The sun shines brightly in the morning.

As usual, Iruka prepared a rich and nutritious breakfast for Naruto.

Naruto took the breakfast with a smile on his face and ate it up voraciously. In a short while, he ate it up.

"Teacher Iruka's cooking skills are really great!" Naruto said with a smile.

"Okay, Naruto, since you've finished eating, let's start the class." Iruka said with a smile.

"What is the will of fire?"

"Where the leaves flutter, the fire will continue to grow. The flames will continue to illuminate the village and allow new leaves to sprout."

"What is a ninja?"

"Someone who can endure what ordinary people cannot endure."

"What is a Hokage?"

"The head of the ninja village belonging to the five major ninja countries has the title of 'shadow', and 'Hokage' is the title of the supreme leader of the Fire Country and Konoha Ninja Village."

"Very good, Naruto, you are really very smart. You have learned all the knowledge I taught you so quickly." Iruka couldn't help but admire sincerely.

"Thank you for the compliment, teacher Iruka." Naruto responded with a smile.

In the past few days, Iruka not only cared for Naruto, but also taught Naruto to read and write carefully.

At the same time, he constantly conveyed the idea of ​​the will of fire to Naruto. Perhaps this kind of brainwashing is Iruka's main task.

After all, this is exactly what the third generation old man expected. If Naruto becomes a ruler in the future, he will surely rule his subordinates in this way.

However, Naruto at this moment is not a blank sheet of paper without any traces. He has the thinking of an adult and is not so easily brainwashed.

Naruto is still thinking about how to get the method of extracting chakra from Iruka.

But it is obvious that before Naruto makes the third generation old man really feel at ease, the third generation old man will definitely not let Naruto grow up easily.

Thinking of this, Naruto studied the will of fire more diligently.

In the Hokage's office, the third generation Hokage looked at Naruto studying the will of fire seriously through the crystal ball, and a satisfied look appeared on his face.

Then, he turned the perspective of the crystal ball and switched the picture to an unknown bathroom in Konoha.


After Naruto finished studying, he began to jog with Iruka on the streets of Konoha.

On the streets of Konoha Village, many ninjas can often be seen jumping on the roofs and rushing.

At this moment, there was also a strange uncle wearing a weird green leather jacket walking upside down on the street for exercise. Passers-by ignored him, or were not surprised.

"Naruto, don't run so fast, be careful not to get lost." Iruka shouted while chasing Naruto.

"Okay." Naruto responded.

Iruka usually stayed with Naruto, educating, caring for and monitoring him.

Naruto was also reluctant to leave Iruka, because now the villagers saw a ninja with Naruto, and they only dared to show disgust and secretly insult Naruto behind his back.

If Naruto walked away with Iruka, this group of villagers who hated Naruto so much would not only insult him in person, but also beat him up and throw all kinds of dirty things such as vegetables and fruits at him.


Just then, Naruto saw Might Guy walking upside down next to him. He was the top physical master!

Naruto secretly made up his mind that he must hold Might Guy's thigh tightly and let him teach him physical skills and the Eight Gates.

"Big brother, you are so strong with your muscles. You must be a powerful ninja." Naruto praised.

"Oh wow! Thank you, little friend. My name is Might Guy. Finally someone recognizes me. This is the power of youth! I decided to walk upside down in Konoha for twenty laps today." Might Guy shouted excitedly.

Might Guy's eyes burned with strong fire when he heard Naruto's words. He felt that his efforts were not in vain and was instantly full of motivation.

"Brother Kai, you are so awesome. Can I exercise with you?" Naruto said with a smile.

"Okay, then follow me. Let our youth burn together." Might Guy said without hesitation and did not refuse Naruto.

Since Might Guy's father died to protect Might Guy, Might Guy has been exercising alone.

Today, someone recognized him and asked to train with him, so Might Guy naturally wouldn't refuse.

Naruto continued to jog to keep up with Might Guy. Fortunately, Might Guy

Kai was standing upside down with a weight, and deliberately slowed down his speed, otherwise Naruto would not be able to keep up.

In this way, Naruto and Might Guy ran around Konoha again and again.

Until the eighth lap.

"No, Brother Kai, I really can't run anymore. It's really killing me to run for so long with my short legs." Naruto said breathlessly.

Naruto wanted to deepen his bond with Kai, but his strength did not allow it. After all, he was only three years old. Although he had the blood of Uzumaki, it was already against the sky to be able to run for so long.

And Iruka was so tired that he wanted to collapse on the ground. Although he now had the strength of a Chunin, he was not a physical ninja after all, and his recovery ability was even worse than Naruto.

"Okay, Naruto, thank you, thank you for your recognition and company. I'll give you a set of green tights." Might Guy said with a smile.

Naruto: =͟͟͞͞=͟͟͞͞(●⁰ꈊ⁰●|||)

Naruto thought about how he looked in that green leather jacket, and how smelly he looked. Naruto couldn't praise it.

