The old man was very sad.

"Then where is Mom's soul, Dad?" Temari shouted to Luosha anxiously.

Temari's voice was full of anxiety and expectation, hoping to get an answer from her father.

Only in this way can the Impure World Reincarnation be carried out, or the mother's soul can rest in peace, so that they will not continue to worry.

Luosha felt a pang of pain in his heart when he heard Temari's question. He remembered the look of Jialuo before her death, when her eyes revealed endless tenderness and reluctance.

At this moment, a thought flashed through Luosha's mind.

Luo Sha recalled the scene after Garuru's delivery. Garuru was very tired because of the difficult labor, and her life was also in the countdown;

But Garuru always used his hands to protect the premature Gaara at the last moment, with his eyes full of love.

This scene is also deeply imprinted in Luo Sha's memory.

Luo Sha widened his eyes, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Could it be that Garuru's soul has actually been guarding their son-Gaara?

This idea shocked Luo Sha, but it seemed to be a possibility.

Temari saw the change in her father's expression and guessed some clues.

Temari asked anxiously: "Dad, do you know something? Tell me quickly!"

Luo Sha took a deep breath and said slowly: "I think... maybe Garuru's soul did not leave us, but was placed in Gaara."

Luo Sha's voice trembled, as if he couldn't believe what he said. However, Luo Sha's heart contained a glimmer of hope.

"Mom's soul has always been in me..." Gaara widened his eyes and looked at his father in shock.

The word "mom" was too strange for Gaara, and he had almost no memory of it.

But at this moment, Gaara could feel a warm power, as if his mother was by his side.

Temari's tears welled up again, and she was so excited that she couldn't control herself.

Temari whispered softly: "Mom... So you are still with us, we always thought you had left us."

Temari turned her head and looked at Luosha eagerly, and asked: "Dad, how can we find Mom's soul?"

Luosha took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down, but when he looked at Gaara in front of him, he still felt helpless and had no idea how to draw out Garuru's soul.

Temari, Kankuro and Gaara saw that Luosha did not respond, and began to urge anxiously. They were worried that their mother Garuru could not be reborn.

Just when everyone was in trouble, Naruto suddenly smiled and said, "Fourth Kazekage, you might as well think carefully about what makes Gaara different from ordinary people, maybe you can find the soul of Gaara from it."

Kankuro frowned and replied with a wry smile, "That's too many!"

However, Naruto's words were like a spark that ignited Rasa's inspiration. An idea flashed through his mind - sand!

The biggest difference between Gaara and ordinary people is that he is a Jinchūriki, and another special thing is his sand.

Whenever someone tries to hurt Gaara, the sand will automatically gather into a shield to block the enemy's attack.

Thinking of this, Rasa couldn't help but get excited, but also full of guilt, because he often sent people to test and attack Gaara.

Luo Sha said tremblingly: "It's sand... Gaara's sand will automatically protect Gaara..."

Kanjiro asked doubtfully: "But father, I remember you said that it was Shukaku's power! How come it has become mother now?"

After a moment of silence, Luo Sha slowly said: "No, it shouldn't be Shukaku's power, it may be your mother's power.

Gaura has been silently protecting Gaara and protecting her children in her own way."

At this point, Luo Sha's voice was a little choked, tears flashed in his eyes, and he looked at Gaara affectionately.

Gaara widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief, and murmured to himself: "Mom... has been protecting me?"

This sudden news shocked and confused Gaara, but at the same time, a warm emotion surged.

Gaara never thought that the mother he had never met had been protecting him in such a special way.

Luo Sha nodded gently and said firmly: "Yes, Gaara, it may be your mother's soul that is pushing the sand to protect you."

Naruto smiled and said: "Who knows

"If we know where the Dao is, let's start trying to draw out Garuru's soul."

"Okay, Gaara, be careful, I'm going to attack you." Luo Sha nodded and reminded Gaara.

