What used to be the clear sky of Essos was now engulfed by clouds of malice. The very air reeked of evil and corruption. It was suffocating for Edwyn.

Ashai was engulfed by a thick blanket of black mist that comprised of ash and soot and poisonous gases.

He waited for skirmishes or attacks from people affected by the darkness but nothing happened. The clones he had sent to investigate were destroyed the moment they came within a few leagues of Ashai.

At that time, Ashai was closed off to all. Anyone who entered the mist never returned alive. Yet, no matter the consequences, people and animals alike were drawn towards it. Corruption, madness and the power that came with it could get intoxicating and the mist promised all. Dried up corpses of its victims gathered at the edges of the mist and changed the very landscape.

With fear gripping at the hearts of the common folk, Edwyn took drastic measures to dissuade people from venturing towards Ashai.

Walls of cities were fortified and all routes to Ashai were closed off.

The Dothraki were not so civilized nor so disciplined to fight against the pull of corruption emanating from Ashai. It was terrifying on another level because unlike the previous victims of the mist, no Dothraki were ever seen again. Not even their corpses.

A month after the fall of Ashai, Edwyn set sail to Westeros leaving Daenerys with a clear plan.

The world was undergoing a change for the worse. Edwyn was getting anxious. The air around him reeked of death and decay. It felt as if the world itself was dieing.

He could feel it. The white walkers in Westeros, their magic was growing, proving their existance. But, there was another, far more powerful entity that dwarfed the deathly magic of the walkers. In Ashai, an old enemy was regaining its strength. Something primodial, far older than the walkers.

As he set his gaze towards Westeros, his eyes shone bright with power.

'One enemy at a time... Naruto. One enemy at a time.'


"What is it, mother?" Rob Stark asked Catelyn who was holding a parchment in her hand.

"Any word from 'him'? It has been months since we sent a raven."

Rob clenched his jaw and replied, "Aye.."


"He advises against it. He says not to trust the Freys. That the Weasels are not loyal to the Starks. They're only loyal power... and we do not promise them more of it."

Catelyn was miffed. Even though Walder Frey was an absolute filth of a man, his house was still a vassal of the Tully. Even more so was the fact that Rob was his king. Comitting regicide and breaking the guest rights, even Walder Frey wouldn't do something so heinous.

"That.. man doesn't know Walder Frey like I do. He has no right of questioning our bannermen's loyalty! He's a half Lannister. His own father, Robert Baratheon hated him. We cannot trust the word of such a man!"

Rob frowned at Catelyn's words. Edwyn was the only one from the royal family who was remotely good to Jon. But...

Far away on an abandoned shore, Edwyn shook his head in utter disappointment.

'Starks may be honorable but they are so f.u.c.k.i.n.g annoying! Utter dumbasses. Bet it was that bitch, Catelyn. That asshat isn't any good. F.u.c.ker just turned out to be a horndog. Going back on his word to bone the first woman who stood out.'

He jumped high and stood atop a rock and looked towards North.

'Still, no matter how much of a dumbass he is, Rob Stark is a key to bringing some order to Westeros. But, even with the gates, I doubt I will make it in time to save him.'

Edwyn sighed in defeat.

'Damn it! This world is so troublesome. What a drag...



... F.u.c.k you Nara!!'


A/N: Super short chapter. Was bored so typed it.

Anyway, got a challenge for you readers who want to start writing or are looking for some inspiration.

A harry potter fanfic with an OMC. Could be a self insert.

Here's what I'm looking for to be in the fanfic.

- Single hetero pairing. Exclude Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Fleur.

- Good/Bad Dumbles. Don't care. Preferably good coz it's rare to see one these days.

- F.u.c.k Snape in the b.u.t.t with a 20 feet pole. I hate him. No redemption for him.

- No redemption for Malfoys

- You know what? I would love it even more if James Potter is cucked and the MC changes the entire timeline with going after Lily Evans. Anyway...

- Don't make MC Harry's spot boy.

- MC has to be OP.

- No screw ups or mistakes for the sake of the plot.

- If you wanna write some e.r.o.t.i.c scenes then make them tasteful. If I want smut then I'd rather read a h.e.n.t.a.i or simply watch some p.o.r.no graphic videos.

- No goblin friends or bloodlines. It's getting boring.

There you go. Looking forward to the fanfic. in the future.

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