Slow and steady, but surely, Arya was becoming a terrifying warrior. She was so similar to Sasuke.. hell bent on revenge, she was ready to do whatever it took to become a beast in battle.

Edwyn saw through her as easy as slapping someone's head flying was for him. So, he made it sure to make her laugh and teach her lessons other than fighting.

The first lesson, how to handle going at blindingly high speeds.

Edwyn could run so fast that a human would only see a blur passing by. It amazed, terrified and excited Arya at the same time.

She was skeptical when he had asked her to hop onto his back after Sandor was shooed away.

Arya almost screeched his ear off when he began running. If not for magic, he'd have gone deaf.

She hadn't gotten used to their mode of travel but she was starting to feel exhilarated during the piggyback rides.

On the other hand, Edwyn focused on teaching her skills that would make her a brutal and terrifyng assassin. Poisons, hidden blades and knowing the human body inside out were some of them. It helped that Arya had no sympathy for murderers and rapists getting sliced open and had the stomach to watch Edwyn show her the ins of a human so that she could kill in the most efficient ways.

He tought her that having a code and making sure to live by that code helps a lot and prevents one from astraying from their path.

On their way to the North, they came across a familiar inn that brought back memories for Arya. Memories of a child and her friend playing at the banks of a river. Memories of a cruel prince, of betrayal, of loss...

As she was reminiscing beside the river bank, some strange noise in the bushes startled her. Getting up on her feet, she drew out 'Needle' and became vigilant.

Never could she have imagined what or who it could be when out came the beast whom she had raised when it was just a newly born pup.

"Nymeria.." She breathed out and lowered her weapon only to be startled when the direwolf bared her fangs.

Edwyn, who was watching the confrontation jumped out of the bushes and landed beside Arya.

"Direwolves are smart beasts. They understand more than you can imagine."

Arya was everything to Nymeria but when she drove the pup away, she broke the bond that had been forming between them. It was hurtful for the wolf.

"Stand down!" Ordered Edwyn to the snarling wolf.

Unafraid and oozing with the aura of a primal predator, Edwyn approached Nymeria with steady steps that made the wolf flinch and w.h.i.n.e.

He grabbled the wolf by the snout, stared into her eyes and said, "Calm down."

Just like a snap of fingers, Nymeria was down on the ground in submission to the superior predator.

He then looked back at the bewildered Arya and asked her to come closer.

"Place you hand on her head and renew the connection. You are more intuned towards magic now. You will feel it.. Trust me."

Nymeria tried to struggle and open her jaw to bite at Arya's hand but one glare from Edwyn scared her stiff.

Arya gently placed her hand on her head and could feel a weak connection. She could feel the turmoil Nymeria was feeling. Betrayal, anger, sadness, longing and a small amount of hope.

Arya too decided to express her own feelings.. love, care and nostalgia.. Nymeria could see why Arya did what she did.

Edwyn loosened his grasp on her snout. Nymeria w.h.i.n.ed and licked Arya's hand with love.

For the first time since finding Arya with Sandor, Edwyn saw her smile and laugh like she was meant to as an innocent child.

'No matter how much I deny being related to Cersei... it was my family that brought you pain... It's my responsibility to right their wrongs. I will make Westeros a better place.. for you, for Daenerys.. and for everyone else. That is my promise.. and I never go back on my word.'

Edwyn looked up into the sky and smiled.

'Because that is my ninja way.'


Taking the black was not the best of his decisions and he had quite a few regrets. But, Jon was honorable, just like his deceased father.

There was a lot of anger bottled up inside him. Anger at Theon and the Freys for their betrayal towards Rob, anger at himself for not being there for Rob when he needed him. Anger at the Lannisters for killing his father...

But all of that was not his priority at the moment. The free folk, rallied by Mance Rayder, had come at their doors to cross over to the south of the wall. A massive attack on the Night's Watch to escape the clutches of death at the hands of the White Walkers.

While the free folk had no luck at climbing the wall amidst the attack, the Night's Watch was overwhelmed by the attack from the south led by Tormund Giantsbane and Styr, the Magnar of Thenns.

It was a fight worthy of giving him a name. Jon fought skillfully and valiantly. His presence had reinvigorated the brothers of the Night's Watch and had started to push the attackers back.

Then came Styr... He was huge for a man, almost as huge as Greatjon Umber. Jon fought hard but was completely overpowered by the Thenn.

Disarmed off his sword, he was at Styr's mercy as the brute slammed his face against an anvil.

In a desperate attempt, Jon grabbed hold of a hammer and smashed it into Styr's skull, ending the terrible Thenn's life.

But triumph was short lived when he found himself at the end of Ygritte's aim.

Emotions were running wild inside him.

Just when he thought he was going to be impaled by her arrow, a poetic death if any, dying at the hands of the woman he loved, a hand grabbed the arrow knocked on her bow and another hand came from her behind and knocked her out.

Never could he have thought he would meet that man again.

Tales of his feats had reached even the Night's Watch. The man who brought the end of slavery in Essos.

It was 'him'.

'The Maelstrom'.

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