Chen Yiban stayed in seclusion in the Hokage Building for three days and three nights...

During this period, the entire ninja world was actually in an uproar:

"Lord Tsuchikage!"

""Urgent report!"

In the Land of Earth, Iwagakure Village, a Iwagakure ninja came to Ōnoki and knelt on one knee.

"Hmm?"On the side, Kurotsuchi was just talking to his old Tsuchikage in the Tsuchikage's office. He was startled when he saw the ninja who was reporting the urgent news.

Then he was curious!

Urgent news...These two words are not said casually.

"What urgent news? Is it about the ninja world, or our own Iwagakure?" Old man Ohnoki was also a little curious and surprised at this moment.

Urgent news?

What urgent news?

In response:

"Lord Tsuchikage. It's about the ninja world!"

"A letter came from the outside saying: The legendary ninja, the former Shura of the Ninja World, Uchiha Madara, has returned."

The Iwagakure ninja continued to kneel on one knee, reporting with a hint of surprise in his tone....

Ohnoki was stunned at the Tsuchikage's seat.

"The legendary Shura of the Ninja World, Uchiha Madara?" Kurotsuchi looked curious.

"Didn't they say he was dead? What does it mean that he came back?"

Kurotsuchi looked at the Iwagakure, with a hint of doubt in his curiosity.

But he didn't notice the strangeness of the old man Ohnoki sitting next to him....

The moment he heard the words"Uchiha Madara is back", Ohnoki was stunned.

In his mind:

"There is no such thing as an alliance"

"Submit to the power of Konoha!"

The image of Uchiha Madara with his eternal Mangekyō Sharingan was still vivid in his mind.

At this moment, Ohnoki lost his mind!


"Old man!"

""Hey, old man!"

Kurotsuchi's shout woke up Ohnoki who was in a trance.

When Ohnoki came to his senses, he saw his granddaughter Kurotsuchi handing him a secret report!

"Our outside line sent urgent information about the so-called Uchiha Madara"

"Everyone talks about how powerful Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha were. Are they really that powerful?"

After handing the secret report to Ohnoki, Kurotsuchi seemed a little unconvinced.

He felt that he was definitely not inferior to anyone!

It must be said: young and frivolous!

In this regard,

"You don't understand how strong those two people were at that time...."

Ohnoki looked at the secret report in his hand, but his eyes seemed to be immersed in bad memories.

Then, Ohnoki opened the secret report!

After taking a look:

"The blue Susanoo is indeed that guy."

""Hmm, wait!"

Ohnoki's expression kept changing.

He couldn't hide his shock at all!

"Old man, is it necessary to do this?"Heitu was a little unimpressed. Until she came forward and took a look at the contents of the secret report:

【......Uchiha Madara, alone, faced thousands of ninjas from Konoha led by Princess Tsunade. Later, he activated the huge Susanoo Complete Form, a blue armored giant with a body size of more than 230 meters. With just one sword, Susanoo Complete Form cut the entire Konoha in half, creating a huge chasm about 100 meters wide, several thousand meters long, and bottomless.

Konoha suffered countless casualties!

In the end, Konoha fell to Uchiha Madara.

In addition, the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox was also taken out of the Jinchūriki by Uchiha Madara!】



Kurotsuchi was stunned.


Are you writing a novel?

Is this information sent by an outsider?

Damn, even a novelist wouldn't dare to be so exaggerated!!

Kurotsuchi was shocked and couldn't believe it.

On the side,

Ohnoki's face was already as red as a pig's liver.

"Nine-tailed, Nine-tailed..."

"He got the Nine-Tailed Fox again!"

"It is said that the man named Uchiha Madara once combined Susanoo and the Nine-Tails to form....."

"How is it possible? How is it possible?"

"He should have died a long time ago, in the battle with Hashirama Senju in the Valley of the End. Why, why did he appear at this time?" Onoki couldn't believe the reality at this moment.

Damn , he was almost dead of old age. Uchiha Madara, who was older than him, had regained his youth and reappeared in the world? Isn't this ridiculous?!! At the same time: Thunder, Wind, Water


The other three major countries also received the information.

Even some small countries heard the news.

Even some wandering, countryless ninjas heard the rumor that the legendary ninja Uchiha Madara had resurrected and returned to the ninja world and conquered Konoha.

In an instant, in just three days and three nights, because of Chen Yiban...

The entire ninja world was in an uproar!...

At this moment, in a dark place!

"Bai Zetsu, is that true?"

