Chapter 24

Hokage Building.

Yuhihong took the three of Saiki directly to the place where the mission was applied, where the three generations of Hokage and Iruka Umino, as well as some ninjas, were receiving commissions and issuing tasks to ninjas.

“Are you going to take on C-level tasks?”

The three generations of Hokage held a pipe in their hands, looked at the three of Saiki, and finally settled on Saiki’s body, and spoke:

“I thought you would have to take a month or two to take on a more advanced mission!”

The movements of the eighth class during this time, the three generations of Hokage are known, after all, he focuses on the growth of Qi Mu.

I originally thought that during this time, the eighth class should not take over the task of a higher level, after all, it has to train.

But today it actually came!

“The practice is over, do a C-level task, and distract yourself.”

After a deep groan, Qi Mu spoke.

Hearing this, the three generations of Hokage nodded and took out a huge task list scroll:

“In that case, then the next tasks of the eighth shift… Just give a C-class escort mission. ”

After looking at the C-level task list for a while, he checked out a task and said:

“Just right, there is a C-class escort mission here, but it takes a little longer, you guys can’t take it?”

Hearing the words of the three generations of Hokage, Saiki nodded:

“We took it.”

After saying this, Qi Mu turned his head and looked at Sunset Hong.

Although Xi Rihong intends to let him make decisions, Xi Rihong is also his own teacher, and at least he must have respect.

Noticing Qi Mu’s gaze, Sunset Hong smiled slightly, looked at the three generations of Hokage, and also nodded, indicating that he took this task.

“Then, go to someone and call Mr. Dazna over.”

The third generation of Hokage spoke to the ninja working on the side.

The atmosphere in the office quieted down, waiting for the arrival of the client.

A fine light flashed in Qi Mu’s eyes——


This name is quite familiar.

Because he represents a huge turning point in the ninja career of Naruto Uzumaki, the child of fate, the events of the Land of Waves!

At first, Qi Mu did not expect to encounter this task.

“Did the butterfly effect occur? This world, after all, is the real world! ”

Lowering his head, Qi Mu’s heart groaned slightly.

His crossing into this world is bound to cause some plot changes, which is inevitable.

It’s just that the growth copy mission of the Child of Destiny was cut off, which is somewhat unexpected, looking at this, there should be no ethereal world will.

For this butterfly effect, Qi Mu is not worried.

On the contrary, for the next escort mission, Qi Mu is looking forward to it.

This wave may be able to trigger one or two achievement tasks!

Peach land is no longer chopped, water is not white, these two people can be regarded as masters in the early stage, it is naturally good to be able to fight.

It didn’t take long for a ninja to walk in with an elderly man carrying a burden and a cloak.

The moment he saw Dazna, Qi Mu had already determined in his heart that this was the mission of the Land of Waves.

The task was entrusted smoothly, and this time Dazna did not drink alcohol, so he did not look down on the three of Qimu.

After receiving this mission, Yuri Hong gave everyone half an hour to pack their things, and half an hour later met and set off at the gate of Konoha Village.

Half an hour later, Saiki simply packed up his equipment, brought a change of clothes or two, and then came to the gate of Konoha Village.

Soon, Hinata and Shino both arrived, both carrying a backpack.

After the arrival of Sunset Red and Dazna, the group of five left Konoha directly and headed towards the destination of the country of waves.


Because there is Dazna, an ordinary person, the speed of several people is not fast.

All the way to a safe walk for a morning.

Along the way, no one spoke, after all, it was a mission.

After some curiosity at the beginning because of leaving the village, Qi Mu’s mind has calmed down and entered the state of mission.

Hinata’s white eyes have long been opened, although it seems to only look ahead, but with the white eye’s field of view, 360-degree direction, all have a full view, perfect reconnaissance eye.

And Shino the oil girl, although it seems that nothing has changed.

However, Saiki could feel that there was a subtle flow of chakra in him, constantly transmitting information.

Qi Mu’s own perception technique was not activated, but his state was at its peak.

Sunset Hong looked at the three of Qi Mu and was satisfied in her heart:

“Saiki is worthy of being the chief student, and the performance of Hinata and Shino is also excellent.”

Sunset Red is satisfied, and Dazna also feels very safe.

But safety is security, and Dazna’s heart has some apprehension-

Because he lied about the mission level, he felt like he was going to be doomed if this apparently elite ninja squad found out.

Do you want to find a chance to find out?

Dazna began to have such thoughts.

Noticing Dazna’s look, Qi Mu didn’t say much, he wouldn’t debunk it.

Because there is no need for this!

In front of the road where Qi Mu and the others were walking, a large pool of stagnant water appeared, and under the sunlight, there was not a trace of water vapor volatilizing.

The moment they saw this pool of water, Hinata and Shino both glanced at Saiki.

Facing the gaze of the two, Qi Mu shook his head slightly, signaling the two not to act rashly.

Sunset Hong glanced at the small movements of the three, smiled slightly, and after taking a step closer to Dazna, there was no movement.

“So naïve.”

A sneer appeared on Qi Mu’s face and fell to the back of the line:

“This is the words of Naka-Shinobu, it’s too disappointing.”

Unknown why, Qi Mu opened his mouth and walked through this pool of water.


When Qi Mu at the end just walked over, two figures suddenly rushed out of the water beach and rushed towards Qi Mu.

In the hands of the two, a chain with a sharp blade wrapped around Qi Mu.

Feeling the attack, Qi Mu did not return, and killing intent rose in his eyes:

“Thunder Thunder Chidori Flow!”




In an instant, lightning and thunder!

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