“Eye shadow?”

Hearing this title, Feiyu suddenly felt a little awkward.

It seems to have the same name as one of the beauty products.

But after all, it was the name that his father had spent a lot of effort to come up with, so Feiyu couldn’t say anything.

Eye shadow is eye shadow, it’s fine as long as it’s a shadow.

Madara’s words also infected Fugaku and others.

When he thought about the Uchiha clan, who used to be dependent on others and had no say, and now was about to build an independent village, his excited heart and trembling hands were simply uncontrollable.

Madara shrugged: “Fugaku, I’ll give you a year…”

“The commercial development of the village, the source of tasks, housing planning, system rules, and management personnel, these trivial matters can be discussed by yourselves, I won’t ask too much.”

“In short, within the time I set, you can make a village operate normally.”

“During this period, do what you can do well, and do what you can’t do with gritted teeth! If you encounter someone who is causing trouble and you can’t do it, tell me immediately and I will do it!”

“My request…isn’t it too much?”

Hearing this, Fugaku shook his head repeatedly:

“Not too much, not too much at all! Thank you Madara-sama…ah no, thank you for the trust of the first generation eye shadow, I will definitely build the Madara Village!”

“Okay, then don’t stand here, go down and do it!”


Fugaku and others saluted respectfully and left.

“Son, come~” After all the strangers left, Uchiha Madara held Feiyu in his arms and said softly:

“You also know that I have established two forces now…”

“The Madara Ninja Village is mainly responsible for everything on the surface, whether it is diplomacy, finance, or invasion…”

“Although it has just been established, I believe it is only a matter of time before it develops into the strongest ninja village.”

“The second force is the Akatsuki organization, which is mainly responsible for the darkness underground. All actions that cannot be done on the surface can be completed by it.”

“In the future, maybe Dad will be away. If that day really comes, then these two forces will be the backbone of protecting you between light and darkness…”

“Dad! Don’t be so Say! That day will never come!”

“Hahaha, of course, your father is so powerful, and now because of you I am beginning to recover to youth, that day… should not come unless there is an accident, but who can say what will happen in the future?”

“So, for me, it is definitely right to make some preparations and lay the groundwork…”

Uchiha Madara sighed and gently patted Feiyu’s head:

“By the way, my dear son, Dad needs your help…

“You are talented and often have ideas and insights that ordinary people can’t think of. I hope you can participate in the establishment of the village and become a supervisor…”

“Once you have different ideas, just tell Fugaku directly. Don’t worry, he will definitely listen to you!”

Feiyu raised his head and responded: “Dad, you trust me so much, aren’t you afraid that I will mess up the village?”

“Hahahaha.” Madara laughed: “I don’t trust anyone in this world, I only trust you! My dear son, do it boldly! Just use your wonderful ideas to show me a different ninja village!”

“Okay, Dad, just wait and see!”

Feiyu agreed immediately. Madara had placed such high hopes on him, and this matter must be done well.

What’s more, he himself wanted to create a rigid ninja village without outdated systems and feudal rules.

“Then I’ll go find Fugaku now~”

“Well, go~”

After the father and son hugged each other again, Feiyu turned around and left.

Just after leaving the door, Heibai Jue emerged from Madara’s feet.

Bai Zetsu whispered:

“Hehehe, look, Madara really misses little Feiyu. Little Feiyu has just gone out for a few seconds, and Madara has been looking at the door, his eyes are almost drawn~”

“Shut up, Bai Zetsu! “Black Zetsu quickly winked, and then deliberately whispered: “Lord Madara’s behavior is not something you and I can comment on.”

“Ahem!” Madara retracted his eyes and coughed lightly, rolled his eyes at Black and White Zetsu, and asked coldly:

“You two suddenly appeared, do you have something to report to me?”

“Tsk tsk tsk, it turns out that nothing can be hidden from Lord Madara.” White Zetsu smiled and replied:

“In addition to me and Obito, the Akatsuki organization now has a full seven elites. In terms of ability alone, almost all of them have the strength of Kage-level ninjas.”

“Oh, that’s not bad.” Uchiha Madara praised indifferently, then closed his eyes and leaned back in the chair, as if he was going to take a nap.

Seeing that Madara didn’t say anything, Black Zetsu was startled, and after a moment, he asked:

“Lord Madara,I think the Akatsuki organization is strong enough now, so… can we officially implement the last step of the plan and let them catch the tailed beasts? ”

Black Zetsu has been waiting for this day for a long time.

As long as they start to catch the tailed beasts, it will not be long before they can start the Infinite Moon Reading and revive their mother Kaguya.

Black Zetsu looked at Madara with expectation, waiting for his answer.

There was no expression on Madara’s face, he still closed his eyes and lay back on the chair, and said softly:

“There is no rush to catch the tailed beasts, wait a while…”

“Ah?” Black Zetsu said puzzledly:

“Madara, now is the best time! With these powerful chess pieces under your command, it is easy to catch the nine tailed beasts. When Nagato seals all the tailed beasts, your body will probably be almost recovered, and then you can…”

Before he finished speaking, Madara suddenly interrupted Black Zetsu in a sharp voice: “I said, wait a while! Don’t be in a hurry!”

“Why… why? “Black Zetsu was increasingly unable to understand Madara-sama’s actions, and a bad premonition quietly arose in his heart.

“No reason, you guys go down first, I want to sleep.”


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