"What's wrong?"

Night Fire opened the door and saw the little girl standing there with tears in her eyes, and she couldn't help frowning.

The little girl choked up while wiping her tears: "Mother is sick, can uncle save Mom..."

Night Fire gave the big snake pill a look, and the big snake pill was better at treating this kind of thing.

The two took the little girl to the little girl's house together.

The door is open.

The room was not cluttered, but it could be seen that it was very poor and simple.

A woman lies on the ground, her eyelids are lowered, and she has more air and less intake.

Orochimaru stepped forward and picked up the woman and put her on the simple bed, and then underwent some examination.

The more you check, the heavier your expression becomes.

"What's wrong?"

Night Fire approached, and his brows suddenly twisted.

The place where the woman was undressed by the big snake pill was full of tooth marks.

Some are very shallow and have been faded away, but more are tooth marks with bruises, apparently just born.


The thin body and the densely packed teeth marks are shocking!

The night fire was finally determined.

The little girl is Xiangli, and the woman is Xiangli's mother.

The body is full of tooth marks because her mother has a special physique and is an excellent medical ninja.

If someone is injured, they can be treated by biting the chakra by biting the mother of the incense, which is simple and fast, and the effect is good, which is an excellent mobile medical kit!

This physique was also passed on to Xiangli, but the reason why Xiangli is okay is because it has always been her mother who has protected her at the cost of her body.

In his previous life, Nightfire felt that Xiangyu's mother was the worst person in the Hokage world, and was sucked day after day by the so-called companions, and finally exhausted Chakra and died.

At this moment, when those tooth marks came into view, the night fire was shocked even if it was cold-blooded.

The shocking tooth marks are far stronger than the visual impact of killing and beheading.

At least that's how Nightfire felt.

From the body of the woman in front of him, he saw two words - "Cannibalism!" "

It's not a knife and a gun, it's not public opinion, it's really eating with a big mouth!"

The evil of human nature is vividly embodied.



Seeing that Night Fire and Orochimaru suddenly stopped moving and frowned, she hurriedly came to the bed, only to find that her mother's body was full of tooth marks.

The little hands turned over, there were more under the clothes, and there was almost no intact skin on the mother's body.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered something.

"What's wrong with Mom, is she going to die..."

Xiangli stood in place, suddenly her eyes lost their light, her face turned white for a moment, and her body softened uncontrollably.

Night Fire grabbed the incense that was about to fall, and his hands gathered a gentle energy to slowly inject into the body of the incense.

Orochimaru's eyes lit up.

It's not a palm cactus!

What a special Chakra!

What a strong vitality energy!

Soon the incense returned to normal with the help of the night fire.

The first time he woke up, he sobbed nonstop: "Uncle Night, do you scold you for saving your mother, Xiangli makes you a cow and a horse, Xiangli can..."

The night fire interrupted Xiangxiang, touched Xiao Xiangphos's head, and said with a smile: "It's okay, mom will get better after a break."

Then he turned to the big snake pill and said, "Go and let the fire gate get some liquid food."


The big snake pill is also a doctor, naturally knowing that the woman was not actually injured, but her body was too weak and fainted.

Night Fire sat down, put his hands behind Xiangli's mother, and slowly input the energy containing vitality into it.

Xiangyu sees that the night fire hand will glow, and the big eyes will be round.

Night Fire also noticed that Xiangli was still holding the ham bread he had given earlier.

He smiled while treating Xiangyu's mother: "Can you tell me what happened?" Hearing

this, Xiangli seemed to have thought of something bad, and his eyes suddenly darkened.

After thinking about it, she felt that the night fire could be believed, so she told the situation at home.

Xiangli had no impression of her father.

For as long as I can remember, there was only my mother and myself in this family.

Mom is a ninja who comes home with a smile on her face despite being tired and bringing food with her every time she comes home.

Xiangli waits for her mother to come back every day.

At first, I was happy every day, but slowly, my mother came back later and later, day by day, I had no strength, sometimes I didn't even have the strength to cook, and the food was getting worse and less.

Fragrant phosphorus often starves.

Sometimes she wanted to go out to find something to eat, but every time her mother told her not to go out.

Little she didn't know why, until one day, there was a war in the village.