Gaara nodded and looked at Luo Sha's attack. Now he would not feel sad again, but full of expectations.

Looking at the sand that automatically resisted the attack, Gaara also felt a little warm.

However, Luo Sha's attack soon stopped. He frowned. Such an attack seemed to be unacceptable.

Naruto also knew the situation and smiled: "Maybe the attack power is not enough to draw out all of Garuru's soul."

After Naruto finished speaking, he put his palm on Gaara's shoulder and passed the Nine-Tails Chakra to Gaara.

Although Gaara is also a Jinchūriki, he does not have the treatment of Naruto. It is good that Shukaku does not make trouble.

Gaara felt the surge of power in his body. He looked at Luo Sha with a firm look and said: "Dad, attack me with all your strength. "

When Luo Sha heard Gaara call him dad, he was deeply moved and slowly closed his eyes.

Because after the conflict between him and Gaara, he never heard Gaara call him dad.

Everyone came to a wide place.

Luo Sha took a deep breath with emotion, "Gaara, be careful. "

"Magnetic Style. Golden Sand Waves"

The overwhelming golden sand attacked Gaara. When Gaara saw it, he was a little scared and started to resist it by mobilizing sand.

With the help of Naruto, Gaara was blessed by the Nine-Tails Chakra, and the sand he mobilized became a lot, easily resisting Rasa's attack.

Rasa saw that Gaara could resist it, so he was relieved. He no longer held back and used all his strength to continuously attack Gaara.

Gaara gritted his teeth, and he became very tired.

But just when Gaara was about to be unable to resist Rasa's attack, the surrounding sand began to automatically condense on Gaara's head, resisting the golden sand and protecting Gaara. The sand became more and more, and slowly gathered into a figure.

Rasa excitedly watched Garuru protect Gaara with both hands. His eyes gradually moistened and tears slid down his cheeks.

Rasa said in a trembling voice: "It turns out that it is really Garuru... She has been silently protecting Gaara and has never left! "

Gaara also saw the figure of his mother formed by the sand, and an indescribable emotion surged in his heart, and he was so excited that tears filled his eyes.

Gaara murmured to himself: "It turns out that I am also a child with a mother, a baby who is needed and loved by others..."

Naruto looked at the Masanoh on Gaara's head, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a relieved smile. Then he turned to look at Orochimaru and said softly: "Now."

Orochimaru exclaimed in amazement, staring at Garuru formed by the sand, as if appreciating a precious work of art.

Orochimaru marveled at this magical power, and also admired Garuru's strong willpower.

Then, Orochimaru heard Naruto's words, and he no longer hesitated, and quickly performed the Impure World Reincarnation Technique.

Under the injection of everyone's expectation, Masanoh began to collapse, and a ball of white light gathered from the sand and injected into Garuru's body, and Garuru successfully resurrected.

"Am I resurrected? "Garulo slowly woke up.

Before Jiarulo noticed the surrounding situation, two voices came into her ears: "Mom!"

Garulo looked over and saw Temari and Kankuro standing beside her, their faces filled with joy.

Garulo stretched out her hands in surprise and hugged them tightly.

"Temari, Kankuro, Mom misses you so much."

"Mom, we miss you so much."

Just then, Jiarulo noticed that Gaara, who had a complicated look in his eyes, was beside her, and she felt distressed.

Garulo asked softly: "Gaara."

Gaara heard Jiarulo's call, he hesitated for a moment, and finally walked in front of Jiarulo.

"Gaara, my good child, you are the one that Mom is most worried about. "Garuru hugged Gaara excitedly, tears flashing in his eyes.

Gaara finally couldn't hold back his emotions anymore, tears streamed down his cheeks. He shouted excitedly: "Mom!"

"Gaara, it's so good for Mom to see you again. You were a premature baby, and it's so good for me to see you grow up healthy." Garuru said with sobs.

"Mom!" Gaara felt the warmth of maternal love, he happily nestled in his mother's arms, enjoying this precious family love.

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