The moment the grass ninja bit her, she was about to bite her.

Just when Karin's mother was about to be bitten by the grass ninja, there was a loud bang.

In an instant, dust flew all over the scene, and huge rocks poured down from the roof.

Karin's eyes widened in horror, staring at the golden figure in front of her, her mouth wide open in shock.

The cloud ninjas present were also dumbfounded, and their eyes all fell on Naruto.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" One of the cloud ninjas asked bravely.

"You don't need to know who I am! You just need to understand that I am here to take your lives!" Naruto roared angrily.

Before he finished speaking, Naruto flashed and instantly moved to the group of cloud ninjas around Karin's mother, and mercilessly launched a bloody massacre.

In just a blink of an eye, the hospital had turned into a bloody hell on earth, with broken limbs and broken arms scattered everywhere. Only Karin and her daughter survived.

Karin's mother was so scared that she hugged Karin tightly in her arms.

However, Karin was much braver than her mother.

"Who are you? Are you the one who came to save us?"

Karin looked at Naruto with eyes full of hope and expectation, asking curiously and eagerly.

Her eyes flashed with the desire to survive and the vision of the future.

Seeing that Karin and her daughter were safe, Naruto suppressed his anger and his tone became gentle:

"Yes, you are safe. My name is Uzumaki Naruto."

Hearing this name, Karin showed surprise on her face, and she shouted excitedly: "Uzumaki! Are you also a member of the Uzumaki clan?"

Naruto smiled and nodded to show his affirmation.

Naruto continued: "Yes, I am indeed a descendant of the Uzumaki clan. My mother is called Uzumaki Kushina. I wonder if you have heard of her? Now I will take you away from here and live in Konoha."

As soon as the voice fell, Naruto quickly performed the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique.

Naruto's shadow clone rushed to the ninjas of the Kusagakure Village outside without hesitation, launching a bloody massacre.

Then, Naruto personally escorted Karin and her daughter on their escape journey.

On the way, wherever he passed, he saw the figure of Naruto's shadow clones fighting Kusagakure ninjas.

When they came to a higher place, Karin finally couldn't help but speak.

"Naruto, please wait a moment, I want to see the destruction of Kusagakure Village with my own eyes." Her voice revealed a kind of determination and relief.

Naruto understood the hatred and unwillingness in Karin's heart, smiled slightly, and said softly: "Okay, let's witness it all together."

Looking at Karin's smile full of satisfaction, Naruto couldn't help but feel a little happy.

Let the flowers of fighting bloom like a volcano in Kusagakure Village, and let the hot blood dye every inch of Kusagakure Village red.

After tonight, Kusagakure Village will disappear from the world forever.

This land eroded by sin also ushered in its doomsday.


Not long after Naruto took Karin and her daughter away from Kusagakure Village.

Black Zetsu and Obito, who were also in the Land of Grass, also learned about Naruto's presence in Kusagakure Village.

Obito's eyes flashed with a cold light, and he asked: "Black Zetsu, what do you think is the chance of success if I go to trouble Naruto now?"

Obito's voice revealed an undisguised provocation and confidence.

Black Zetsu was silent for a moment, and then slowly replied: "Obito, based on my understanding of Naruto's strength, it may be dangerous to act alone. I think it's safer for you to act with Nagato."

However, Obito shook his head and raised a confident smile at the corner of his mouth.

"No, Black Zetsu, this is a great opportunity. I have found my eyes again, and now I have the power of the double Kamui Mangekyō!""

Obito's eyes flashed with strong confidence, as if he had seen the dawn of victory.

Black Zetsu looked at Obito's firm and confident expression, and a sense of worry surged in his heart.

"Obito, although your strength has indeed increased a lot, Naruto is by no means an ordinary person. His growth rate is amazing. We can't take it lightly. "Black Zetsu tried to persuade Obito to stay calm.

Obito smiled slightly and didn't care about Black Zetsu's warning.

"Don't worry, Black Zetsu. I know what I'm doing." After saying this, Obito turned and left, his figure gradually disappearing into the darkness.

Just as Naruto was about to arrive at the fire with Karin and her daughter,

At the moment of the border of the country.

Naruto suddenly heard the reminder of Kurama, which made his nerves tense instantly.

"Naruto, someone is full of murderous intentions towards you." Kurama's voice sounded in his mind.

Naruto immediately turned on Kurama mode without hesitation, and turned on Kagura's heart eye at the same time.

Naruto keenly sensed an unusual space fluctuation coming from behind him.

"Oh, did you find it? The reaction is really sensitive?" A familiar and annoying voice came from the vortex.

Obito slowly walked out of the vortex with a playful smile on his face.

Seeing Obito, Naruto's eyes were filled with endless anger. Naruto roared: "Obito, you killed my parents, and now you dare to appear in front of me, I will never forgive you!"

Hearing Naruto's words, Obito just smiled lightly, and then pretended to be emotional and said: "Naruto, don't be so angry, your uncle Obito, but I held you when you were just born!"

However, Obito's words not only did not calm Naruto's anger, but made Naruto even more angry.

Naruto used the Nine-Tails Chakra to wrap himself and Karin's mother and daughter tightly, and then condensed the Nine-Tails Chakra Hand, allowing the Nine-Tails Chakra Hand to use the Rasengan to attack.

Naruto extended the Nine-Tails Chakra Hand holding the Rasengan and attacked Obito.

Seeing this, Obito raised the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a disdainful smile.

He easily opened the Hollow to penetrate Naruto's attack and quickly rushed towards Naruto.

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