The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Just then, Scorpion noticed Konan who was talking to Jiraiya on the side.

"Hmm??? How can the woman behind the leader talk to the people of Konoha so well? Is the traitor right next to me?"

Of course, Naruto didn't know what Scorpion was thinking at the moment. If he knew, he would probably say to Scorpion:

"Don't think about it. There are only people from Konoha outside, or they are all related to Konoha!!

Your leader is also the apprentice of our teacher Jiraiya." („ಡωಡ„) Q

At this time, Shisui asked Naruto: "Naruto, there are the Fourth Hokage, the First Hokage, and Jiraiya-sama.

We rescued the Sand Village and captured these two members of the Akatsuki organization. We need to report to Tsunade-sama. Do you know where she is?"

After hearing Shisui's words, Jiraiya thought for a moment and replied: "Shisui, lock them up. Tsunade is resting now. Explain the situation to her later."

At this time, Kakuzu also noticed Konan beside Jiraiya, and couldn't help wondering: "Why is she here? Is she also captured by Konoha? What about the leader?"

Kakuzu frowned and asked Konan with a worried and puzzled tone: "Are you also captured by Konoha? Where is the leader?"

In Kakuzu's impression, Konan is an out-and-out prodigal son who almost spent all his money.

Moreover, she has been serving as Pein's assistant, always following closely beside the leader, assisting him in handling various affairs, and almost never leaving the leader's side.

So now seeing Konan standing next to Jiraiya here, Kakuzu was very surprised.

Hearing Kakuzu's question, Konan suddenly became a little embarrassed.

Konan didn't know how to answer this question for a moment, after all, the facts were not so simple.

"Kakuzu, Scorpion... I..."

However, as soon as the words came out, Konan realized that her explanation might not help, and she couldn't convince Kakuzu and Scorpion, so she fell into silence again.

Seeing this, Scorpion sighed: "Kakuzu, she may have betrayed the Akatsuki organization."

"Ah? How is that possible." Kakuzu said in disbelief.

Kakuzu didn't believe that Konan would actually betray the leader. After all, in order to help the leader, Konan worked hard for the Akatsuki organization.

Naruto smiled and said, "Sister Konan, you didn't betray the Akatsuki organization, but joined our new Akatsuki organization."

"Sister Konan?" Kakuzu and Sasori looked at Naruto in confusion.

Minato patted Naruto, his eyes showing confusion, and the others present also looked at Naruto in confusion, not knowing what Naruto wanted to do.

Naruto smiled and ignored everyone's doubts, and continued to say to Kakuzu and Sasori:

"Yes, she is my sister Konan, we are all disciples of Jiraiya, and your leader is also, he is my brother Nagato! Do you want to join our new Akatsuki organization?"

At this time, Jiraiya also jumped out and said, "Yes, yes, I am your leader's teacher, do you want to join our new Akatsuki organization?"

Kakuzu and Sasori were stunned, listen to this, is this human talk? Or did I hear it wrong?

Kakuzu and Sasori were stunned, as if they had heard a fairy tale. They looked at each other and found that each other's faces were full of astonishment and disbelief.

What is going on? Senior Sister Konan? Teacher Jiraiya? Senior Brother Nagato? New Akatsuki Organization?

These words kept echoing in Kakuzu and Sasori's minds, as if the whole world had become absurd.

And everyone present also had question marks: "???"

Looking at the people with question marks on their faces, Naruto smiled.

Although he felt that he was a bit of a spoof, unreliable and out of tune, it was right to muddy the water anyway.

No matter how messy the relationship is, it is better than becoming an enemy.

Teacher Jiraiya is also a wise man and cooperates well.

If I set up a new Akatsuki organization or directly join the Akatsuki organization, I will no longer be a member of Konoha?

Or after all of us in Konoha form a new Akatsuki organization, who do you think will be the headquarters of the Akatsuki organization? ⌓‿⌓

You said your leader? The leader's teacher is still here! Jiraiya is the real orthodox! Your leader is just inheriting Jiraiya's thoughts.

Just like that, Kakuzu and Sasori began to doubt their lives.

"Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?"

They were already numb with shock. The traitors turned out to be the leader and Konan?

? ?

So Akatsuki is Konoha's reserve army? ?

We have not been working for Akatsuki, but for Konoha? ?

Just then, Orochimaru came over.

"Orochimaru!!" Kakuzu and Sasori exclaimed.

"Hey, isn't this Kakuzu and Sasori? You are here." Orochimaru smiled at Kakuzu and Sasori, and then glanced at Konan.

Jiraiya smiled when he saw Orochimaru coming: "Orochimaru, do you know each other well?"

Orochimaru asked in confusion: "Jiraiya, what are you talking about? I was also a member of Akatsuki before, have you forgotten?"

Jiraiya saw this and said with a smile: "Yes, now you are still a member of our new Akatsuki."

Orochimaru looked at Jiraiya suspiciously, not knowing what Jiraiya was doing, but seeing Jiraiya winking, Orochimaru still cooperated.

"Yes, I am also a member of the new Akatsuki organization." Orochimaru said with a smile while looking at Kakuzu and Sasori.

After hearing this, Kakuzu and Sasori felt like the sky had fallen, and even believed what Jiraiya and Naruto said.

"Is all this true?"

So what is the Akatsuki organization for? Is it an overseas organization of Konoha? ?

Kakuzu and Sasori looked at Naruto, Konan, Jiraiya and Orochimaru in disbelief.

Naruto looked at the stunned Kakuzu and the shocked Sasori. Naruto smiled and didn't run away.

He took Kakuzu in as soon as he had the chance. Naruto valued Kakuzu's financial ability very much. He had a strong ability to make money and manage finances, and he would also protect money to prevent it from being misused.

Konan's 600 billion detonating tags were provided by Kakuzu, which is an astronomical figure when converted into money. $_$

If Kakuzu were to be the finance minister of Konoha, it would be a continuous source of income.

As for Scorpion, Naruto was not very interested in taking him in, although Naruto sympathized with Scorpion's childhood experience;

But he also hated Scorpion's killing of innocent people. For the sake of a powerful puppet, he directly killed the Kage of his own village, and killed hundreds of lives to make a puppet.

For the Sand Village, this is really unforgivable. Scorpion's parents died on the battlefield, what does this have to do with the Third Kazekage.

But Naruto thought about it and felt that resources should not be wasted. He would find an opportunity to communicate with Shisui in the future, and let him try to control Scorpion with illusions, and Shisui should know how to do it.

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