At this moment, only Uchiha Madara was standing in front of the 100,000 ninja coalition, hundreds of meters away.

However, a strong sense of oppression and momentum seemed like a breeze blowing across his face....Right before our eyes!

Giving an indescribable pressure to the 100,000 ninjas!

"The legendary ninja, Uchiha, Madara..."

Seeing another person walking out in red armor, Uchiha Madara, countless people in the ninja coalition suddenly felt nervous.

Almost everyone knew:

In this war, the strongest are the two"Uchiha Madara".

To stop this war, it is estimated that the two"Uchiha Madara" must be defeated.

But, at this moment, only one of the two"Madara" came out.

Before the fight began, the ninja coalition felt the strong murderous aura coming from Uchiha Madara at this moment....

Countless ninjas in the coalition forces couldn't help but feel fear in their hearts! Some even couldn't help but put their hands together and pray.


"You are still alive?!"

Ohnoki looked at Uchiha Madara who was walking out alone, and his eyes recalled some bad past.

His face became more and more ugly and solemn!

"This aura...It's really amazing." Mei Terumi couldn't help but sigh.

"This is...The legendary ninja?" Gaara murmured to himself.

"Humph, do you really think you can fight against our 100,000 ninja coalition alone? Wait, it will be the same as before!"Raikage Ai, with a determined face.

However, after hearing this:

"Just now...?"

"Are you saying...Izuna ?!!"

Uchiha Madara exploded directly.

A pair of [Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan] bloomed with infinite and terrifying pupil power.


Susanoo, in its staged form, first appeared and roared to the sky. Then



Under the continuous burst of violent pupil power and chakra, the staged Susanoo continued to grow in size.

In the end, it took only a few seconds....

A [Susanoo Complete Form] with a body size of over 200 meters stood on the battlefield.

In response, looking at the blue energy giant standing on the battlefield at this moment:


"The rumor is actually true...Uchiha Madara's Susanoo is actually so....."

"How can this be..."

"us...How did they defeat such a monster?"

The 100,000 ninjas were all stunned.

Countless ninjas opened their mouths wide in disbelief!

Although there were rumors, who would believe it if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes?!!

"This is it, I saw it in the village before. It’s really big!!"

On the Konoha side, countless ninjas shouted in surprise and doubt.

"Nissan..."Uchiha Izuna, with blood still flowing from his eyes, was looking at the Susanoo in front of him in shock.

Although he had been resurrected for many days, it was actually the first time for Izuna to see the [Susanoo·Full Form]. He was shocked just like countless other ninjas!

"And the person just now..."Gaara, who has transformed into a tailed beast, sounds shocked

"Totally different!" Mei Terumi seemed to answer.

Everyone in the ninja alliance was shocked at this moment.

Ohnoki felt like he was back to the time when he was extremely weak and faced the"founder of Konoha, Madara".

He couldn't resist!

The man in front of him was too strong!!

"This power..."The Jinchūriki of the Two-Tails, Nii Yukito, was also in the state of Tailed Beast at this moment, and her voice was surprised.

Originally, her personality was quite arrogant, but at this moment, she was only amazed!

"How can it be repaired?..."Raikage Ai was shocked and unwilling

"It seems...The game will be over soon."Chen Yiban smiled with a slight smile.

Sure enough, the next moment, in the crystal head of the 'Susanoo Complete Form', Uchiha Madara's mind moved, and Susanoo immediately pressed the handle of the Susanoo Sword with one hand. It was as if he was ready to draw the sword and swing it!

"not good!"

"All the tailed beasts, stop him!"

Onoki shouted loudly when he saw the Susanoo.

Rumor has it that Uchiha Madara had just used the Susanoo, which was over 200 meters tall, to split the entire Konoha in two.

The power was terrifying. If he swung his sword in the ninja coalition,...!!

With the size of 'Susanoo Perfect Form', Dust Release is almost useless.

At this time, all the tailed beasts Jinchuriki must work together to use the [Tailed Beast Ball].

In this regard, Gaara to Killer Bee, One Tail to Eight Tail...

The eight Jinchūriki who had completely transformed into tailed beasts quickly began to condense the 'tailed beast jade'.


Uchiha Madara said coldly.

The next moment, he slashed with a knife!

The terrifying power instantly plowed a shocking gully in the ground in front of him, and the sword light that burst out carried infinite terrifying power.

It rushed straight to the 100,000 ninja coalition in front of him!

Fortunately, at this time, the eight tailed beasts Jinchūriki finally condensed a huge tailed beast ball.

Then they blasted out together to meet the terrifying sword light from Susanoo's complete body!


Zheng———In just a moment

, the eight huge tailed beast balls were cut in half. Then, the blade of Susanoo slashed through the countless ninjas who had no way to escape.


In an instant, countless ninjas in the coalition were wiped out by the sword before they could even scream. Even those who were closer were blown away by the aftermath of the sword and fell to the ground, vomiting blood.

"Ugh!!"The eight tailed beasts, the four shadows, and the top leaders of other small countries and villages were all blown away by the power of the sword and vomited blood. With just one blow, the opposing ninja coalition suffered countless casualties!...

An extremely huge gully has appeared on the opposite side! It was indeed cut out by Susanoo's sword!

"elder sister..."Senju Nawase, who had just been resurrected, was holding his sister Tsunade's hand with a look of disbelief. This was the opponent of his grandfather Senju Hashirama?...Is this the power that humans can possess?

Also, how many people died in this attack?

Tsunade-sama reacted and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Although she had seen the horror of this move in Konoha before, she was still shocked at this moment....I was still shocked by its terrifying power.

It was too terrifying!

Even the powerful attacks released by the eight tailed beasts were directly broken by it.

Susanoo·Complete Form, the power that surpasses the tailed beasts and destroys everything in the universe!...


"Is this the strength of your Ninja Alliance?"

"So...Can you still dance?!"

Uchiha Madara shouted coldly from the crystal on the head of Susanoo's complete form.

In response, the eight tailed beasts, the Jinchūriki, and the Kages, all struggled to stand up from the ground in a mess, and then looked at the Susanoo in front of them with doubts and surprise. The body was over 200 meters long.

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