"...The second....."

On Jiraiya's shoulders, the two toad sages, Fukasaku and Shima, could not help but pause for a moment when they heard what Uchiha Madara said, helping Jiraiya enter the sage mode.

Damn, the second one?!!



At this moment, Tsunade looked at Uchiha Madara and Chen Yiban, who was watching the show with his arms folded, two identical guys.

Tsunade was surprised and almost speechless.

"ha..."Want to see it?"

Madara-sama looked at the shocked and unbelievable expressions of the people around him, and suddenly smiled coldly with a bit of evil taste.

As he spoke,

Madara-sama even slowly raised his hands again, ready to make a seal!


Tsunade dared not let Uchiha Madara continue to summon a second one, and immediately shouted to stop him.


"Madara, what do you want?"

Tsunade asked angrily, looking at the two"Uchiha Madara" in front of her.

As a result,

Uchiha Madara slowly stopped preparing to seal and summon the second super meteorite.

Even the first super meteorite that had been slowly sinking in the sky just now gradually stopped its trend of continuing to sink.

It slowly stopped floating about 300 meters above Konoha!

300 meters...

Too close!



"Oh my god!"

"In the end what happened..."

Seeing the huge meteorite in the sky that seemed to be right in front of them, everyone in Konoha ran out of their homes, looking up at the giant star in the sky with horror.

Everyone was terrified to the extreme!

Because of the distance of 300 meters, the terrifying huge meteorite seemed to be able to fall to the ground of Konoha in the next second. If it really falls, how many people will die?

Can they survive?

Everyone, looking at the giant star above their heads, couldn't help but feel deep fear and terror.

But they didn't know what to do for a moment!

The meteorite giant was 300 meters above the sky. The ninjas of Konoha wanted to do something to resist it....

Because the attack distance was not enough, they could only watch!

In this way, extreme despair and fear enveloped the Konoha Ninja Village at this moment!!...

At this time, on the rooftop of the Hokage Building,

Jiraiya has quickly entered the Sage Mode!

In his hand, the"Super Rasengan" is constantly condensing and forming, and the huge energy ball is emitting light.

However, seeing the huge meteorite giant in the sky stop sinking...

Jiraiya did not make a move immediately.

Lest he make things worse!

Meanwhile, the Akatsuki organization members looked at the meteorite giant that had stopped sinking, and they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This included Hidan!

Although his immortal body would not let him die at the beginning.

However, if he was shattered into pieces, his body would not get nutrition after a period of time, and he would still die!

Besides, why would he be shattered into pieces when he could be fine?


Look at the size of the meteorite in the sky. It would be smashed into pieces....

I'm afraid it will hurt a bit?

So, seeing the meteorite giant stop sinking, Fei Duan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At this time:

Uchiha Madara and Chen Yiban heard Tsunade's question at this moment...

Uchiha Madara slowly lowered his hands from the seals and glanced at Chen Yiban next to him with his Samsara eyes.

Chen Yiban turned his head and looked at Tsunade-ji with a slight smile on his face:

"All the ninjas of Konoha, a few days later...Join us and conquer the other four nations!"

"you...Do you really want to unify the entire ninja world?"Tsunade was shocked.

"Isn't what we said clear enough?"Uchiha Madara withdrew Susanoo and said coldly

"Tsunade, I can't agree to this......"What does Ji Lai want to say?

"Jiraiya, do you have any way to deal with the second meteorite?"Tsunade-sama interrupted Jiraiya's words.

Jiraiya was suddenly speechless!

"In fact, there can be a third one....There are many outside the sky, and the Samsara Eye can be summoned constantly."

Uchiha Madara also raised his head slightly and looked at the meteorite"Tian Ai Zhenxing" floating in the sky, and said so lightly.

Hearing this, everyone was silent!

Tsunade clenched her fists in reluctance and anger.

In the end, she still loosened her fists weakly:


Tsunade-sama, compromised

"Very good!" Chen Yiban couldn't help but smile when he heard this.

Then, the two"Uchiha Madara" looked at each other and nodded.

This is the second step after conquering the"Akatsuki Organization":




That is the other four major countries and four major ninja villages.


When we come to your door, I hope you can be like Tsunade at this moment and know the situation.


That is: One general's success depends on the sacrifice of thousands of soldiers!!

【Congratulations on conquering the 'Fire Country·Konoha Ninja Village' and achieving a super achievement. Congratulations on receiving: Super Achievement Lottery·1 time!】

【Your current number of draws of various types:

Primary Achievement Draw: 3 times!

Intermediate Achievement Draw: 12 times!

Advanced Achievement Draw: 2 times!

Super Achievement Draw: 1 time! 】At the moment when Tsunade compromised, a system prompt that only Chen Yiban could see appeared in the void at the right time. It seems...

As long as the village's [Shadow] bows, the system will directly determine that the entire village has surrendered.

In addition, although Chen Yiban has been watching the show and Madara is working hard, because of the"two Uchiha Madaras", Tsunade Princess compromised with Uchiha Madara, which indirectly meant bowing to Chen Yiban.

In this way, the achievement lottery is obtained!

And...It's still a super achievement!

Chen Yiban glanced at the system prompt in the void, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise slightly.

I didn't expect there would be an unexpected surprise, and I couldn't help but feel satisfied!

In addition, when I imprisoned"Black Zetsu" before, there was also a [High Achievement Lottery], but Chen Yiban forgot to check it.

So now that I took a look, Chen Yiban found that he had also saved two high achievement draws.


At this moment, the eyes of Madara-sama condensed slightly, and with a thought, the huge meteorite in the sky began to move away from the ground quickly.

Finally, it flew directly back into outer space!

It was indeed that since Tsunade had compromised, Uchiha Madara also withdrew the"Heavenly Obstacle Star".

Seeing this scene, almost all the ninjas and civilians in Konoha breathed a sigh of relief, and some even couldn't help but smile and then sat down on the street with their legs limp.

"call..."At the Hokage Building, Kakashi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Tsunade couldn't help but smile!

However, at this moment:

"Although you are the descendant of Hasilama, you are still just a woman."

"According to what we just said, from now on, there is no Land of Fire, no Konoha, and no Hokage."

"This world will start from here...We two Uchiha Madara will be in control!!"

Madara looked at Tsunade proudly with his pair of reincarnation eyes, and then suddenly said coldly:

"you..."Princess Tsunade clenched her white fists and really wanted to beat him.

At the same time, Tsunade inexplicably felt that the two"Uchiha Madara" in front of her seemed to be a little different, but she couldn't tell what the difference was.

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