Chapter 194

What goes to the mouth and can be spit out? Inexistent.

From the moment she saw Fishman Island, the entire Fishman Island couldn’t be someone else’s, unless she didn’t want it.

Since becoming the captain of the fireworks pirate group, Hanabi’s body has become more and more of that royal atmosphere.

Whitebeard also did not talk nonsense and left directly.

Seeing that the people of the Whitebeard Pirates had all left, Neptune turned his head to look at the fireworks:

“That… Can the fireworks pirate group, really be able to shelter Fishman Island? Soon, the aunt of one of the four emperors should send someone to Fishman Island to take over Fishman Island. ”

Brows frowned, Hanabi didn’t say anything more-

She was thinking about whether to go directly to Auntie or wait for Auntie’s arrival.

Just when Hanabi hesitated, Qi Mu directly spoke:

“That’s just right, during this time, train well and improve your strength to a level.”

A smile appeared on Qi Mu’s face, looked at the fireworks beside him, and said directly:

“It’s just that you came here, it’s not enough to improve the elite of the Dao, this is not enough, when you go back, your father will definitely have an opinion.”

Hearing this, Hua Huo’s little face froze, and nodded bitterly:

“Yes, I see.”

Neptune sitting on the throne, seeing this scene, did not speak, but as a king, he was shrewd enough to understand-

Fireworks Pirates, although the captain is a fireworks, but the real person who speaks is Qi Mu.

When Qi Mu made his decision, the three of them lived directly on Fishman Island.

As for the accommodation, it is of course arranged by Neptune .

It is impossible to treat Qi Mu three people badly, compared to the huge number of the Whitebeard Pirates, there are only three people in the Fireworks Pirates, which is very well arranged.

Of course, the pirate flag of the Fireworks Pirate Group, naturally, was also installed in every corner of Fishman Island.

This marks that from now on, Fishman Island will be the first territory after the three of Qi Mu came to this world.


Hinata and Hanabi went to Fishman Island to hang out, but Saiki did not follow.

The last time we went shopping together, I almost broke my leg, and Qi Mu had some shopping instigation.

In particular, One Piece’s street is too big.

Walking in the Dragon Palace, Qi Mu’s eyes were attracted by the hard-shell tower.

“Hard-shell towers… Go check it out! ”

With a slight smile, Qi Mu’s footsteps did not stop, and he walked towards the hard shell tower.

The most beautiful on the sea, the glamorous pirate female emperor Han Cook all sighed at the white star princess of Furu, and Qi Mu was indeed curious.


It is a person’s heart, and they will be curious.

Because this is a group of ardent yearning for beautiful things, even Qi Mu’s mentality wants to meet Princess White Star.

Whatever, what is the name of the person who helped her solve the target fruit, Qi Mu forgot.

As soon as he arrived at the hard-shell tower, Qi Mu saw the eighteen weapons on the door and frowned slightly.


Directly opening the door of the hard-shell tower, Qi Mu walked in.

“That… Who are you? ”

At this moment, a voice sounded, Qi Mu turned his head, and saw a very cute, but quite huge face, from a huge bed and quilt, exposed Princess White Star.

White Star, who had tears in his eyes, looked at Qi Mu timidly, and asked again:

“Who are you?”

Hearing Bai Xing’s words, a smile appeared on Qi Mu’s face:

“You’re Princess White Star, right?”

Hearing Qi Mu’s words, Bai Xing looked at him timidly and asked:

“Do you know me?”

Nodding reasonably, Qi Mu spoke:

“I know you, I know your mother, Princess Otohime, and I know your father, Neptune tooth.”

Hearing Qi Mu’s words, Bai Xing’s vigilance decreased a little, and he asked:

“So who are you?”

Qi Mu smiled slightly:

“A very ordinary pirate, who is now a guest in the Dragon Palace, how is it? Want to hear my story tell you? ”

Pure is like a white star like a blank piece of paper, and his vigilance against Qi Mu is really not high.

One is because Qi Mu is not malicious, and the other is because of his appearance, he really does not look like a fierce and vicious person.

After hearing Qi Mu’s words, Bai Xing’s face showed a trace of longing, and he asked in a low voice:

“Huh? May I? ”

Randomly finding a place to sit, Qi Mu looked at the huge white star and said:

“Of course, I like it very much for a pure child like you.”

Hearing this, Bai Xing’s little face turned red, and his eyes looked at Qi Mu expectantly:

“That… Can you tell me the story of the pirates? ”

Hearing this, Qi Mu nodded:

“What kind of pirate story would you like to hear? I have it all! ”

Time slips by little –

With Qi Mu’s knowledge, it is simply not too simple to fool Bai Xing.

One big and one small, talk and listen.

In Qi Mu’s narration, Bai Xing’s desire for the outside world rises rapidly and is immersed in Qi Mu’s story.


Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, half a day was spent in storytelling.

Swoosh –

An axe, from the open door of the hard-shell tower, flew directly in, aiming directly at the white star on the big bed.

Qi Mu, who was telling the story, stared at him, raised his left hand to grab it, and a gravitational force burst out, and the axe fell into Qi Mu’s hand.

“Seeing you, I almost forgot about the existence of this fly!”

Qi Mu’s face showed a cold light, looked at Bai Xing, and said:

“White Star, come with me! I’ll take you to see the tomb of Princess Otohime, and then help you solve the Diacon IX who has been threatening you. ”

Qi Mu’s words made Bai Xing slightly stunned, and a shocked expression appeared on his entire face:

“Is that okay? Saiki-sama, can you let me meet my mother? ”

Nodding, Qi Mu walked directly towards the door and spoke:

“Come with me!”

Glancing at Qi Mu, after the reason for telling the story, Qi Mu was full of trust and adoration, and the rather simple white star directly followed Qi Mu’s figure with excitement and left the hard-shell tower.

Without letting Bai Xing hide his figure, Qi Mu directly left the Dragon Palace with Bai Xing.

After walking the Sea Forest first and fulfilling White Star’s wish, according to the induction of the special ability on White Star, Qi Mu directly found Daiken IX.

Without any effort, Dyken IX was directly solved.

It’s a complete solution!

The fall of Decon IX into the hands of Qi Mu and the fall into the hands of Luffy are two different consequences.

Completing these two things and returning to the Dragon Palace with White Star did not cause any commotion.

And what Qi Mu wanted to do on Fishman Island was already done.

Next, it is the people who are waiting for the Aunt Pirates to arrive.

In the blink of an eye, half a month’s time, passed directly.

On this day, from the New World, a pirate ship with the flag of the Four Emperors’ Aunt Pirate Group entered Fishman Island.

And went straight to the Dragon Palace of Fishman Island.

The purpose, naturally, is self-evident.

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