Naruto hurriedly said, "No, no, thank you for your kindness, Brother Kai. I'm still growing up, and it's not suitable for me to wear such tights."

"Oh, it's true, that's a pity, Naruto, you are a good seedling, you can train for so long at such a young age, you are much stronger than when I was a child, if you can, you can inherit my legacy." Might Guy said.

"Really? Brother Kai, no, Mr. Might Guy, I want to become as strong as you, please teach me, Mr. Might Guy."

Naruto followed Might Guy's words and became his apprentice in surprise, but he didn't expect things to go so smoothly.

"Okay, okay, I'm so touched. I'll take you as my apprentice. I'm so happy! Yoshi, to celebrate that I've got an apprentice, I'm going to run 20 laps around Konoha today." Might Guy said happily with tears and snot.

After Might Guy finished speaking, he couldn't help but hug Naruto and was so excited that he wanted to kiss Naruto.

Might Guy: (*⁰̷̴͈꒨⁰̷̴͈)=͟͟͞͞➳

Naruto: Σ(ŎдŎ|||)ノノ

Iruka: "(ºДº*)

Naruto hurriedly slipped out with his petite body. If Might Guy took his first kiss like this, it would be a shadow for Naruto's whole life.

"Brother Kai, keep working hard. We are too tired now. Let's go back and rest. See you tomorrow. "Naruto said hurriedly, wanting to get away quickly, Might Guy was too enthusiastic.

"Well, Naruto, have a good rest, I'll come to see you tomorrow." Might Guy patted Naruto's shoulder and smiled with white teeth.

Just like that, Naruto and Might Guy parted ways, and agreed to exercise together every day in the future, and formed a deep friendship between teacher and student.


"I'm so hungry, Teacher Iruka, let's go eat Ichiraku Ramen." After the exercise, Naruto's stomach was already growling.

"Okay, I'll treat you." Iruka said.


Inside Ichiraku Ramen.

"Uncle Ichiraku, another bowl." Naruto shouted with a smile.

"Naruto, this is already the fifth bowl, can you really eat it? "

Iruka said with a weak breath beside him. He was still finishing the first bowl and it was hard to swallow. He hadn't recovered from the exercise just now. Now he felt a little nauseous and didn't want to eat.

"I can eat. I'm really hungry. Don't worry. I'll only eat until I'm 80% full." Naruto smiled.

Now Naruto has recovered a lot. This is not only because of his Uzumaki bloodline, but also because he is the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, so his recovery ability is extremely strong.

"What a monster, pervert." Iruka couldn't help muttering. This did not contain insults, but he really couldn't help complaining. People are so annoying.ಠ~ಠ

"Naruto, your Ichiraku ramen is here." Uncle Ichiraku smiled.

"Thank you, Uncle Ichiraku. "Naruto thanked.

Uncle Ichiraku is a kind and good man. He doesn't look like the Otsutsuki Ichiraku who was rumored in the previous life. He is really good to Naruto.

Uncle Ichiraku and his daughter Ayame are the few ordinary people who are close to Naruto and treat him well. They even lost some customers because of this. The customers in the store and the customers who wanted to come in from outside the store ran away after seeing Naruto.

Naruto was very moved by this and decided to protect Uncle Ichiraku and Sister Ayame well and repay their kindness in the future.

In the evening, Iruka sent Naruto home. After saying goodbye to Naruto, he did not go home directly, but went to the Hokage's office to report Naruto's performance today to the Third Hokage.

"Hokage, Naruto worships Might Guy as his teacher today. Naruto wants to practice physical skills with Might Guy." Iruka said.

"Might Guy?" Sarutobi Hiruzen


Then, Sarutobi Hiruzen thought of Might Guy's father, Might Dai.

When Might Guy was a child, he met the Seven Ninja Swordsmen during a mission. In order to save Might Guy, Might Dai fought against the Seven Ninja Swordsmen alone, opened the eighth gate of the Eight Gates of Ninja, the Death Gate, and kicked the Seven Ninja Swordsmen into three people.

Although Might Dai was exerted by burning his own vitality, the power of the Eight Gates of Ninja can be seen from this.

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a puff of cigarette and said in a deep voice: "Now that things have come to this, let Naruto go, but continue to pay close attention to Naruto, guide Naruto, let Naruto integrate into Konoha, and don't let Naruto fall into darkness."

"Okay, Hokage." Iruka said.

After Iruka left, Sarutobi Hiruzen said to the back: "Kakashi, go find Might Guy, I have something to talk to him about."

"Okay, Hokage." Kakashi said.


On the other side, after saying goodbye to Iruka, Naruto lay on the bed, calling out for the Nine-Tails in his heart.

"Nine-Tails, Nine-Tails..."

After a while, Naruto finally entered the sealed space.

Ever since Naruto first entered the sealed space and saw the Nine-Tails, he has been calling out for the Nine-Tails for several nights in a row, and this time, Naruto's call finally got a response from the Nine-Tails.

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