“Wait a moment, leader, Xiaonan, I want to confirm something with you.”

Kakuzu said: “The Uchiha clan wants to join us, right?”

Payne nodded: “Yes, with their strength and background of defecting from the village, they are completely suitable to become Akatsuki’s mercenary group.”

“The Uchiha clan has no fixed residence now. Part of the funds in the organization’s account can be allocated for the daily expenses of the Uchiha, which will be counted as compensation.”

Xiaonan continued: “Uchiha is responsible for the overt tasks, and the official members of Akatsuki will continue to be responsible for the secret tasks. After the overall strength is completely strengthened, we can carry out the third step of Akatsuki’s plan.”

Before the Kakuzu people came back, Obito sent White Zetsu back to the base in advance to greet Nagato.

“Okay, I understand.” Hearing this, Kakuzu completely believed Feiyu’s words.

“There are a total of 500 million taels in the account now, and I will pay 300 million taels to Uchiha.”

Everyone except Hidan was shocked when they heard Kakuzu’s decision.

Why is Kakuzu suddenly so arrogant?

He actually gave more than half of the funds to Uchiha. This was completely different from Kakuzu who was usually digging around and cherishing money as much as his life.

Every time Xiaonan asked for money from the corner, the nigger would say something about whether he would give more or not if he could give him less.

Why are you so neat and generous this time?

Feeling the strange looks in the members’ eyes, Jiaodu snorted coldly and said arrogantly:

“Are you surprised? Huh, that’s your stereotype. As Akatsuki’s finance minister, as long as the money is spent in the right place, I’m still very generous!”

“From now on, put away your prejudice against me!”

“Hey~ What are we talking about? It’s so lively, why don’t you take me with you?”

In the hall, Deidara’s voice came closer and closer.

He and Red Sand Scorpion had just returned from their mission.

“Huh? Is this silly big guy with white hair new here?” Deidara looked Hidan up and down.

Hidan said disdainfully: “Who are you calling me stupid? Who are you?”

Deidara said arrogantly: “Speak with respect. Although you are older than me, you still have to call me your beloved Deidara-senpai! Yes!”

“Huh? Just because of you, a little brat?” Hidan was about to get angry, but Pain immediately tried to smooth things over and said:

“Okay! Please be quiet, Deidara, Scorpion, have you completed your mission?”

Red Sand Scorpion: “Well, that country has been conquered by me alone. From now on, the existence of this country will be erased from the world map.”

Kisame Kisaki: “Tsk, tsk, one man destroyed an entire country, he deserves to be called a [Genius Puppet Master]. I really want to have a few fights with you if I have the chance.”

Seeing Kisame taking the initiative to provoke, the Red Sand Scorpion responded with murderous eyes:

“If you think you have a long life, I will always have time to fulfill your wish. I also want to see how valuable the title of [Tailless Beast] is…”

Kisame Kisame sneered: “Hehehe, what about now? My big sword Samehada has never shaved a puppet before~”

Seeing that the two of them wanted to fight, Deidara immediately became interested and set his target on Itachi:

“Itachi! Our two partners are going to fight. It’s time for you and me to have a fight too!”

“Let’s see who is better with my art or you who can only rely on Sharingan! Hmm!”

Defeating Itachi Uchiha was Deidara’s dream.

He had been completely defeated, and during this time Deidara had been creating techniques that could defeat Itachi.

Not only that, he also equipped a miniature telescope in his left eye and concentrated chakra in his left eye for a long time. Now he can shrink his pupils at any time.

The reason why he practiced this was to see through Itachi’s illusions.

Now that he had the opportunity, Deidara certainly didn’t want to give up.

Feeling Deidara’s enthusiasm, Uchiha Itachi remained unmoved and replied coldly:

“Sorry, I’m not interested.”

“Kisame, we still have mission details, so don’t waste your time here…”

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