The world is full of changes.

Naruto didn't know that the outside world had changed drastically.

At the moment when Naruto tore open the seal rune, the nine-tailed chakra rushed out like a flood, quickly wrapping Naruto's body tightly.

However, this nine-tailed chakra was very different from what ordinary people felt - it did not emit any malice, but instead made Naruto bathe in warmth.

Naruto's body was undergoing an unprecedented transformation. The nine-tailed chakra was like a magical brush, carefully carving every inch of his skin, bones and meridians.

As time went on, Naruto's physique was greatly improved, and the power surged in his body.

The leakage of the Nine-Tails' chakra naturally aroused the vigilance of many high-level officials in Konoha.

At this moment, Naruto's house has been surrounded and is on high alert.

"Third Hokage, do we need to summon Jiraiya and Tsunade back to the village?"

Kakashi analyzed calmly, his eyes revealing his concern for the current situation.

"Let's observe the situation before making a decision. After all, we have so many people here, as long as the Nine-Tails does not escape from its restraints, we should be able to cope with it."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep puff of smoke and slowly exhaled the smoke.

At this time, Danzo said grimly: "Hiruzen, I have long said that the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki is too dangerous, and Naruto should be captured and handed over to our root for custody.

But you let it go, and now something has happened, how do you explain it?"

"Danzo, don't think I don't know what you are thinking. I will never allow you to do this!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen stared at Danzo with sharp eyes and a firm tone.

Danzo sneered: "Humph, everything I do is for the safety of Konoha Village.

If Konoha suffers losses because of Naruto, the responsibility will naturally be attributed to you, the Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen!"


Mito Kado En and Utatane Koharu quickly stepped forward to smooth things over.

"Isn't the most important thing now to pay attention to whether Naruto will cause the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki to run wild? Other things will be discussed later."

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo stopped the fierce argument and refocused their attention on Naruto.

Everyone's heart was full of worries about Naruto's condition, fearing that his consciousness would be controlled by the Nine-Tails and trigger a terrible tailed beast riot.

However, unlike others, Danzo secretly gloated, secretly looking forward to the moment when the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki really ran wild.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Naruto, and they could feel a strong and unstable force surging in Naruto's body.

The existence of the Nine-Tails makes people fearful, because once Naruto loses control of it, the consequences will be disastrous.

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned, he knew that the power of the Nine-Tails was extremely dangerous, and if he could not deal with it in time, the whole village might face the threat of destruction.

Danzo stood aside with a barely perceptible smile on his face.

Danzo thought in his heart that if Naruto really lost control, then this would be a great opportunity for him to realize his ambitions.

Danzo could take the opportunity to weaken Sarutobi Hiruzen's reputation, and even capture Naruto, brainwash Naruto, and make a tailed beast weapon that could hit wherever he pointed.

By then, he would be so powerful that he could easily take the position of Hokage.

At this tense moment, everyone had different thoughts.

But whether it was worry or selfishness, except for Danzo, they all understood one fact: action must be taken to protect the village and Naruto.

As time passed, the atmosphere became more and more solemn.

The next development will determine the future of Konoha Village and the fate of Naruto himself.

In the sealed space.

Naruto had just finished listening to Minato's explanation and learned how to extract chakra when he heard the voice of the Nine-Tails.

"Naruto, you should go out. There are many people outside looking for you."


Naruto slowly opened his eyes and saw people standing around him, including Sarutobi Hiruzen, Kakashi, Asuma, Might Guy, Yuhi Kurenai, Nara Shikaku, Yamanaka Inoichi, Akimichi Choza, Hyuga Hiashi, Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Shisui, Inuzuka Hana, Aburame Shio, Danzo, Mitomonen En and Utatane Koharu.

Konoha's high-level and top combat forces were all here.

Naruto greeted enthusiastically: "Hi, why are you all gathered here? Do you want to play with me?"

Everyone was silent: …

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked with concern: "Naruto, how do you feel?

How do you feel? Are you feeling unwell?"

It seems to be concerned, but it is actually a test.

Might Guy said: "Yes, Naruto, how do you feel now?"

"Nothing, I'm fine." Naruto smiled happily.

"Really nothing? Naruto, have you encountered anything strange recently?" Sarutobi Hiruzen asked.

"Yes, I had a beautiful dream, dreaming that I became a Hokage!" Naruto smiled happily.

Sarutobi Hiruzen:...

Everyone: 6

"Haha, I won't tease you!"

Naruto said nothing and directly released the Nine-Tails Chakra. The rich chakra wrapped his whole body, and the powerful aura instantly enveloped the whole scene.

This made everyone present drop their jaws.


The voice of the Nine-Tails sounded in Naruto's mind.

"Naruto, why do you want me to release the Nine-Tails Chakra? Naruto, you are not suddenly in a whim and want to show off, right? "

Naruto said: "No, it's better to show it directly than to be monitored by Konoha and treated as an unstable time bomb."

"Naruto is right. If you have strength, you must show it. Only in this way can Naruto get the respect he deserves. Only with strength can he have the right to speak." Minato agreed deeply.


"Naruto, you are not controlled by the Nine-Tails?" Sarutobi Hiruzen asked with wide eyes and a puzzled look on his face.

"No, the Nine-Tails is my good buddy." Naruto blinked and smiled mischievously.

What? Naruto is actually on good terms with the Nine-Tails? And Naruto became a perfect Jinchūriki at the age of three?

"Naruto, you can use the Nine-Tails chakra freely?" Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't believe what he heard and asked again.

"Of course, Grandpa Sandaime. "Naruto answered with a smile like a child.

When Sarutobi Hiruzen heard Naruto still calling him the third-generation grandfather, the big stone hanging in his heart finally fell.

"Naruto, I'm glad you're okay, I'm glad you're okay." Sarutobi Hiruzen said, Naruto was still the innocent and kind Naruto, and he hadn't changed.

"Hmph, something's wrong, you have to return my parents' inheritance to me double, otherwise I'll never let you go." However, Naruto suddenly pouted and said unhappily.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was surprised: "...Naruto, you know everything?" He didn't expect that Naruto actually knew the truth.

"Hmph, I know everything, I'm smart! Don't compensate me with some rubbish, otherwise I'll make you look good." Naruto put his hands on his hips and said threatening words angrily.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed helplessly: "Naruto, let's talk about compensation later. The most important thing now is to ensure your safety. "

Then, Sarutobi Hiruzen turned to the others and said, "Everyone go away first, and keep the events of tonight secret for me."

Hearing this, although everyone was unwilling, they could only leave silently.

However, what happened tonight was destined not to be settled.

Naruto became a perfect Jinchūriki at the age of three, which was undoubtedly a big event for Konoha Village.

This means that Konoha will have an extremely powerful ninja, and Naruto's existence will change the pattern of the entire village.

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