The man in a black robe with red clouds and a brown vortex mask looked at the place where there was no one, as if he was asking the air.



A few seconds later, a white Bai Jue appeared in that place, slowly emerging from the soil.

"I do not know"

"That person actually looks exactly like Madara-sama, just younger. Moreover, that guy's eyes are actually Madara-sama's Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan!"

"Even the various states of Susanoo are exactly the same as those of Lord Madara in the past!"

"It's as if Madara-sama has really regained his youth and resurrected. It's incredible!"

A white Zetsu slowly emerged from the picture, looking at Uchiha Obito wearing a whirlpool mask, and kept talking in a chatterbox.

"Resurrection?" Uchiha Obito heard this, and the Kamui Sharingan in his right eye condensed slightly.

He didn't really want Uchiha Madara to come back to life!

‘He wanted to carry out the Moon Eye Project step by step with his own ability.

Obito didn't believe Madara!

He just said:

"Bai Jue, what do you think..."Is that him?"

Uchiha Obito suddenly asked again.

Upon hearing this, a black object emerged from the ground nearby.

Black Zetsu!

"That guy is definitely not Madara-sama!"

"At least it's not the Madara-sama I know!"

As soon as Black Zetsu appeared, he immediately denied it.

"Oh?"Uchiha Obito's Sharingan flashed with interest and looked at Black Zetsu.

He signaled him to continue!


"it is known...Madara-sama's eyes have turned into the Rinnegan, and they are already on that person's eyes!"

"I just went to Akatsuki to check, the Samsara Eye is still there"

"Therefore, this alone is enough to conclude that...The person who appeared now is definitely not Lord Madara!"

"Another thing we all know...Madara-sama has transplanted Hashirama's cells, so he can perform Wood Release."

"But, that guy didn't use Wood Release in the battle in Konoha four days ago. You may think that just because he doesn't use it, it doesn't mean he can't do it!"

"Of course, it just so happened that I was in Konoha four days ago and happened to see that person from a distance. Although I didn't dare to get too close, I still felt...There's no scent of Hashirama's cells on that guy!"

"Therefore, based on these two points, it can be concluded that the guy is a fake. I just don't know what means he used to have the same powerful strength and ability as Madara-sama!"

Black Zetsu talked freely, but in the end he was also curious about how Chen Yiban from Konoha had the same power and ability as Uchiha Madara.

After listening to Black Zetsu's words, Uchiha Obito felt relieved.


"It seems that I need to go to Konoha."

Obito still wanted to confirm with his own eyes that the other party was not Uchiha Madara.

In addition, even if it was not the real Uchiha Madara, the power that Chen Yiban possessed still made Obito fearful.

It would be best to kill him!

So as not to affect the progress of the Moon Eye!...

Another strange place:


One after another, phantom-like figures, through some special ninjutsu, everyone's consciousness can come to the same place from thousands of miles away to hold a meeting.

At this moment, many figures, some phantoms and some real people, are standing on the fingers of a huge humanoid dead tree-like monster.

"Have you heard? Ladies and Gentlemen, the biggest news in the ninja world recently!"

When they arrived at the meeting place, on the finger of the Outer Path Demon Statue, among the crowd, Deidara couldn't help but speak out

"I just left Konoha and am rushing back to the organization as quickly as possible. I don't have time to listen to any news on the way."Beside Uchiha Itachi, Hoshigaki Kisame sneered with a mouthful of fangs.

On the side, Uchiha was alone against seven people with an indifferent expression, quietly watching the people on the field as if it had nothing to do with him.

"It's about Itachi!"Suddenly, Tendo Pain spoke up from the main seat.

He actually looked at Uchiha Itachi, who had an indifferent expression!

Upon hearing this

, Hoshigaki Kisame, Sasori, Hidan, Kakuzu, Deidara, Konan and others all looked at Uchiha Itachi.

During this time, after hearing Tendo Pain's words, Uchiha Itachi also looked at Pain with some confusion.

"I also heard that this matter is indeed related to Itachi. And, speaking of it, it is really hard to believe."Among the crowd, Kakuzu suddenly interrupted.

Seeing this, Hoshigaki Kisame and Itachi were a little curious.


"Isn't it just the legendary Uchiha Madara who has been resurrected? How can he compare to the evil god!!"

Hidan, directly announced the answer

"What?"Hearing this, Hoshigaki Kisame couldn't help but be startled.

Even Uchiha Itachi's pupils shrank suddenly!

But in his mind, the figure of a man wearing a vortex mask appeared!

Uchiha Madara...?

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