Standing in front of her ten thousand Unsullied, Daenerys' heart soared with hope. It was her first step to reclaiming what was taken away from her. A place to call home. As Drogon and the Unsullied killed the masters and freed the slaves, watching the former slaves cheer for her, Daenerys made a resolution to put an end to slavery.

But, what made her truly feel that she had accomplished something amazing was the subtle nod from Edwyn as he nonchalantly beheaded a whip bearer.

She breathed out in relief. Edwyn had been very cold towards her since she expressed her happiness after hearing that Ned Stark was dead.

Since the moment he appeared in front of her and her khalasar, she had been living in fear. The stories told about him made him seem to be a demon in human skin. And the way he was slaying the masters and their guards was proof of that.

Edwyn was cutting through men and steel like butter being cut by a hot knife. There was no difference between flesh and metal in front of his sword.

Daenerys understood him, somewhat. She knew he was wary of her because of her blood and had been testing her since they began their journey to Qarth. He wanted to see if she was capable of being a queen and she accepted it as a challenge. So, when he had scowled at her after she expressed her happiness, it made her feel disappointed in herself.

After talking to Ser Barristan about Edwyn, she began seeing him in a different light. He wasn't some knight in shining armour but he was kind and even though he grew up in King's Landing, he had morals and honour. According to Ser Barristan, she had to prove to Edwyn that she was capable enough for him to get more involved in her cause. To have such an unbelievably strong and capable man at her side, getting to the Iron Throne would be a lot easier. So she vowed to do exactly what Edwyn wanted.

With her head held high, she addressed the people she had freed. She would survive and bring honour to her house. Like her dragons, the name of her house will rise from the ashes, cleansed of all its past sins.


The girl really was something to think of such a way to trick the idiot testicle-faced master of the Unsullied. Dragons could never be tamed. An old saying that still held true... somewhat. They could be tamed if the tamers were far stronger than the giant lizards. Like R'hllor and his spawns of madness.

Thinking of madness, Edwyn couldn't see even a spark of it in the little queen as she addressed the Unsullied and it made him feel a bit relieved. There wasn't even a flicker of it in her when she ordered the Unsullied to kill all the masters.

Masters, those men didn't deserve to be called masters. Filth that needed go be washed away, that's all they were.

As they marched towards Yunkai, Edwyn rode beside Daenerys, Barristan and the newly freed trranslater Missande while Jorah was ordered to ride at the back to watch over the khalasar and all those former slaves who chose to follow Daenerys.

While looking ahead, Edwyn said, "Your training to become the queen of the seven kingdoms will begin on the morrow. It doesn't mean you've proven your worth. It's imperative that you undergo the training for future challenges. I want you to be up and ready before sunrise. I won't wait for you to get dressed after you wake up so you better be ready."

Daenerys looked at Edwyn, her eyebrows raised in surprise and a hint of joy, "What will the training entail?"

Edwyn took a glance at her and replied, "Nothing fun, that's for sure."

Daenerys looked uneasy when she heard Barristan gulp nervously. Whatever the training would be, she just hoped she'd survive through it.

True to his word, Edwyn didn't wait and barged in Daenerys' tent only to see her standing in the middle, ready for anything Edwyn threw at her.

Edwyn raised his brows in surprise and said, "I wasn't expecting you to be awake and ready. So you asked Barristan what the training could possibly be. Good, having knowledge of what you'll face proves you're not a dumbass."

Edwyn led her to a secluded area where a fire was already lit. He asked her to sit around the bonfire and began, "I don't trust you even for a bit."

Daenerys' eyes snapped towards him and her brows shot up in surprise as he continued, "I have no reason to. You were never trained to be a queen or even a princess. The only familial influence on you was your mad brother..."

Daenerys narrowed her eyes but didn't interrupt, "... Who must have told you things that are utter lies. Though you may now have realised that he was full of shit. But, because of that, because you were never trained, you are a clean slate. Training you will be easy."

Daenerys c.o.c.ked her head on the side and asked, "Clean slate?"

"Uh, like an unused parchment. I don't have to erase anything to rewrite something in it. Similarly, I won't have to make you forget anything wrong that was taught to you because there is nothing to forget."

Daenerys nodded her head and listened intently as Edwyn began telling her the history Westeros.

"That's it for today. It won't do any good if you're mind is too tired to understand what I teach. Next..."

Suddenly, a strange sword appeared in his hand. Daenerys blinked a few times, trying to make sense of where the sword came from.

"It's one of my talents. I can make some things appear. No need to be too shocked."

He threw the sword towards her and she panicked. Not wanting to be cut, she jumped away and the sword fell on the ground.

"Are you out of your mind?! That could have injured me!"

Edwyn sighed in annoyance and said, "I won't give you an edged blade to train with! It's a sparring sword. Pick it up!"

Daenerys felt abashed as she gingerly picked the sword up.

"You are not built to fight like a knight. For a delicate little girl like you, I have a different style for you train in. That's why a special kind of sword."

Daenerys scowled, "I'm older than you! Stop treating me like a little kid!"

"Semantics. Follow me."

"Why do I have to learn fencing? That's not what a lady is supposed to do!"

Edwyn smirked and said fondly, "I know a little wolf who would disagree."

In another part of the world, the said little wolf was escaping with two of her companions from Harrenhal. A man who could magically change his face had just given her a valuable coin of Braavos and an alias for himself, Jaqen H'ghar.


A/N: Yo! Been a while... Sup! I'm from the shameless author sect.

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