After Itachi and Sasuke had a conversation with Orochimaru. Itachi hurriedly took Sasuke home to reunite. Sasuke had been away from home for more than a month, which made Aunt Mikoto worried to death and Fugaku worried. Seeing Itachi and Sasuke leave first, Orochimaru turned around and looked at Naruto and said: "Naruto-kun, are you interested in discussing what I am experimenting with with me?" "Okay." "Naruto-kun, do you know how to live forever?" "I don't know, but I know that if you want to live forever, you must have strong strength or a vitality that is so strong that it cannot be destroyed. If someone can do this, I will call him a 'god'." After hearing what Naruto said, Orochimaru nodded and invited Naruto.

"God? Then Naruto, are you willing to create a god with me?"

"Of course I'd be happy to do it!!"


After talking with Orochimaru, Naruto also returned home, emmm, alone.

Since Naruto became the hero of Konoha, Naruto didn't want to bother Iruka anymore.

Naruto happily stuffed a large sum of money into Iruka's pocket as a reward for his upbringing these days.

Iruka was so amused by Naruto's behavior that he had no choice but to accept the money under Naruto's insistence.

Then, Naruto smiled and let Iruka go back.

However, Naruto will continue to treat Iruka as a master and apprentice and maintain a good relationship with Iruka.

Looking at the empty house, Naruto thought about it and decided to go to Hinata's house. It just so happened that he had promised Hinata before that he would visit her home.

Naruto thought of Hinata's cute face and went to Hinata's house happily.

By the way, does this count as meeting his father-in-law?

Naruto thought so, and then Naruto bought a lot of things and went to visit Hinata's house.

Naruto looked at the big house and thought happily that if he could marry into the family earlier and make it his own home, it would be so cool!!

"Uncle Hiashi, hello, I'm here to find Hinata."

Hearing Naruto's words, Hiashi put down the tea in his hand expressionlessly, slowly got up and came to the door.

Seeing Hiashi coming, Naruto greeted him warmly.

"Hello, Uncle Hiashi, I'm here to find..."


The door was closed by Hiashi.

Naruto: (✘_✘) Beep, beep, beep

At this time, Hinata came out of the room after hearing the sound.

Hinata was overjoyed and said: "Father, is Naruto here to find me? I heard Naruto's voice."

"No way."

"Did I hear it wrong? Why did you suddenly close the door?"

"You must have heard it wrong. You closed the door just because the sun was too hot."

Hinata looked a little disappointed after hearing Hiashi's answer.

"Oh, okay then."

Outside the door, Naruto clearly heard the conversation between Hiashi and Hinata. Knowing that Hinata believed Hiashi's words, he immediately shouted loudly.

"Hinata, I'm here to play with you."

"Naruto-kun!! It's Naruto-kun!!"

Hinata was very surprised after hearing Naruto's voice.

"Father, open the door quickly, Naruto-kun is here."

Seeing Hinata's expression, Hiashi's heart was like a bolt from the blue.

"It's over, it's completely over!!"

Finally, Hiashi opened the door helplessly. Hiashi still pays attention to etiquette and face, especially in front of Hinata.

And some time ago, Naruto saved Hinata, and his family hasn't thanked Naruto properly. Now Naruto comes to visit and is not allowed in. If it gets out, it will be too embarrassing.

"Hi, Hinata, did you miss me!"

"Yes, Naruto-kun, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"I miss you too! I also brought gifts for you."

Naruto directly gave Hiashi and Hinata a bag each.

Hiashi took a look and found that it was tea and wine. He couldn't help but look at Naruto. This guy is really smart.

Then when he saw what Hinata was holding, he was dumbfounded.

Hiashi: Naruto, you are so young and you actually gave my daughter a necklace? ? ?

"Wow! What a beautiful necklace, Naruto...kun, I like it so much! ! ! "

Hinata looked very happy when she saw her gift.

Naruto smiled and said: "Take it, Hinata, this is my gift!"

"Naruto... from you."

Hinata blushed when she heard what Naruto said, and she couldn't help but cover her hot face with both hands. (づ︶ど)



This scene made Naruto's heart soften.

Hiashi: "???"

Then Hinata fiddled with the necklace, wanting to wear it in front of Naruto to show her love.

After seeing this, Naruto couldn't help but feel a sudden impulse.

"Hinata, let me help you put it on."


Looking at Naruto's gentle and bright smile, Hinata shyly agreed. o(*////▽////*)q

Hiashi:!!! (งᵒ̌皿ᵒ̌)ง⁼³₌₃

Hiashi stood behind Hinata, staring at Naruto, and even used his white eyes.

Naruto also noticed it, but just pretended not to see Hiashi's threatening expression.

Because Naruto only wanted to concentrate on putting the necklace on Hinata, this was due to Naruto's preference for Hinata (*´▽`*)

Naruto still helped Hinata put on the necklace smoothly.

Naruto and Hinata: (/^-^(^ ^*)/

Hiashi: (ノಥ益ಥ)

"Thank you, Naruto...-kun, I like it very much."

"As long as you like it."

"Father, come and see if the necklace I'm wearing looks good." Hinata turned around and said with a smile.

Hiashi noticed Hinata turning around, and he turned around at the same time, not letting Hinata see his expression.


Hinata: (。・ɜ・)ɾ?

When Hiashi turned around again, he had already completed the fancy face change and smiled.

"Emm, it looks good. After wearing it, our Hinata looks even more beautiful."

"Okay, I think it looks good too!"

Hinata covered the crystal on the necklace with both hands, and seemed to like Naruto's gift very much.

Hiashi's heart was in turmoil: (இωஇ )Wow~ Is my daughter going to be kidnapped by Naruto?

Hinata turned around and thanked Naruto with a smile on her face.

"By the way, Naruto-kun, thank you so much. It's almost evening. You can stay for dinner before leaving."


Hiashi: "??? I am the master of this house, right? Have you asked for my opinion?"

Hinata took Hiashi's hand and asked, "Father, let Naruto have dinner before leaving. You see, Naruto gave us so many gifts and saved me before. We should thank Naruto."

"Okay, okay, I will listen to Hinata."

Okay, she asked, but Hiashi still followed Hinata's advice. If she agreed, what else could she do? Their family was indeed the one who benefited from Naruto, and now Naruto was still a guest, so she couldn't just shamelessly refuse.

Hiashi always maintained his demeanor, but he couldn't do it, at least he wouldn't show such an ugly face in front of Hinata.

"Okay, father, go and prepare the food."

Hearing her father's agreement, Hinata smiled and said to her father.

Then Hinata took Naruto's hand and went to her room.


Looking at the back of Hinata pulling Naruto away, Hiashi sighed silently, feeling very bad (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)

My baby daughter! !

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