Chapter 176

With physical skills alone, Qi Mu’s strange power can definitely crush Smogg.

But Qi Mu didn’t mean to abuse the dishes, he came to see if the moves of the natural ability could use the Five Emperor Pupil Technique.

If I could, it would be wonderful.


Hearing Qi Mu’s words, Smog said with a serious face:

“It can’t be because I’m a Smoke Fruit Ability, so you came to me on purpose, right?”

Hearing Qi Mu’s reminder, Smogg, who was not stupid, had already reacted with a sure face.

Nodding irrefutably, Qi Mu once again raised the sword in his hand:

“Use your Smoke Fruit ability.”

Hearing this, Smogg did not refuse.

Knowing that Qi Mu’s physical strength was very strong, Smog felt that he still didn’t want to be big, and he repeatedly lost face in front of his subordinates.

Am I Smogg shameless? Yes.

Everyone else watched, did not move.

Qi Mu’s invitation to fight, Smog himself has agreed, Dusty and the others will naturally not interfere, unless Qi Mu wants to kill Smogg.

Looking at Qi Mu with a stern look, his arms and legs turned into smoke, and Smog said with a serious face:

“Yo West! You be careful! ”

“White Fist!”

Poof, poof, poof-

In an instant, as if it was a cannonball, Smogg’s hands and feet, under the action of the smoke fruit ability, rushed towards Qi Mu like a cannonball, and the attack speed was quite fast.

“Here it comes!”

His eyes lit up, and in the face of such an attack, a smile appeared on Qi Mu’s face, and the eternal kaleidoscope of his right eye moved slightly:

“Five Emperors, Natural Light!”


Because he was worried that his pupil power would not be able to exert an effect on the ability of the natural fruit, Qi Mu directly used his full strength as soon as he came up.


A dull voice sounded, and the white fist that originally attacked Qi Mu was directly frozen in the air, motionless.

Not only the smoke was fixed, even Smog himself was directly fixed, and a pair of eyes were full of frightened colors-

The moment he used the Smoke Fruit ability, the whole person could not move anywhere except his thoughts.

It feels like… Forcibly controlled!

Seeing this scene, all the naval soldiers present were stunned!

And the initiator Qi Mu’s face showed a thoughtful color, and at the same time, his pupils moved, and Smogg’s arms and legs directly returned to their original state.

The moment he returned to his original state, Qi Mu could feel that his control over him by the Five Emperor Pupil Technique had directly disappeared.

Looking at Smogg, who looked terrified and gasped:

“If you use the fruit ability, you can control it, but if you don’t use it, you can’t control it?”


Retract the knife and return to the sheath.

After taking a look at Smogg, Qi Mu turned around and left the naval branch, ignoring Smogg’s psychological shadow and having no thoughts about Dusty and the other naval soldiers.

“Wait… Wait a minute! ”

After Smog took a breath, his face turned pale and looked at Qi Mu with seriousness:

“What exactly is your ability?”

He had some guesses in his heart, if it was really guessed, Qi Mu’s existence would be the biggest hidden danger and threat to the navy.

The reason is simple –

The three admirals, like him, are all natural ability.

Without answering, Qi Mu’s reincarnation writing wheel eye pupil power surged, and the figure had disappeared.

Seeing Qi Mu leave without answering, Smogg’s face changed slightly, realizing the seriousness of the problem.

Turned around and headed directly towards the branch office.

This information must be reported to the Marshal of the Warring States, although Qi Mu is not a pirate, but the future is not necessarily.


Above the boat of the Sai Mu family.

Ugh —

After a soft sound, Qi Mu’s figure appeared in the cabin.

After knowing that Hinata and Hanabi had not returned, he carried a beach chair and went to the deck to lie down, waiting for Hinata and Hanabi to return, and then prepared to go to Upside Down Mountain.

Although with the strength of Saiki and Hinata, it is completely possible to walk the windless belt, but in addition to the huge and ugly sea kings, where is the scenery of the upside-down mountain interesting?

Life is just a mountain upside down, even if it is a pirate, it is in vain!

Upside Down Mountain, you can still go and play.

After turning the mountain upside down, it is time to enter the Great Voyage.

Although on the great route, it is difficult to walk without a navigator, and it is even very likely to die in the sea.

But when the strength reaches the top level, there is no problem at all.

It didn’t take long for Hinata and Hanabi, who had satisfied their desire and hope for shopping, to return.

“Brother-in-law, we’re back!”

The sound of fireworks came from far away, and Hinata and the two returned to the ship with large bags and small bags in their hands.

Reaching out and picking up the fireworks, Qi Mu spoke:

“Are you satisfied with this moment?”

Nodding, Hanabi spoke:

“Of course! This world, a lot of new things! ”

With a slight smile, Qi Mu’s excitement for the fireworks was understood, after all, it was just a big loli.

Hinata put his things away, put away the anchor, and asked:

“Qi Mu-kun, you went to test the pupil technique, what was the result?”

Qi Mu was slightly stunned and looked at Hinata:

“Huh? Does Hinata know what I’m going to do? ”

With a gentle smile, Hinata nodded:

“The five emperors can control nature, Qi Mujun should be interested in those who are capable of nature, I remember the admiral of Rogue Town, it seems to be a person with natural ability.”

Looking at Hinata unexpectedly-

This little nizi, the change is really big, but this is a good thing.

The tacit understanding between the two is almost incomparable!

With a satisfied smile on his face, Qi Mu spoke:

“The result is very satisfying for me… But you’re even more satisfying to me, Hinata! You really deserve to be my sweetheart! ”


The little face Wei Hong, Hinata slightly shy, and answered softly.

“What about me?”

Hanabi hung on Qi Mu’s body and raised his head and asked.

After kissing the big loli’s little face, Qi Mu spoke:

“Hanabi is also the brother-in-law’s heart and liver baby! You are my wings! ”

While chatting about the sky, the three of them started together, and after putting away the anchors, the small sailboat of the Qi Mu family set off again.

As for purchasing materials, don’t worry.

The space in the Heavenly Imperial Palace is lodged in the eyes of the reincarnation writing wheel, and there are a large number of materials there, and the three of Qi Mu do not have to worry about anything.


In the blink of an eye, two days passed.

On this day, the huge upside-down mountain was already in sight.

It didn’t take long to come directly to the bottom of the Upside Down Mountain.

Under the control of Hinata’s reincarnation eye ability, the small sailboat of the Sai Mu family walked safely towards the entrance of the route up the mountain.

Looking at the spectacular Upside Down Mountain Route, the three people of the Qi Mu family were all full of interest.

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