Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1045:

But it wasn't anything to be happy about... it was boring, boring, very boring. If you can guess the end of a movie by seeing the beginning, what's the point of watching it?

Ha... these poor students, do you think this kind of food will satisfy him?

The auditorium of the venue was surrounded by a half-moon shape, and the jury seat at the top filled the gap of the entire half-moon, so everyone could have an unobstructed view of everything on the stand.

"It's really lively..." Yang Ming looked around a little while wiping the sweat off his forehead. The audience cheered like fans in a stadium watching a grand event, and some even ordered giant cheering banners to wave on the sidelines.

It's almost like cheerleaders dancing in bikinis... wait, it seems that cheerleaders aren't wearing bikinis, right?

If he read it right, the banner over there seems to have his name on it. Not only him, but the names of several people in Jixingliao who participated in the autumn selection are on it. After looking carefully, it turned out that the ones holding the banner were Granny Wenxu and the others.

But compared with the Takmi support group over there, it is much more shabby... The girls in uniform clothes and the headscarves of [Takmi Love] on their heads frantically support Takmi off the court. Come on Mi, making countless boys on and off the stage jealous of Takmi's treatment.

"Come on Takumi~"

"Lord Takmi, you are the best!"

"That boy Takmi, when did you have so many fans..." Yang Ming pouted, obviously compared with him, his cooking is not bad, and his appearance is not bad, why is there no such treatment... Sure enough Is the problem with the hair, as long as it's blond it's welcome right?

Thoughts are mixed, but Yang Ming's movements are not affected at all, star anise, cinnamon, fennel, nutmeg, lemon leaf... spices belonging to mainland China and foreign spices located in Southeast Asia cooperate in his hands, in order to make Delicious curry works together.

No matter who the judges are, no matter who the opponents are, no matter how many audiences there are, Yang Ming, who has been preparing for so long, has absolutely no reason to retreat.

"Well, Takumi..." Chita Orikawa, who was sitting on the jury's seat, also noticed the cheers on the sidelines. In fact, the uniform movements and costumes, shouting the same name, really made people feel There is no way to ignore it.

She flipped through the list of contestants that Iseki gave him, "Takmi Artini, Isami Yirtini, these two have the same surname, are they twins?"

"That's right." Isshiki nodded.

He, who is also a twin, can't help but become interested in the two brothers, "Why do the twins have different hair colors?"

She and her sister have the same smooth long blonde hair, while the two twin brothers in the audience have one blonde and the other black.

"..." Isshiki was dumbfounded, this problem can only be blamed on the wonderful biological sciences.

"The guy with the black hair over there is my brother, right? There is a layer of tomatoes in his bucket, and he seems to be quite familiar with the characteristics of tomatoes..." Chita Orikawa said, "He is kneading a dough... What are you going to do?"

Being able to make the Queen of Curry, who has tasted thousands of curries, unable to figure out what to cook, is already a manifestation of strength.

"Cough cough..." Isshiki interrupted, "The blond is the elder brother."

"Ehhh?" Chita Orikawa's eyes widened, "But he's obviously so much taller?"

I sneezed at the taco rice that took half a month to cut the Italian dough easily under the stage, um, I always felt as if someone said something very rude.

After discovering the pair of brothers, Chita Orikawa also slowly entered the state, and put her heart into this cooking competition. Soon, she found something that interested her very much.

"It's really interesting, that girl is using duck oil to stir fry the spices. Not only that, but duck is used in the soup and the ingredients..." Chita Orikawa looked at the audience and said, "Is it 'game curry'? What kind of taste would that be? "

"..." Isshiki paid attention to it, and found that the other party was talking about Yoshino Yuki of Jixing Liao.

"Who is that person?" Chita Orie, who had stretched out lazily on the soft seat, suddenly stood up after seeing the person in the corner.

"Is that girl? It's called Nakiri Alice." Isshiki said with a quick glance, but there was no further introduction.

Because there is no need, just say the surname "Nakiri", the other party should be able to understand.

"Is the surname Nakiri?" Qiantao Zhijiang's eyes twitched, "It's really exaggerated..."

Because the ground was on the edge of the venue and not directly under the spotlight, he hadn't noticed Nakiri Alice until now, but once he saw it, he couldn't take his eyes off it at all.

What kind of way of cooking is that...

"She sifted after mashing the potatoes, and now she's stirring in the cilantro... Is she making a pie crust?"

But these are not the key points of Chimao Zhijiang's attention. What she cares most about is...

Those large machines that are running fast behind Alice Nakiri!

"Quick freezer...high-speed centrifugal separator...hydraulic press?" Qiantao Zhijiang looked at the instruments that only appeared in high-end laboratories. "What kind of things will she make?"

There's no way to guess... Even if he knows curry very well, he can't guess what the other party is going to do, because none of the things he used were used when he made curry before.

"I really want to see what she'll be serving up."

The unique way of adding spices by Shinto Hishako also made the audience talk about Nao Sadazuka's stinky dishes have attracted the attention of many people.

"Well...these students look good, I decided, Isshiki-kun, I want all the people who became the center of the topic just now." Chita Orikawa was watching the delightful movements of the students in the audience. time, said so.

The meaning of "I want it" is actually to give them a chance to enter the HO Group for an internship. Even for Totsuki's students, it is a very lucky thing to enter the giant in the curry industry.

"This... I'll talk about it later." Isshiki declined, and he couldn't make up his mind if he didn't talk about this kind of thing first. And, what a joke...there are so many people staring at Togetsu Academy, if the HO Group is picked out, will other companies be recruited?


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