Jon and his party of rangers returned shortly after.

Edwyn sat quietly as he watched Arya spar with Davos. Yes, the man had decided to stay as the personal guard of Shereen. He never looked directly in Edwyn's eyes and stayed out of the way.

The Prince was happy with that.

Voting for the selection of the next Lord Commander took place and after a breakneck competition, Jon won after Maester Aemon casted the deciding vote.

So, it was decided. The Night's Watch was going to being all the alive free folk south of the wall before the White Walkers got to them. Some of the men of the Watch weren't happy with the decision and it felt like they had formed their own group that was passive aggressive against Jon.

Edwyn joined Jon, Mance, Tormund and Ygritte along with some other men of the watch and the Baratheon army and sailed through the frozen waters of the north .

Edwyn masterfully masked his thunderous fury over the creation and existance of an abomination like the Night King. Now that he was well inside the True North, he could locate its creators with pinpoint accuracy.

Amazingly, they were hiding inside a tree.. hiding from the dead resting in the snow at their doors.

'The creators themselves fear what they created.'

"I want to kill you. Every time I see you I am reminded of your betrayal and the heartbreak I had to suffer from."

Jon exhaled and looked away. He had truly fallen for her but, he was oath bound to the Watch. No matter how much he had wanted to stay with her, his honor and pride prevented him from running away from his duty.

"Qhorin Halfhand had tasked me to infiltrate Mance's camp and learn of your plans. I did what I was supposed to do. But, I truly fell in love with you."

Ygritte ground her teeth and looked at Jon with hurt in her eyes and said, "Not enough to go against your honor."

"I may be a bastard.. But, I still am the son of Eddard Stark. He could have thrown me away or left me with my mother. Instead, he accepted me and raised me together with his children. I got what most bastard children can't even dream of getting. I owe my life to him. It was honor that made him raise me with acceptance. I could not betray his memory and the values he tought me."

Ygritte lowered her gaze and then looked away. No one spoke for the rest of the journey but Jon's words did leave an impression on her.

Edwyn, who could hear what they were talking about, thought, 'Honor or love. He chose honor. But, there's always another choice. A third one where you can keep both. You just need to think of a way. Jon, you chose the easy way out of the situation. Yes, honor is important. But, so is love. Without having love in your life, you just become an empty shell of a being angry at the world. I know that better than anyone else...'

As the reached Hardhome, Edwyn was slightly amazed by the number of free folk present. He scanned through the crowd and noticed that many of the free folk present were injured and malnourished.

But, there was another, much more troubling issue at hand.

As Mance was talking to the rest of the leaders of various tribes, Edwyn suddenly shot up to his feet and said, "We need to board the sh.i.p.s as fast as possible! The White Walkers are coming here!"

Panic ensued among the tribe leaders. With confirmation from Mance about the truth in Edwyn's warning, they ran out of the hut and began yelling orders.

Edwyn jumped over the wooden gate and ran up the hill only to great scores of undead led by almost a dozen White Walkers. It was quite a site.

'I think I should pull a Madara Uchiha on these things. They are already dead so there's no need for me to hesitate and be mercif.'

He looked directly at the Night King and said, "I've been waiting to meet you. An abomination created against his will to end life. Would it be possible for you to tell me about the reson of your creation? Perhaps, I'll spare your creators for what they've brought upon this world."

Without any warning, the undead army charged at him.

Edwyn shook his head and grabbed the pommel of 'Doomslayer' that began charging up with powerful magic.

As the army got closer, Edwyn got into his stance and with a quick draw move, swung his sword out into a wide arc. The snow lit up red along with the sky from the color of the deadly slash. Like a bleeding scar in space itself, the slash flew ahead and mercilessly tore through the army of bones and rotten flesh.

Even though the Night King was incapable of showing emotion, Edwyn could sense the shock he had felt.

"What an overkill. I don't think I need to draw my sword to deal with nucense like you."

Edwyn sheathed his sword and after making a hand seal of horse, he breathed out..

'Katon: Majestic destroyer flame.'

It was a sea of unbelievably hot flames that rushed towards the remaining army of the dead.

Down below at the encampment of the free folk, even though they could not see the battle, they could feel the heat of Edwyn's flames. The snow of the permafrost was beginning to rapidly evaporate. They realized that it wasn't safe for them to stay and longer and rushed to board the sh.i.p.s.

Meanwile, the Night King desperately tried to prevent the fire from engulfing him. If not for the death of R'hllor and the release of magic into Planetos, he would have already been dead.

The wall of thick ice he had created as a barrier barely managed to protect him from the searing hot fire hell bent on ending his existance.

No, he could not let things end yet. His goal was far from over.

The Children of the Forest hadn't suffered enough.. The humans hadn't suffered enough.

He wanted the world to experience the same kind of pain in their hearts and suffer in agony for all eternity.

With a deafening screech, he slammed his hand onto the ground and dispersed the sea of flames in front of him.

The source of the flames, the otherworld creature who should not have existed in Planetos, the anomaly, stood in front of the Night King with a growing smirk on his infuriating face.

"Well, seems like you're not completely incapable."

The man inclined his head and asked in a tone filled with bloodl.u.s.t, "Wanna dance?"

Angered, humiliated and desperate.. the next thing he knew his sword made of ice was clashing with the man's sword.

He'd heard from the souls.. the sword that brought an end to R'hllor was unlike any other. Stronger that Valyrian steel, it was a sword created in rebellion against the gods themselves. Even they feared the sword and had sealed it deep within the volcanoes of Valyria.

But, the man wielding the sword was equially, if not more dangerous.

Slash after slash and stab after stab, he tried everything.. every move in his arsenal to pierce the flesh of the red eyed monster. But, nothing worked.

With a blindingly fast swing, Edwyn shattered the Night King's sword and sent him flying tens of meters away.

The Night King was livid. Like a cornered predator, he did the only thing he could in that precarious situation.

Mindless frenzy.

Endless number icilces sharper than swords attacked Edwyn from all possible sides.

Unlike the reincarnated shinobi, the free folk still on land who didn't want to leave despite Mance's persuasions, weren't fast enough to evade the icicles and were brutally impaled.

It was a forest of ice and death.

Edwyn was done playing around.

Within the next moment, a ball of spinning lava as hot as the earth's very core appeared in his hand.

"It's time.. for you to finally rest and be released from your torment. I have felt your emotions. I know of your suffering and your pain. I cannot save you and bring you back yo life, but, I can make sure that your soul rests in peace. It's over."

'Lava style: Rasen shuriken.'

Edwyn stood at the shore of the freezing sea of the north as he looked at the aftermath in relief. Hundreds of thousands of souls that were sufferening in their husks were finally released.

Their torment was over.

They could finally.. have peace.


A/N: Hello lovely readers!! My classes have been suspended.. again! People never listen. How hard is it to wear a mask?! They can't take proper precautions. And now, the country sufferes from an unprecedented wave of COVID cases.

Well, I just hope you all are smart enough to take care.

Wear masks and get vaccinated. I got my first jab a month ago. I just felt weak for a day and then I back on my feet and jumping around like a kangaroo as nothing had happened.

Get vaccinated. It's important. Protect yourself and those you love.

Hope you liked the chapter. I was thinking of sparing the Night King for another day but Edwyn isn't like that. So, good bye to the undead and the Night King. I hope the battle was fun enough for you all to enjoy.

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