




随着他缓缓抬手,一阵大风吹过,黑血全都消失不见,只剩下断去两臂的罗丝跪在中间,万念俱灰 。

“我 ...输了。”她跪在地上,属于败者的她,此时根本就抬不起头来,令使皆有无敌心智,她作为半步令使,自然也有自己的傲气。


余枫目光淡漠,从罗丝的身上,转移到波特身上 。

“小友,我并无冒犯之意。”波特拱手道 。

“你应该能看出来,我其实也并无杀孽,若不是主要求我等驻守在此地,也不会产生如此情况,我本无意再造杀孽,不知能否停手,各自退去 。”

“小友,以和为贵啊 。”

“以和为贵?”余枫疑惑,随后便是一掌拍出 。

“啊!为何!为何你还要出手!”就见波特持虫鼎要挡住此掌,但余枫却是依旧面不改色 。



肉体破开的声音,波特的腹部也被打穿了一个大洞,躯体直接倒飞出去,直接撞倒了罗丝,夫妇二人直接将这片撞出了一座深坑 。

“你 ...我不是说了,以和为贵?为什么还要出手!”波特从深坑之中爬出 。


六个字,让在场所有人皆震惊,弱?波特弱吗?但余枫刚刚的举动,确实可以说是吊打对方了,所以他这句话貌似还真没毛病 。

“我且问你,蝼蚁与苍天以和为贵,是多么可笑?”余枫嗤笑道 。

“你!小子,别太狂妄了,苍天岂是你能自称的 ...”结果他话还没说完,在他的头顶,一枚小印浮现在上空 。




就连眼球都要爆开了,让在余枫身后的所有人,见到此场景皆面露震惊之色,所有人都是倒吸一口凉气,通体发寒,甚至有些刚刚出言不逊的命途行者以及令使使徒都在亡魂皆冒 。

“我走向哪里,天就在哪里,我若站在此地,此地便是苍天 。”

“可有不服?”随着余枫话音一落,波特也跪在地上和她的夫人罗丝,一起跪地,面露恐惧的看着余枫 。

“服 ...”

咔嚓,他的膝盖裂开了 。

“放 ...放过我们 ...东西我们全都给你 ...”

“只求你能放过我们夫妻二人 。”






















他的目光看向了罗丝 。






但他刚要伸出手的时候,就见罗丝将自己的手拍开了 。

“你做什么? ”

“请不要拔掉这些小草。”罗丝对着波特说道 。

“它们都想努力生存,长大,它们又没做错事 。”

“可是,草又没有花好看。”波特疑惑道 。

“因为拔掉草才好看的花,草自己却看不见 。”


波特一叹,挠头说道 。





渐渐的,他们似乎忘记了时间,二人天天坐在花田旁,看着花谢花开,凋零而又有了新生 。

“或许,这就是繁育所带来的真正价值吧。”波特对着身旁已经满是苍发的罗丝说道 。


罗丝佝偻着身躯,释怀的说道 。

“不用担心,过两天,我便带你去找虫皇大人,让他赐予你力量,让你长存 。”

“嗯 ...我相信你。”苍老的罗丝,靠在罗丝的身旁,他们的身后,是一个非常普通的木屋 。


Two days later, the Insect King indeed gave him power, but it was not the power of the messenger, but the transformation of Rose's body. Although he gained immortality, he also lost a lot and became irritable.

Since then, Rose has returned to her 27-year-old appearance, but her body and blood are all composed of insects.

But neither of them minded, they were really together, and the Insect King had a condition to rescue Rose, which was to let them go to the Breeding Pagoda to guard Beiyu City.

The two of them didn't say anything. As long as the other person was alive, it would be better than anything else. Even if they could never return to the wooden house in the flower field, it didn't matter.

Today's couple is kneeling in front of Yu Feng in such embarrassment.。

“let us go...We just want to survive. "Potter begged for mercy.。

“well. "Yu Feng passed through the Emperor's Eyes and did see every bit of the past between the two of them, so

he sighed like this. It was indeed the case. He looked at the two people in front of him with some pity.

The way of heaven is ruthless, and it is not easy for all living beings.

They He just wanted to live, but he met Yu Feng.

Survive? Yu Feng had just given the two of them a way out, but they didn't grasp it.

Yu Feng's sigh

was just a pity, this sincere feeling, And tens of millions of years of perseverance day after day.

From beginning to end, it was just a dream.

As Yu Feng's waist lit up, the Wenxin Sword fell into his hands.

Seeing Yu Feng's sword, the two of them were frightened. , especially Potter, who kowtowed directly.。

“Please, spare our lives! "He doesn't want to die, and he doesn't want to see Rose die.

The Breeding Pagoda has only been born a few times so far, and that's an eternity!

The two of them haven't returned to the flower field before!

That was their ideal and their The pure land in their hearts.

Rose's expression was very sad.。

“We just want to live, please don't kill us! "Rose knelt down, tears streaming down her face.

And Potter was also a little unwilling. Throughout his life, he and the woman next to him had walked hand in hand through the ages. They just wanted to get out of this pagoda, and then find a secluded planet to live peacefully!

They want to be like these living beings and live in this world without any struggle.

Facing the kowtows of Porter and Rose, Yu Feng's expression is still indifferent.

Behind Yu Feng, Silver Wolf and the others, as well as tens of thousands of travelers on the road of destiny They were all moved. Even the three envoys sympathized with Potter and Rose.

In order to live together, they gave up the dignity of the envoys and knelt down to pray, just to stay in this world.

Yu Feng looked at the two of them, Speak slowly。

“Cattle and sheep eat grass, and tigers eat cattle and sheep. Although heaven is ruthless, it is also fair. Without him, you are just weak.。”

“You kill those who follow their destiny like ants. Have you ever listened to their pleas for mercy?”

“When they face you, it’s like...”

“You face me. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Feng's sword fell, showing no mercy.。

“No! ! ! "As Potter yelled heartbreakingly,

a head rolled to the ground, causing his pupils to shrink suddenly.

His head kept hitting the ground, which was unwilling and extremely painful. He hated it, He hated the Yu Feng in front of him, and also hated himself for not being strong enough.

Looking at the collapsed Potter, everyone behind Yu Feng lowered their heads, not wanting to watch anymore.。

“The fact that you have been able to transcend thousands of years can be said to be the work of the [breeding] Star God, or it can be said to be the work of Heaven. After all, for you, the Star God is also your Heaven. "

As he spoke, the second sword fell.

Potter's head also rolled to the ground, rolling together with Rose's head. Blood stretched on the ground. Only one person turned around ruthlessly.。

“But I, Yu Feng, act...”

“Don’t ask God! "

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