More importantly, when announcing the exam, he received a new task, the goal of which was to get the first place in the year-end exam.

The mission rewards 500 points, and for this he must also learn the wheel mother’s [ejection].

The passive of the wheel mother is [Sharp Speed], and when attacking an enemy, he will briefly gain a movement speed boost.

This is also practical and allows him to maintain a mobile advantage when fighting.

After Galen was promoted to level 6, Kuta excitedly added skill points to the big move, [Demacia Justice].

He finally had his first big move, and he couldn’t wait to look at the skill introduction to see if this big move changed from the game.

Passive: Can lock an enemy every day to become a villain, [Trial] and general attack will deal additional real damage to the villain.

Active: Summon the power of Demacia to try to kill an enemy, the weaker the enemy, the easier it is to be directly killed, doubling the damage to the villain.

Kuta couldn’t help but drool when he saw it, Galen’s big move was not much different from the one in the game.

Even a giant beast like a tailed beast is likely to be killed by him with one blow if it is not in good condition.

It’s a pity that there is no blood bar in reality, and it is impossible to know the specific amount of blood that can be killed, but if it is a big villain, there will be a big sword symbol prompt, and the big sword lights up when it can be killed with one hit.

With this big move, Kutai has a chance to turn over the Jedi.

The time soon came to the exam, each grade would occupy a separate day, and the senior grades had already finished the exam first.

“Everyone lined up and waited for the teacher’s instructions before starting throwing.”

Kuta was lining up, watching as the classmates in front of him took turns standing in front of the target, throwing the three shurikens that had just been handed out.

There are also three targets, and when each classmate finishes throwing, the Shinobi tutor next to him will go up to record the score and then remove the shuriken on the target.

They are the lowest age in school, so most of the students are only four or five years old, and if not ninja families, ordinary civilians are beginners at this age.

Many people’s grades are very unsatisfactory, and even there are many off-target situations, but those students who endure the family perform well, at least on target, and the score is not low.

It was Uchiha’s turn to be a student, and there were two Uchiha clansmen in the same class as Kuta.


The shurikens thrown by the two one after another hit the bullseye, causing many students and teachers to exclaim, and their results are the best so far.

The two Uchiha looked at each other and turned their heads to look at Kuta with defiant eyes.

Next, it was Kuta’s turn, and many girls nervously clenched their fists to make a heart-holding gesture, and the admirers of Kuta cared about winning or losing more than Kuta himself.


The target was ready, and the invigilator gave an order, and everyone’s eyes were focused on Kuta.

Kuta was calm and calm, he had skills, what was there to worry about.

Switching to the blessing of the wheel mother early, Kuta took out one of the three shurikens, turned the shuriken with his index finger through the center of the circle, and then squeezed it in his hand.


Kuta took a glance at the target, put one hand in his pocket, threw it very casually, and the shuriken shot out, and hit the red heart of the target with extreme rotation.

But this was not the end, the shuriken bounced up again under the violent rotation, changed the direction of 90 degrees and hit the second target, and then bounced up again, firmly nailed to the bullseye of the third target, and only then stopped.

Everyone was silent, everyone looked stupid, and even the Zhongnin Exam, who was in charge of proctoring, was momentarily shocked.

After a few seconds, applause gradually broke out, and from time to time there were screams from crazy fan girls who were too free.

The two Uchiha also clapped their hands and walked in front of Kuta.

“I obeyed, my name is Ryosuke Uchiha, let’s be friends.”

Among them, the Uchiha boy with short hair and almost like a monk stretched out his hand and admired.

Kuta shook him a bit, one more friend is better than one more enemy.

“A genius is worthy of being a genius, your shuriken technique is quite good even in the Uchiha clan, I have only seen a few genius brothers with such a level, Kuta, I recognize you.”

The other is Kota’s classmate, Uchiha Youkyo, who is quite proud of everyone on weekdays, and always thinks that he is superior to the famous clan who founded Konoha.

However, Kuta wins the fair, and even if he is not convinced, he can only move out of the family’s predecessors to suppress Kutai.

Wave Feng Shui Gate was ranked behind Kutai, and his performance was quite good, three shurikens shot at the same time, two bullseye, only one slightly deviated a little.

But after seeing Kuta’s amazing shuriken stunt, no one had any special reaction.

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