Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1050:

"And in this dish, turmeric is also added! Star anise and fennel seeds... This is a complete medicinal meal!"

"Medicated food..." Yang Ming below twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Oh! Siwu soup you said! Is it the kind of dish that legends say that a dying traveler wakes up immediately after drinking it! Ah, I understand!" The fat uncle judge on the stage shook his head and commented.

As for what he was talking about, what he understood, and what the dying traveler was, Yang Ming didn't understand at all, but he felt that he mostly pretended to understand.

"The name of this herbal curry - it's the mutton soup curry!"

Looking at the fascinated expressions of the judges on the field and the slight sweat on his body, Yang Ming looked sluggish.

Hey hey hey... Can one soup of four things make you become like this?

Ahem, let him explain what Siwu Decoction is. The glasses judge said it right. This is indeed a decoction made from angelica, chuanxiong, rehmannia, and peony.

The role of Angelica is to invigorate blood and relieve pain, nourish blood and regulate menstruation.

The function of Rehmannia glutinosa is to invigorate Qi and activate blood, nourish blood and regulate menstruation.

The role of Chuanxiong is to calm the nerves, nourish blood and regulate menstruation.

The role of peony is to nourish yin and nourish, nourish blood and regulate menstruation.

Seeing this, I think you should also understand...

Siwu Decoction, the first prescription for gynecology known as the first blood-replenishing prescription, has nothing to do with the panacea that brings the dying traveler back to life.

When I was at home, Xinto Feishazi often suffered from severe pain in the **** due to dysmenorrhea. Later, after seeing the doctor, it was recommended to use Siwu Decoction for nourishing, and drink it every morning and evening for one week after the menstrual period... ...then it's miraculously painless...

Well, I can mention to my friends who suffer from dysmenorrhea, if you are talking about Siwu Tang, you can try it. In fact, you can easily buy brewed drinks online...

But then again, mutton itself is also an ingredient that warms qi and blood, and when combined with Siwu soup or something, it really maximizes the medicinal effect.

"But is it really delicious?" Seeing the satisfied judges on the stage, and smelling the strong smell of Siwu Tang, Yang Ming said that he couldn't accept it.

"Hishako Shinto's final score is - 92 points!" After confirming twice and making sure that he was not mistaken, the host announced the score.

"real or fake……"

"Easy to break through the ninety-point mark!"

"As expected of a chef recognized by Erina!"

Oh, yes, speaking of which she has been with Erina for so long, so her culinary skills will definitely not be bad, um, maybe she can really make Siwu soup delicious?

Yang Ming took a look, still not quite sure about this issue.

In Yang Ming's view, the grouping for the autumn selection is very strange.

As if intentionally, the boys he knew were all assigned to group A, while the girls he knew, such as Nakiri Alice, Yoshino Yuki, Tiansuohui, and Shinto Hishako, were all assigned to the group.

Um, is there something wrong with this list? It seems not.

The proportion of girls is the majority, and the delicate cooking style that belongs to girls alone also makes the curry dishes of the whole group mainly have a slender and beautiful style.

"Ah! The game curry is really superb!" Yuki Yoshino's fried duck steak curry was praised by the judges one after another. .

"Little girl, come to my gourmet club next time!" The president of the gourmet club, who was very interested in game, invited Yuki Yoshino.

"Eh? Okay!" Yoshino Yuki suddenly laughed happily.

"You're welcome!"

And this game dish, which perfectly neutralizes the smell of duck meat, finally got a high score of 86 points! All of a sudden, Nao Sadazuka was pushed to the third place!

Unfortunately, Yuki Yoshino's second place only lasted for a few minutes. Soon, a girl wearing a red cheongsam, with pineapple curry fried rice decorated with spices and pineapple, topped it with a score of 87 points. The location of Yuki Yoshino.

"Ugh... Damn!" Yang Ming stood off the field and could see Yuuki Yoshino's face bulging.

After several consecutive high scores, the game that had already entered the ** suddenly returned to the original rhythm. One after another, curry-themed delicacies passed through the tables of Qianta Zhijiang and the judges like flowing water. What kind of curry seafood soup, curry baked rice, borscht soup... In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen dishes were served. , but their scores are not too high, they are quite satisfactory, there are no surprises at all, and their scores are around 50.

"The next player on the stage is Isami Aldini!"

I don't know what to do during the summer vacation, but Isami, who was thin and thin, appeared. The dish he brought out was the "Italian curry bread" conceived by his cooking experience in Japan these days.

Curry bread, as the name suggests, is filled with curry fillings, but since you want to add Italian-style features to it, it will inevitably change.

Instead of bread, the pizza crust is used to wrap the ingredients and then fold them in half. The water inside is also used to cook the tomato, which makes the outer layer of the whole dish crispy and crispy, and the taste is sweet and sweet when chewing. Chewy and delicious, it pairs wonderfully with a rich curry...  

Taking the idea of ​​Japanese curry bread and incorporating Italian style into it, this dish that made Isami put his heart and soul into it, in the end, won him a high score of 87 points!

Unfortunately, this dish did not allow him to successfully surpass his brother.

Green peppers, mushrooms and bacon... The ingredients seem to be from Italian bacon risotto, but instead of tomato sauce, curry sauce is used, and the noodles are Italian-style fettuccine, other than that, it looks unremarkable, Nothing stands out.

But only when you enter can you understand the essence of this dish. The aroma of the curry sauce hits the nostrils, fully wrapping the wide noodles, hitting the nerves over and over again.

"The seasoning of this curry sauce is not ordinary soy sauce, but pure bean soy sauce!" The judges with glasses first discovered the highlight, "This soy sauce is more delicious than ordinary soy sauce, and in this dish It has an unparalleled aroma!"

"Strange... I clearly ate cheese in it, but... I can't find it no matter how I look for it, where is it hidden!" The fat uncle said strangely, he rolled up the wide noodles with a fork and searched for a long time , have not been able to find the source of the cheese's mellow flavor.

"Please take a look at the cross-section of the noodles." Takmi chuckled lightly. He didn't expect that even such an experienced gourmet could not figure it out.


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