"Summoning Technique: Outer Path Demon Statue!!"

Uchiha Madara slapped his hand on the ground and shouted.

Suddenly, summoning runes emerged from his palm and extended rapidly until:

Clang Puff!———

A large cloud of white mist suddenly appeared from behind Uchiha Madara!———!!

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying roar followed and resounded throughout the desert.

When the smoke cleared...

The ninjas from both sides of the scene just saw: a huge, dead tree-like humanoid figure, summoned by spirits, howling to the sky behind Uchiha Madara....Outer Path Demon Statue!!

The hollow shell of the Ten-Tails!!...

"The game is about to end."

Seeing that the [Outer Path Demon Statue] was summoned by Uchiha Madara, Chen Yiban smiled faintly.

He knew that everything would have a result soon!

"That is....."

During this period, whether it was Izuna, Tsunade, Kakashi, Yuhi Kurenai and others from Konoha, or Ohnoki, Terumi Mei, Raikage and their 100,000 troops from the Ninja Alliance, everyone couldn't help but look doubtful when they saw the appearance of the Outer Path Demon Statue!

What kind of monster is that?

A monster summoned by Uchiha Madara must be powerful!

Moreover, this dead wood giant-like monster looks very scary.

In response to this:

"this...No, it’s that thing!!"

"Damn Motor, it actually summoned that thing"

"Samsara Eye, with Samsara Eye, Madara can even summon that damn thing!!"

""Asshole! I don't want to be taken back!"

The eight tailed beasts shouted angrily at this moment. They all recognized that the [Outer Path Demon Statue] was the empty shell of the Ten Tails. They also basically guessed what Uchiha Madara was going to do next!

He must be going to take all of their tailed beasts into the Outer Path Demon Statue, even...

Become the Jinchūriki of the Ten-Tails!!...

""Bi, does the Eight-Tails know what the monster that Madara bastard summoned is?"

At this time, the Raikage looked at the tailed beast Killer Bee and asked in confusion.

On the other side, Ohnoki, Terumi Mei and others who heard the words also looked over.

They all wanted to know something!

"Idiot, bastard...Xiao Ba said that it was the empty shell of the Ten-Tails, and that Madara wanted to revive the Ten-Tails and collect all the nine tailed beasts."Kirabi's rap style has changed a bit and he exclaimed in surprise

"Nani?!!"Qirabi was shocked, and the others were even more shocked.

"ten...Ten-tailed beast?!!"Ohnoki exclaimed.

There is a Ten-tailed beast above the Nine-tailed beast?

Can the Ten-tailed beast be resurrected by collecting the Nine-tailed beast?

And, the monster that Uchiha Madara summoned at this moment was actually the empty shell of the Ten-tailed beast?

In this way, the countless ninja coalition forces who knew this secret were stunned at this time.

At this moment:

"I once said to Kyuubi...You tailed beasts are just temporary dispersions of chakra."

"And now, I, Madara, will bring you back together as one!"

Uchiha Madara, standing in front of the Outer Path Demon Statue, said with an arrogant sneer

""You wish!" When Gaara transformed into a tailed beast, the One-Tailed Shukaku roared at Uchiha Madara.

During this time, the eight tailed beasts were all staring at Uchiha Madara and the Outer Path Demon Statue with great vigilance.

""Ha!" Madara's mouth curled up slightly.

Then, he jumped onto the top of the [Outer Path Statue] with a swish:

"Wheel tomb prison!!"


A pair of lavender eyes, blooming with the charm of pupil skills

"What is he going to do?"On the other side, the ninja coalition and the eight tailed beasts dared not act rashly, and they didn't know what Uchiha Madara had done.



The first hit. One-tailed Shukaku, got hit and fell down!

Bang bang———!

The second and third times, the four-tailed Sun Wukong and the seven-tailed Chongming...Fall!

Last: bang bang bang bang bang—————

"Uh uh...!!!" ×8

However, the eight tailed beasts were all knocked down by a single blow from an invisible and unfelt existence.

I can now post a picture!!!

For a moment, the tailed beasts were unable to even crawl on the ground.

"Old purple!"

"I love Luo!"


Ohnoki, Raikage, Temari, Kankuro and others were all surprised to see the eight tailed beasts suddenly fall to the ground.

"What happened?"Terumi Mei felt an inexplicable fear.

The other side launched an attack!

The people on her side...But he fell without even feeling it!!...

The legendary ninja, Uchiha Madara, are you a human or a ghost?!

And Madara:

"Well, you can start wearing the collar now."

""You beasts!!" Uchiha

Madara opened his eyes and was full of excitement.

The next moment:


He was controlling the golem from above the head of the 'Outer Path Golem'.

Suddenly, whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh—————

The next moment, eight chakra chains flew out from the mouth of the golem. They finally bound the necks of the eight fallen tailed beasts one by one!

Without exception!!

Moreover, the action did not stop, and it was pulled directly.

Before the ninja coalition forces realized what had just happened: swish———

The One-Tail was first pulled out of the Jinchūriki's body.

Then it was swallowed into the mouth of the Golem!

Gaara, who had lost the One-Tail, suddenly paused in mid-air.

Then his vitality became weaker and weaker!

"I love Luo...!!"Temari and Kankuro exclaimed.

Gaara is no longer the bloodthirsty Gaara. Gaara is now the Kazekage and their brother!

But at this moment, Gaara has lost the tailed beast.

This is for the Jinchūriki....Death!

However, the chakra chain's action of pulling the tailed beast has not stopped:

"By Woodman...!"

The second target of the chakra chain is the two-tail.

Raikage 'Ai' wants to save it!



The Raikage in Lightning Chakra Mode had just rushed forward when he was attacked by an invisible force....Spit blood and fly back

"Big Brother...!"Kirabi was surprised, but felt that he could not resist.

"Lord Raikage!"Omoi and others rushed forward to rescue Raikage Ai....

It was also pulled out directly from the body of the Jinchūriki 'Yukito' and then swallowed by the golem.

The Raikage vomited blood and looked angry!

Next, it was the Three-Tails:

"Dissolving Style: Dissolving Monster Technique!!"

Mei Terumi activated her bloodline limit technique, trying to melt the golem's chakra chains.

But she found it was almost useless!

"Storm Escape...!!"Darui also released his bloodline limit, trying to break the chakra chain that bound the Eight-Tails.

He also found that he could not break it!

When the other ninjas came to fight back, an invisible existence blocked the attacks of all the ninjas in the coalition....Block and offset everything!...

Three tails, four tails, five, six, seven, one after another, they were swallowed by the golem!

All the Jinchūriki continued to lose their vitality.

Until the last eight tails:


The Raikage shouted angrily.

"Idiot, bastard..."Kirabi was about to be completely swallowed by the golem.

He couldn't resist!

"Dust Release: Original Realm Separation Technique!!"

Ohnoki activated the maximum chakra in his body to condense the bloodline elimination technique.

Then: hissing———

Something invisible and untouchable in the air directly blocked and absorbed the Dust Release....

The eight-tail was also swallowed into the belly of the golem!

"That went well. Now, let's get started."

"Another me!"

Uchiha Madara turned around and looked at Chen Yiban.

Chen Yiban and Uchiha Madara looked at each other and smiled.


"The art of spiritual communication!!"

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