Mom hugged her and hid in a corner, telling her not to make a sound.

Through the gap, Xiangli saw blood and dead people for the first time.

And afterwards, my mother forcibly took away a few ninjas who hurried to the door.

Since then, Kazuki has been afraid of any strangers, especially ninjas with forehead pads on their heads.

The reason why I said so much to Nightfire is that Nightfire gave her food and helped her save her mother, and secondly, Nightfire didn't bring a forehead protector, and didn't look like a bad person.

"Uncle, was Mom bitten by the ninjas who took her? Why do they bite mom?

Xiangli looked at the night fire and asked.

Night Fire was speechless, and I didn't know how to explain it.

He could feel that Xiangli was only three years old but had already sensibly grasped something.

"Uncle, you know, right, can you tell Xiangli?"

"Xiangli is not afraid, Xiangli wants to protect her mother."

"Is Uncle powerful? Can my uncle teach incense?

Xiangli asked a series of questions.

Night fire perceives anxiety and strength from Xiangphos' emotions, as well as panic.

He smiled and shook his head: "I don't know, when your mother wakes up, will you ask your mother?" He

had no right to answer this kind of thing.

The truth is too cruel for a three- or four-year-old child, since Xiangli's mother has been hiding it, then respect this intention to protect the child.

At this moment, the originally comatose mother slowly opened her eyes.

The first time I saw the night fire, I subconsciously retreated sharply.

"Mom, you're awake!"

Xiangli called out in surprise.

Night Fire got up and stood aside, and said politely: "Since it's okay, then I'll go first, I'll go see if the meal is ready, Xiangli takes care of my mother, I'll come to see you later." After

saying that, he turned around and left, giving Xiangli's mother some time to buffer her emotions.

Xiangyu's mother looked at the night fire that left, and then looked at her daughter, and quickly checked Xiangphos: "Is there any injury, mother will see." After

seeing that Xiangphos was okay, she was relieved.

Then Xiangphos told her mother in detail about what happened just now.

"Uncle Night is a good person, he gave me a loaf of bread the first time we met, just now my mother fainted, and it was she who cured you, Mom, how are you feeling now?"

"Much better."

Xiangli's mother saw that her daughter was still holding a bread in her arms, and got up from the bed with a smile: "Mother went to cook, remember to thank Uncle Ye later, do you know?"

Xiangli replied: "Then I'll go and tell my uncle not to cook, let's eat together..."

Three big men walked in.

"Saori, hurry up and follow us!"

The commanding opening of the head of the big man is not like a ninja, but more like a bandit and robber.

Xiangli shrunk her neck and subconsciously hid behind her mother.

She knew this man, and it was this man who took her mother away last time.

The next moment, she stood up with courage and shouted: "Mom just came back, just fainted and recovered, why do you have to work again, do you want to bite your mother again!"

Saying that, he opened his arms and protected his mother behind him: "You are bad people, you go quickly!" The

three men were stunned.

The next moment anger burst out.

The huge slap exhaled directly towards the incense.

In a hurry, Xiangyu's mother Uzumaki Saori hurriedly protected her daughter in her arms.


A crisp slap sounded.

Five bright red finger prints appeared on Saori Uzumaki's face, and her already weak body fell to the ground.

"Don't . . . No, you said you wouldn't do anything to Xiangphos, I'll go with you..." The

weak body, the dying voice.

Saori Uzumaki gritted her teeth and squeezed the last ounce of strength she had to get up from the ground.

At the same time, he did not forget to squeeze a smile into Xiangli: "Mom will be back soon, do you know if you eat well at home?"

Xiangphos bit her lip and did not speak, tears rolling in her eyes.

She knew that her mother was going to be bitten again when she went out, and she didn't want her mother to go out.

Uzumaki Saori touched her daughter's head: "Kakari is good, don't let your mother worry, okay?" "


Xiangphos nodded very sensibly at this moment.

Because she knew that if she resisted impulsively, then the beating of her mother just now might double.

She didn't even dare to call Uncle Night to help, because these people were ninjas, too powerful, and they could kill.

And yet...

At this time, the big man led by Xiangfeng saw the ham sausage bread in Xiangphos's arms, and a touch of essence appeared under his eyes.

"Where did you steal this from?"

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