(It's been a long time since I saw a human so close to my home. That too, someone with such a strange ability. It's not like that of the followers of that 'Many-faced God'. Tell me human, what are those carvings that you created on your footwear?)

Edwyn remained silent as he heard a voice in his head. It was very ethereal and calm, which sent shivers down his spine. From what the voice had asked, it didn't seem like the being whom the voice belonged to could read his mind. That was somewhat of a relief.

'Who are you?' Edwyn thought.

(You seem to have already found out, human. I may not be able to see what's in your mind, but I see everything that happens in my domain. Although, it's very strange. Why am I not able to read your mind? What a peculiar human you are. I command you to come to me in my castle, human.)

Edwyn was starting to sweat. If he had killed someone, R'hllor would have seen him and sent every warrior under him to capture or kill Edwyn. There were still many questions that were plaguing Edwyn's mind. Who were these beings? How did they come to existence? From what little Edwyn had seen, they acted just like humans. Luckily, R'hllor's castle was right in the middle of the island. It would give Edwyn time to observe.

'Alright, I'll come to the castle.'

(Come disguised as you are, human. My children find other kinds of flesh to be... a delicacy.)

R'hllor cackled and it made Edwyn's mouth twitch with annoyance.

He took a few deep breaths and controlled his emotions. With an impassive face, he walked out of the room and started walking towards the big castle that seemed to touch the red and smoke-filled sky.

Now that he was looking around, the island of obsidian and it's red sky made Edwyn feel like he was trapped in a 'Tsukuyomi', the ocular illusion technique any Uchiha with a Mangekyo Sharingan could use.

He walked and observed the inhabitants. Those on the outskirts of the island were very mellow. But as he moved towards the centre, their behaviour started getting more violent.

The beings were fighting among each other for the simplest of reasons. Even going as far as killing each other. The soldiers were standing idly, not doing anything to interfere in the brawls.

The situation got even worse as he closed in towards the castle. Cannibalism, on every other corner, someone could be seen eating the one they had just defeated. Even more so, the males were openly and violently raping their female counterparts while the females were equally enthused to ravage the males. There was no order, no law, no control, just chaos.

All in all, it was a horrific sight.

It was like wrath, envy, greed, pride, sloth, gluttony and l.u.s.t, all the sins had been heightened to their uppermost limit in the savaged beings.

Edwyn felt disgusted. A few savaged beings saw Edwyn walking through all the chaos and jumped at him. He immediately unsealed two tanto from the wrist guards on both arms and slashed at the nearest attacker.

Edwyn immediately backed away and dodged the ferocious and wild attacks of the savaged beings. Despite there being no technique, Edwyn could feel that every strike could turn the strongest of humans into mashed meat. Gregor Clegane was just a rat in front of those savages.

It took just a few moments for Edwyn to free the attacking savages from the clutches of life and he swiftly ran towards the castle, not wanting to watch any more of the carnage. He regretted to have eaten before making his journey towards R'hllor's castle.

The more he saw, the more enraged he got. How could a ruler let such savagery inflict his kingdom? Edwyn was looking forward to meeting R'hllor. If the being in the castle was actually a God, then it seemed like his revenge against the Gods would come much sooner than he had originally planned.


Westeros had seen better days in the oast few years. Since the day Edwyn was sent for his quest to kill the Targaryens, criminals had come out of their holes and had resumed terrorising the common folk.

Ned Stark had been busy with investigating about Jon Arryn's death. He had met Tobho Mot and had seen what Jon Arryn had meant when he said, 'The seed is strong.'

Robert's eldest bastard born son was an apprentice of the blacksmith.

But what was he insinuating by his last words? That was what Ned was looking into. He was given a book by Grand Maester Pycelle titled, 'The Lineages and Histories of the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms'. It had descriptions of many High Lords and Noble Ladies and their Children. It was an old book written by Grand Maester Malleon.

Sansa had noticed earlier that none of the royal children had black hair. That had made Edwyn's statement even more trustworthy.

Ned breathed out in shock. None of the royal children were trueborn, or even Robert's children. All three of them were bastards of the queen.

Edwyn had written in his letter to not trust the queen or anyone else with anything. If Ned wanted to survive and save his house, he had to tell the truth to Robert and leave King's Landing as soon as he possibly could.

But, if Robert was told about the queen's betrayal to her marital vows, Ned was sure that the king would kill the queen, her children and the man involved with her, starting a war with House Lannister.

No, he could not let that happen. Edwyn may have told Ned to not do something foolish, but Ned was honour bound to prevent murders of the innocent. He could not, in good conscience, let Robert commit such a sin.

He made a decision to confront the queen and give her a chance to leave King's Landing along with her children, thus saving them from Robert's wrath.

Robert had gone on a hunt and Ned chose that time to confront the queen.

"I know that your children are not Robert's, but were fathered by your twin brother, Jamie Lannister."

Cersei was panicked but she maintained a calm exterior and simply replied, "Jamie and I belong to each other, always."

Ned stared at Cersei and simply asked, "Why?"

Ned clenched his jaw and said firmly, "I want you to flee with your children to exile before Robert returns from his hunt."

Right when he was about to walk away, Cersei warned him in a threatening tone, "In the game of thrones, you win or you die. Good day Lord Stark."

Later that day, Ser Barristan found Ned and informed him that Robert had been gored by a wild bore and had little time left. Ned hurried towards where Robert was being treated.

As Ned was writing the last will of Robert, he chose not to tell the dying man the truth and spare him of further pain.

Right when everyone had left the chamber and Robert was administered with the milk of the poppy, he found himself in the throne room.

Robert looked around and found Edwyn sitting on the throne, looking down at him with a smirk.

Robert bellowed, "What are you doing here?!"

Edwyn chuckled, "Ah, poor Robert. You are dying. A pity that I am not here to watch you die. This is just an illusion, specifically set for the time when you are on your death bed."

Robert snarled, "Boy, what demonic trick have you planned?!"

Robert narrowed his eyes and demanded, "What truth are you talking about?!"

Edwyn grinned and said, "That Joffrey Baratheon, Myrcella Baratheon and Tommen Baratheon are not your children. They are a product of i.n.c.e.s.t between Cersei and Jamie Lannister. Hah! The only trueborn son you ever had was me!"

Robert couldn't believe what he was hearing. When he was about to shout, Edwyn continued, "Think about it, there has never been a Baratheon with hair colour other than black. Only those three were born with blonde hair. There's not a single thing that you share with them. Even their eyes are those of a typical Lannister."

Robert mumbled incoherently as his body outside the illusion began entering a cardiac arrest. Edwyn continued with a smirk, "I hope you can die happily now, Robert. The only trueborn you ever had, you shunned him for something as trivial as the colour of his eyes while that i.n.c.e.s.tuous bitch layed with her brother. Your heir is not your son! You just made a bastard the next king of Westeros! What more, Joffrey is as mad as the Mad King himself! Hahahaha! You fought a Mad King only to put another Mad King on the throne! Congratulations, oh Great Robert. You have doomed Westeros."

The illusion ended and Robert cried and screamed to death, cursing Cersei for her betrayal. He died cursing himself for dooming his family and the entire Westeros. As his heart slowly gave away, he saw the bloodied corpse of Elia Martell and her daughter reach for his throat and strangle him.

The Stanger was standing above him, ready to claim Robert's corrupt soul as he raised his scythe and brought it down. Robert breathed his last, dying in immense pain from betrayal and regret.


A/N: Thanks for reading. Hope you like the chapter.

Slow updates for the time being because of my busy schedule in college. Sorry about that.

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