The next morning, Edwyn and the rest were gathered in the council chambers.

Edwyn was not able to sleep for the entire night. He knew very well how hard it was to mend a broken heart. Yet, he didn't think twice before inflicting such pain upon Daenerys. So, there he stood, resting against the wall as his dulled gaze stared into the red and swollen eyes of Daenerys.

Loathing and anger for himself began filling up in his heart. Unable to be in the presence of a distressed Daenerys, he quickly pushed himself off the wall and jump out from the window after quietly saying, "I'll be on the city walls."

The rest only shared looks among each other, choosing to not meddle. The only possible meddler, Jorah Mormont, was asked to stay back in Yunkai and govern the city in Daenerys' stead.

Daenerys suppressed her bleeding heart and began addressing the council.


Kinvara was scared. Her lord's subjects were massacred in Meereen and Yunkai. The Lord of Light had awoken from his long slumber, his heart beginning to at his shrine.

She had heard of it. A monumental development, a change in destiny had occured through the actions of the unknown. A consequence of them being her lord's awakening. She could feel the raw power of her lord. Despite his heart being the part that survived in the long battle of the gods, he was regaining his power and already influencing the fates of many.

But 'that' abomination had ruined it all. He deprived her lord of his power when he killed so many of his followers.

Her lord was apoplectic with rage. The nerve of a mere mortal to stand in his way, Kinvara would make it right for her lord. The abomination had to die. With Volantis having nearly eighty percent of its population as slaves, she knew just how to convince the Triarchs to sail towards Meereen with their armada.

She addressed the three in the council chambers, "My lords, the lord of light has shown me a vision. It is of utmost importance. Or else Volantis will be in great peril..."

But if the three refused, she had other... more carnal ways to pursuade them.

Anything for the glory of the lord of light.


Edwyn had distanced himself from everyone else. He constantly ignored being around his acquaintances and threw himself into maniacal training regimens.

His behavior was getting on Daenerys' nerves. Despite his rejection, she still held deep feelings for him. Moreover, he was her friend who was hurting himself and it was unbearable to watch.

So, she steeled herself and walked towards the secluded training ground with purpose.

Edwyn was fighting against one of his clones. His clothes were destroyed, dried blood on his skin and cuts still fresh his clones had inflicted upon him. Their movements were sluggish, as if they were on their last legs and would collapse any moment. He hadn't been able to sleep for four nights.

The clone suddenly got distracted by Daenerys' appearance and fell to a vertical slash to its head.

Supporting himself against the sword and barely managing to remain standing, Edwyn asked quietly, "Why are you are?"

Daenerys frowned and clenched her jaw. She marched towards him and grabbing his shoulders, she turned him to face her.

She observed his tired face for a moment. The bags under his eyes and red sclera was enough to tell that he was punishing himself.

She c.a.r.e.s.sed his jaw and whispered, "Please, stop putting yourself through this. Why are you doing this to yourself?"

Edwyn staggered away from her and said, "No. I can't. I won't."

"Please... give me one reason why..."

Edwyn replied, a little louder this time, "Because I broke your heart! And it hurts.. so much!! I cannot forgive myself for hurting you... It's crippling... "

Daenerys couldn't control anymore and tears began falling down her cheeks.

"Yes.. it did hurt and it did break my heart... But what pains me more... much more is seeing you going through such pain! Hurting yourself! Do you have any idea how much it bleeds my heart to watch you suffer so much?! Yes! I love you!! If 'you' do not... I can accept that... But I cannot accept you putting yourself through so much suffering!! It kills me... bit by bit... so please... stop..."

Daenerys looked at him with uncertainity.

With emotions running so wild, all Edwyn could do was wrap his lips around hers as he poured everything he felt for her in it.

Daenerys was surprised but soon welcomed and reciprocated his feelings, kissing him back with heat and unconditional love. She didn't repulse away from the stench of blood nor the taste of his tears.

Edwyn felt like a part of him had broken through the chains of hate and anger. He could feel love again. It was overwhelming but he accepted it with all of him.

As they broken the kiss, Edwyn hugged her with emence warmth.

"I do love you, Daenerys." He said. "But I still hold the feelings for 'her'. I thought it wouldn't fair to you... But in doing so.. all I did was hurt you more. Forgive me... If you'll accept me... I vow to give my all to you."

Daenerys lifted her head from his c.h.e.s.t and looked into his with unbridled love and joy. In response to his vow, she kissed him in an attempt to drown him in the tsunami of her love.


A/N: That's that. Sorry for the short chapter. That was too much for me to type and I am a very emotional man. If it was too much cringe for you... I hope you won't diss it... because I lived through those emotions as I typed and I'll find it a little... hurtful. Again, sorry.

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