"Blind spot?"

"What do you mean?"

Tsunade, Jiraiya, Shimura Danzo and others were all puzzled when they heard Chen Yiban's words.

In response, Chen Yiban kept a wicked smile on his face and did not answer or explain.

"Humph, stop bluffing. Facing the ninjas of our entire Konoha, even if you are the legendary ninja Uchiha Madara, you can't get away with it!" Shimura Danzo seemed a little complacent.

Uchiha Madara, the power he just showed was indeed extremely powerful.

Even the Eight Gates Kai with the Eight Gates fully activated could not kill Uchiha Madara and was easily killed.


Shimura Danzo slowly stroked his bandaged right hand with his left hand, and his right eye which was also bandaged....

A surge of confidence suddenly began to surge in my heart!


‘The eyes of this man in front of me are the best Uchiha pupil power.’

‘If you can get it.....’

Shimura Danzo actually still thinks this way.

"Is that so?" Chen Yiban still had a cold smile on his face.

Seeing this, Jiraiya on the side felt inexplicably uneasy.

The enemy in front of him was the legendary ninja, the former Shura of the Ninja World, Uchiha Madara!!

Jiraiya felt that it was time to summon those two beings.

"Everyone, don't let your guard down, the other party may....."

At this time, Princess Tsunade wanted to remind the many Konoha ninjas around her.

However, as Chen Yiban said...Everyone focused their attention on Chen Yiban, and was very careful of him.

But for a moment, no one thought:


———Two Root Ninjas, holding butcher knives, stood behind Shimura Danzo.

One instantly cut off Shimura Danzo's right arm, and the other also beheaded Shimura Danzo at the same time.

"What?!!"Tsunade, Jiraiya, Kakashi, Yuhi Kurenai and all the other Konoha ninjas were horrified.

Until the headless body of Shimura Danzo, who was so proud just now, fell down....

"What are you doing?!!"

Tsunade just shouted angrily, staring at the two Root ninjas who were holding Shimura Danzo's right arm and head.

"Lord Danzo....."

On the side, a group of Root Ninjas were also in disbelief.—————

One of the two Root Ninjas holding Shimura Danzo's right arm and head suddenly burst out with powerful blue chakra.

Then, a blue, several dozen meters tall [Susanoo Level 3] instantly took shape, protecting the two of them inside the huge blue body.

"This is...Susanoo!!"

Tsunade was shocked by the sudden burst of Susanoo, and suddenly realized.

Damn it, it was actually the enemy pretending to be him!

As expected:

咲———call out————

The two Root Ninjas transformed into Chen Yiban, wearing red armor and with long flowing hair.

They really were: two clones of Chen Yiban!!

"Damn, when?....."Jiraiya couldn't help but exclaim in surprise

"Elder Danzo, actually..."Yuhi Kurenai couldn't believe that Shimura Danzo, the elder of Konoha, was killed in an instant.

"Again...Do you really think I came to Konoha casually without any plan or preparation?"

On this side, Chen Yiban's real body saw that the shadow clone succeeded, so he sneered with his hands folded in front of him.

As a time traveler, how could Chen Yiban not understand Konoha?

How could he not know the secrets of Shimura Danzo?

How could he not know that he possessed Uchiha Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan?

How could he not know that this old bastard transplanted a full ten three-magatama Sharingans on his right arm to activate Uchiha's secretary Izanami?


Chen Yiban knew it all!!

Therefore, before entering Konoha, that is, before coming, Chen Yiban already had a preliminary plan in his mind.

Shimura Danzo and Hachimon Kai, these two people...Chen Yiban had considered all of this!

Chen Yiban had actually released these two shadow clones long before the battle and hid them in the crowd.

Just now, they transformed into Root Ninjas with the jutsu and blended directly into the group of Root Ninjas behind Shimura Danzo.


The plan succeeded!

Shimura Danzo was killed!!

It has to be said...

Chen Yiban is also an old scoundrel.

It is mainly as Chen Yiban said: Tsunade, Jiraiya, Kakashi and others are too concerned about Chen Yiban's situation.

They don't think about it at all....The companions around you may be enemies!

Even Danzo, who was beheaded at this moment, realized this at the moment of his death.

Unfortunately, it was too late!...

"How could the legendary ninja Uchiha Madara do such a shameless thing?!!"

At this time, Mitarashi Anko stared at Chen Yiban's real body and the two shadow clones of Chen Yiban with a look of extreme indignation. However

, as a ninja, Mitarashi Anko's words at this moment were a bit hypocritical!


This is how he looks like a villain. Isn't it?" Chen Yiban smiled slightly.

"Do you really think you can dance in front of me, a coward like you?"

The shadow clone of Chen Yiban, who was holding the head of Shimura Danzo, looked at the head of Danzo in his hand with contempt....Die with eyes open!

【Izanagi] He didn't have time to activate

【The same is true for Kotoamatsukami.

Perhaps Danzo did not expect...Chen Yiban is just like him: he has the attributes of an old shady guy!

In fact, Chen Yiban is even more shady than Shimura Danzo!!

""Give me back the body of Danzo!"

At this moment, Jiraiya suddenly attacked.

He fired a Rasengan to attack Chen Yiban's shadow clone's [Susanoo Stage 3].


Unfortunately, even the first-stage Susanoo cannot be broken by ordinary Rasengan. Not to mention the third-stage Susanoo! It has no effect except for making a noise.

Instead, the third-stage Susanoo knocked Jiraiya back with one punch, and then the other blue giant hand instantly condensed the"Eight Plate Magatama" that was used not long ago, and threw it at Jiraiya in front of him.


The speed and power of the Eight Plate Magatama were extremely strong.

Facing this attack, even Jiraiya was shocked.—————

Fortunately, he managed to dodge it in the end!

However, the distance was too close and it was a bit sudden, and Jiraiya's arm was cut by the"Yaita no Magatama" at the moment he dodged sideways.

Blood immediately flowed!

"Jiraiya, are you okay?"Seeing Jiraiya retreating, Tsunade stepped forward and asked with concern.

During this time, she did not slack off in her movements, and used the palm magic to quickly heal Jiraiya's arm injury.

It must be said here: Fortunately, Tsunade's"blood phobia" just happened to be cured not long ago, otherwise, let alone treating Jiraiya, she would probably tremble all over at the sight of blood.

"It's just a minor injury." Jiraiya looked at Tsunade in front of him and tried to force a smile.

On the other side:

"Earth Escape...!!"

"Fire Style...!!"

"Lightning Escape...!!"

"The art of multiplication!!"

"Eight Diagram Palm!!"

Kakashi, Mitarashi Red Bean, Yuhi Kurenai and other Konoha jonins and many Anbu ninjas were bombarding the nearest Susanoo with various ninjutsu.


Ha!" Chen Yiban, the two shadow clones of Susano's third level, simply disdained them.———Boom————

The two shadow clones controlled the several dozen meters tall Susanoo Third Stage and walked towards Chen Yiban's main body not far away.

During this time, various ninjutsu were bombarded on Susanoo Third Stage, but it was completely useless.

Until it got annoyed, the shadow clone moved his mind, and Susanoo Third Stage directly threw out the eight-board magatama, and the chakra power slashed it:


The Konoha ninjas suffered heavy casualties again.

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