The time has come to the third day after the invasion of Pain.

Konoha Village quickly completed the reconstruction work relying on Yamato's "Wood Release: Two Rooms and One Hall Technique".

At this time, the atmosphere in the Hokage's office was extremely tense, and everyone sat around the conference table with solemn expressions.

Fugaku's eyes were sharp and his tone was stern: "Sarutobi Hiruzen, as the Hokage, you seriously neglected your duty in this incident! Not only was the Book of Seals stolen, but you never arrived at the scene from the time the enemy appeared to the time they escaped."

Facing Uchiha Fugaku's accusation, Mito Kado En and Utatane Koharu looked at each other and actually cooperated to refute:

"Fugaku, don't forget that half of Danzo's arm was also stolen.

And as the leader of this village, Sarutobi Hiruzen should have stayed in the Hokage Building to take charge of the overall command."

"That's right, the enemy retreated immediately after attacking, and we really didn't have time to react.

But even so, they finally managed to escape from the village. Isn't this your responsibility?"

Tian Gang!

Everyone present was also angry.

Uchiha Fugaku was so angry that he almost exploded after listening to the outrageous remarks of Mito Kado En and Utatane Koharu, and he couldn't speak for a while.

"You, you, you..."

Finally, Uchiha Fugaku finally couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, his eyes suddenly opened, and he activated the Mangekyō Sharingan;

He released a strong killing intent, staring at Mitomon En and Utatane Koharu.

When Mitomon En and Utatane Koharu saw that Fugaku really wanted to do it, they also became scared.

"Fugaku, you...what do you want to do? This is Konoha, and the three ninjas are here now. How dare you do it?!"


There was a loud bang.

The table was smashed into pieces by Tsunade.


Tsunade was the first to hold back her temper, and rushed forward angrily, grabbing Mitomon En and Utatane Koharu's collars.

"Two old stubborn people, you should have abdicated earlier.

It was Fugaku who stopped the enemy and saved Konoha, and Fugaku and his men were the first to lead people to participate in the rescue work.

You are selfish and self-centered, which makes the warriors of Konoha feel disappointed.

Konoha is rotting because of termites like you.

I shouldn't have come back here. My second grandfather is really blind. He actually let Konoha be handed over to people like you!!"

Tsunade became more and more angry as she spoke. Her fists were clenched tightly, and her eyes were flashing with anger.

"You senior executives sit in the office all day, enjoying the benefits of power, but never care about the lives of the people at the bottom.

And heroes like Fugaku don't get the respect and rewards they deserve.

You are not worthy of leading Konoha at all!"

Tsunade's voice echoed in the room like thunder, full of strong dissatisfaction and indignation, as if to tear the entire space apart.

After hearing Tsunade's words, everyone present was shocked and agreed deeply.

They had long been fed up with the rule of Sarutobi Hiruzen and the other two, and were deeply persecuted by them.

They were eager for a wise and powerful Hokage to lead them again, not these rotten wood.

At this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who had been silent all the time, slowly closed his eyes and sighed deeply.

A trace of helplessness and self-blame appeared on his face.

Finally, he spoke: "It's all because of my negligence. It's my incompetence that led to today's situation. I am no longer worthy of the position of Hokage."

Tsunade listened to his words, but retorted mercilessly:

"Old man, don't be hypocritical here! Your mistakes can't be easily cleared up with just one or two words! What we need is practical actions, not empty words!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath of smoke, and in the smoke, he sighed helplessly: "Let's elect a new Hokage first, I accept all the accountability."

As soon as the voice fell, Mito Kado En and Utatane Koharu's faces turned pale as paper in an instant. They stared at Sarutobi Hiruzen with wide eyes and looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen in disbelief.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, how can you say such a thing?!" Mito Kado En said in a trembling voice, with horror on his face.

Koharu Utatane was even more anxious. She reached out and grabbed Sarutobi Hiruzen's sleeve tightly, shaking it desperately, crying, "No, you can't do this!"

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen just shook his head gently, with a hint of disappointment in his eyes. He secretly sighed in his heart that these two people were really inconsiderate.

At this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen knew that he had to take the initiative to admit his mistake.

Only by taking responsibility can he reduce the losses, or at least keep his reputation.

Now the situation cannot be reversed, and Tsunade's succession to the position of Hokage is the best result he can strive for.

After all, he is no longer able to suppress the Uchiha clan. Among the three ninjas, only Jiraiya is more on his side and respects him as a teacher, but that's it.

But even if the three ninjas are on his side, they may not be able to compete with the three Mangekyō of the Uchiha clan.

And Naruto is not on his side either.

Not only that, even the always loyal Pig-Deer-Cho combination may not choose to support him anymore.

And the Hyuga clan is even more dissatisfied with him.

Due to the previous kidnapping of Hinata Hyuga, they have long seen the true face of Sarutobi Hiruzen's selfishness.

Now, they are lucky not to add insult to injury.

Thinking back to all this, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but sigh deeply.

He regretted it and blamed himself for not fulfilling the responsibilities of a qualified Hokage.

He realized that because of his actions, he had disappointed and chilled too many people.

Those who had placed high hopes on him and were loyal to him have now left him.

In this way, Sarutobi Hiruzen was like a lonely old man watching Naruto and the others voting for the fifth generation Hokage.

The most solemn election adopted the simplest method - everyone wrote their own name on a piece of paper, and then wrote the name of the person they wanted to vote for.

The referee was Hizashi Hizashi.

Naruto looked around, and then saw Fugaku discussing with Shisui and Itachi, and thought about it and wrote down the candidate in his mind.

When everyone finished writing the ballot, Hizashi Hizashi began to count the votes one by one.

"Naruto, 1 vote, from Orochimaru."

Naruto looked at Orochimaru who was smiling flatteringly on the side and was slightly surprised. He didn't expect Orochimaru to vote for him.

But Naruto didn't want to be Hokage now. He didn't want to be bound at such a young age. Refusing child labor starts with me.

"Tsunade, 1 vote, from Uchiha Itachi."

Fugaku stood up angrily: "What?! This is not right."

Hinata Hiashi looked at Fugaku calmly: "I have already told you who voted, you can ask Itachi to confirm."

Then Fugaku looked at Itachi with a sullen face, and staged a drama of fatherly love and filial piety.

Fugaku suppressed his anger and lowered his voice, saying in a deep voice: "I asked you to vote for me, why did you vote for Tsunade?!"

Itachi immediately rebelled and retorted: "I just think Tsunade is more suitable for Hokage."

Hearing Itachi's answer, Fugaku could no longer bear it, and drew out the seven wolves to give Itachi a belated fatherly love.

Seeing this, Shisui hurriedly tried his best to dissuade him.

"Don't be angry, Patriarch Fugaku. We are still in the election. Don't make a fool of yourself like this."

"Shisui, 1 vote, from Uzumaki Naruto."


Shisui, who was trying to dissuade Fugaku, was stunned for a moment and looked at Naruto in confusion. Naruto smiled and expressed his opinion.

Afterwards, almost all the votes were for Tsunade without exception.

Tsunade was elected as the fifth Hokage with an absolute majority of votes.

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