked, but on his own way, he would look out for the two of them even if they didnt ask or even need it.

Of course Sasuke only acted this way to Tora and Naruto as they had been friends since childhood, Tora had been even been friends with since the infamous slaughtering of the Uchiha clan. They went back a long way so it only made sense that even if he acted all cool, he would still treat them both better then everyone else.

Sasuke easily transformed in Iruka before moving aside for Sakura who also turned into him with ease. However she stopped to look at Sasuke with a bright smile before glaring at Tora with hatred followed by her heading back to her seat. Next up was Setsuna Yakaboshi, followed by Itana Subiki, and then it was finally time for Tora Uchiha to step on up.


//Okay so honestly I did change the past almost completely except the big events obviously. With the past change, the personality of others is also susceptible to change....lets face it, its trash but at least we still get to hate on young haired dumbass.

Also I noticed when rewatching Naruto that there are other students who graduated from the same class as well and decided to throw a few OCs of mine around to make things more should be able to spot the names I threw in

Anyways thanksfor taking the time to read my novel....much appreciated, comment for another chapter.....I need motivation

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