Edwyn was walking in the corridors of the Red Keep when he saw a cat blitz away through the path in front of him. Soon after, Arya Stark ran by in the same direction as the cat.

'That Bravos didn't just take her as an apprentice, did he?'

He silently followed Arya to the Hand's tower and saw Arya stop in front of Syrio Forel.

As Syrio was telling Arya to once again try and catch the cat, Edwyn walked towards them and started, "You finally took an apprentice. That's why you came here, didn't you? Trying to spread 'Water Dancing' in Westeros are we?"

Syrio immediately looked at Edwyn and bowed, "Prince Edwyn, you honour me with your visit."

Edwyn huffed, "Spare me with that prince shit, Syrio."

He glanced at Arya who was looking at them curiously and continued, "To think you'll choose a girl as your first student. But I can see why. 'Water Dancing' is a perfect fit for someone of her size. What do you say, little wolf? Wanna see what true 'Water Dancing' looks like?"

Arya nodded excitedly and out of nowhere, Edwyn pulled a practice sword specifically designed for water dancing.

Arya immediately exclaimed, her eyes wide in surprise, "Where did that come from?!"

Edwyn just chucked and shook his head when Arya scowled at him for not answering her question. He tossed the sword towards an equally surprised Syrio and picked up the wooden sword that was resting against the wall.

"You're the first sword of Braavos, Syrio. Little tricks like this shouldn't surprise you. Come at me with your best moves. The little wolf needs to know what to aim for."

Syrio simply nodded and took his stance as Arya back away and stood against the wall. From the corner of his eye, Edwyn could see Ned Stark watching him with a conflicted expression on his face.

Edwyn hid a smirk as he parried Syrio's attacks.

While Syrio was like a flowing river constantly hitting a rock from all directions, Edwyn was like a violent whirlpool with his powerful and circular movements of his wrist and sword, slowly pulling Syrio in.

Edwyn increased the speed of his attacks as the distance further decreased and then, he struck.

Syrio was sent spinning into the air and he collided with the wall.

Ned was completely awestruck by Edwyn masterful use of the sword. He silently exclaimed in his mind, '... A Maelstrom!'

Edwyn smirked at Arya who was staring at him with her jaw wide open in awe. Then, it closed with a snap and she excitedly exclaimed, "You were so fast!! I was barely able to see your moves!"

Edwyn bent down to her level and patted her head while saying, "Now you know what to aim for. With this spar in mind, you should strive to improve so much that you can go toe to toe against the likes of Syrio and I."

Arya scowled and rudely swatted his hand away, "Stop doing that! I'm not a little girl!"

Amused, Edwyn said, "Oho? So you're a grown-up warrior? Then as a grown-up warrior, you will have to train extra hard!"

Arya bobbed her head and exclaimed, "I will!"

Edwyn simply tilted his head in acknowledgement and watched, amused as Ned squirmed under his gaze. Did he discover something and needed Edwyn's help? Well, the red-eyed prince could entertain the poor Hand of the King for a few moments. Who asked the idiot to agree to become the Hand anyway?

"Uhm, prince Edwyn, I would like to talk to you about some important matters."

Upon Edwyn's nod, Ned walked away and Edwyn followed.

Lord Stark led Edwyn to his chambers and asked him to sit on a chair while he stood opposite to the prince.

"Prince Edwyn, I apologise for my rude conduct that night. I was told that you were a terrible person by many and so, Robert made your younger brother the crown prince. Robert himself had a few things to say about you when I asked him back in Winterfell. But, upon reaching King's Landing, I saw that everything I was told was wrong."

Edwyn sighed and said, "The damage's done, Lord Hand. Robert Baratheon has seen what I'm capable of. Soon, he'll be sending me away for some sort of quest from which I may never return."

Ned looked at him, confused, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"The King hates me because, in an odd mix of Targaryen and Baratheon traits, I was born with red eyes. His hatred for Targaryens was still very high when I was born and so, he called me a devil spawn. He's been grieving your sister's death for the last sixteen years, Lord Hand. He's just a broken man full of hatred who is drinking himself to death."

Ned looked solemn and hung his head in silent grief.

Ned's head immediately whipped up and he stared at Edwyn with a frown, "But she does love her other children, why does she possess such hate for you?"

Then, his eyes widened in disbelief as he came to a conclusion.

Edwyn smirked and said, "You have a sharp mind for a Northerner, Lord Hand."

"It's not possible..." Ned whispered.

"Keep looking into Jon Arryn's death. You'll find what you're looking for."

As he was walking out of Ned's chambers, he said, "Don't trust anyone from the small council. There are plots within plots everywhere in King's Landing. As I told you that night, this place is a cesspit of politics. Don't die too soon, Lord Hand."


Word was out that Caitlyn Stark had abducted Tyrion Lannister for plotting Bran Stark's death. The utter foolishness of that hateful woman made Edwyn pity Ned Stark for all the backlash he'd have to face for her actions.

Tywin Lannister had no love for his third child, but he would see this as an opportunity to create trouble for the North and the Riverlands.

Obviously, Robert was furious with Ned as well as with Cersei and even struck her with a backhanded slap in a bout of anger. Things were escalating way too quickly and the Starks were right in the middle of all of it.

Them, the day finally came.

Robert personally called the small council. Even Edwyn was asked to show up for the meeting.

As Ned made his way into the council chambers, Robert threw a piece of parchment on the table in front of him and growled, "The whore is pregnant!"

"What's going on?" Ned asked Baelish.

As Baelish was about to answer, Varys interjected, "Our spies have sent a raven to inform us that Daenerys Targaryen is pregnant with Khal Drogo's child."

Robert spoke, anger evident in his voice, "I want to know the opinion of everyone in this chamber on what should be done with the whore carrying her spawn!"

Baelish simply said, "She's married to a Dothraki, killing her would be mercy."

As the rest of the council members gave their own ideas, Ned scowled and gravely said, "There's no need to get the blood of an innocent girl and her child growing in her abdomen on our hands. We are not murderers."

Edwyn tried his best to hide the glee on his face. Finally! He was being sent away. Robert couldn't have thought of a better way to get rid of Edwyn without causing too much damage to his forces or his name.

Ned looked at Robert in disbelief and then at Edwyn's knowing smirk. To think the king would send his own son to such a dangerous quest.

Finally, his anger dominated and Ned spat out, "I won't be a part of this madness!"

Robert roared back, "Fine! Then I don't want you to be my Hand anymore!!"

Ned straightened up and replied, "By your leave, Your Grace. I'll go and inform my daughters that we are leaving for Winterfell."

Adding more fuel to the situation, Edwyn said, "Then I'll be packing my stuff to embark on this... quest to kill a defenceless pregnant girl as you look for a new Hand to wipe your a.s.s."

Robert glared at Edwyn and shouted, "Out!! Everyone, get out of here!!"

Edwyn walked away with his shoulders shaking from silent laughter.

'The wheel is spinning. The time for Stags is running out. Westeros will suffer under Lion's rule while the Wolves will need to stay together as a pack to survive. Let's go see if the Dragons are any good. There's little hope left for Westeros.'

'Was this why I was sent here? To purge Westeros of its sins? I'll wait till the day comes when I see no hope left. And then... Westeros will burn.'

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