Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1090:

"Hey...that's Senior Isshiki!"

"What an exaggeration... such a big ice cube!"

I saw Isshiki pushing a small cart into the center of the venue, and on top of the cart was a huge ice cube.

And the title of this final was sealed in this ice cube.

"Bang-Bang--" Isshiki took a hammer given by the staff and tapped the huge block of ice one after another.

Soon, the ingredient that was sealed in the center... slowly revealed its face.

"Snapper... it's a snapper!"

"It turned out to be such a precious fish! It really is the finals of the autumn selection!"

When the big red snapper appeared in the center of the ice, the whole venue was boiling.

"The people of Dongying really like sea bream..." Yang Ming glanced at Soma Yukihira next to him, and even his eyes widened.

The people of Dongying are so fond of sea bream that it can be said that they are infatuated with sea bream. Words such as "the king of fish" and "the essence of the sea" are put on the head of the sea bream without hesitation. Eating sea bream during Chinese New Year, eating sea bream when getting married, and eating sea bream when giving birth to a child, the existence of sea bream is equivalent to the Chinese word for happiness in Dongying.

There is even a wandering text that wrote such words: "The flower belongs to the cherry tree, the column is the cypress, the human is only the samurai, and the fish is only the sea bream."

If this sentence is translated in ordinary Chinese, it is Lu Bu among people, red rabbits among horses, and red sea bream among fish...

But the taste of the really quite good.

"The final...will start in ten days!"

"I hope the two players can bring you the most exciting duel!"


During Yang Ming's rest, a guest came to Jixingliao.

"Yang Mingjun, shall we go and see the snapper?"

Alice looked at Yang Ming with a smile.

"Huh?" Yang Ming was about to refuse and wanted to rest for a while, but after thinking about it, he still said, "Okay."

But just raised his head, he was slightly startled.

Today's Alice is more beautiful and moving than ever. She is wearing a pink lace skirt, a European-style hat on her head, short silver hair **** casually, and holding a beautiful bag in her hand.

"I said, you don't have to dress up so pretty when you go to that kind of market, right?" Yang Ming spread his hands.

"Hey? Do you think it's beautiful?" Alice said happily, her face a little red.

That's not what I'm asking at all, is it? Yang Ming was a little helpless, and then nodded, "Of course it's beautiful, but I mean, if we go to the fish market, we don't need to wear so pretty, right?"

"No matter where I go, this is the first time I go shopping with you, how could I not dress nicely!" Alice said seriously, "Whoever looks like you, the clothes are all crooked."

She stretched out her hand and straightened Yang Ming's slightly crooked collar.

"Okay." Yang Ming felt the constant touch on his chest, nodded, and said, "Let's go then, have you driven?"

"Let's go over, it's rare to come out once." Alice tilted her head, her face was actually coquettish, "And I have something I want to tell you."

"Let's talk as we walk." Yang Ming always felt that Alice was weird today. .

Alice naturally held Yang Ming with her right hand and walked towards the fish market. She had a beautiful face, a bumpy figure, and her red eyes flashed dodging.

As Yang Ming grew older, his body changed a little. The black Yuanyue school uniform on his upper body was bulged by the looming muscles. He looked a little strong, his legs were slender, and his plain temperament gave people a kind of Handsome feeling.

The two walked together like a couple.

"What happened?" Yang Ming looked around. There were few pedestrians on this street. There were only a few children laughing and chasing on the street in the distance, as if they were playing hide-and-seek.

Although Alice came over before, she drove over just after she left the Chinese, Chinese and Western Cuisine Research Institute, and only came down when she arrived at the fish market. Although the atmosphere was extremely harmonious along the way, she faintly felt something in Alice's heart.

"That's it..." Alice blushed slightly. "My mother should be back tomorrow. She is the judge for the selection of Qiuzhi this time. When that time comes, maybe, maybe, she wants to see you."

"See me?" Yang Ming was startled and said, "What's going on?"

"Sometimes I always used to call my mother, and then I accidentally told my mother about you, and she said she wanted to see you." Alice pursed her lips and said coquettishly, "You don't Will you?"

"Definitely willing." Yang Ming smiled, reached out and pinched Alice's little nose, "Just this, do you still need to worry so much?"

"That's great, when your mother comes tomorrow, you can go see her with me!" Alice said happily, grabbing Yang Ming's arm and shaking it, "But then I have to dress you up first, mother But he is very particular about his clothes.”

"Okay." Yang Ming said casually. He has always been casual about what he wears. First, he is not too fond of those famous brands. Second, after crossing over, he really has no money on hand, so he naturally has no way to dress up.

"Mmmm." Alice nodded with a bright smile on her face, "Mother is very satisfied with you, she heard about you in Yuanyue, but..."

She lowered her voice and said with a blushing face, "She said it's too early to get engaged. I don't want us to establish a relationship too early, not to have that kind of relationship too early, everything has to wait later."

"Auntie is really open." Yang Ming was a little speechless. Should he be a woman living in Europe and America? Really candid about this.

"Okay, let's go see the snapper." Alice pulled Yang Ming's arm and walked over there.

Yang Ming shrugged and followed Alice towards the fish market, but before taking a few steps, a few passers-by who looked like bad youths suddenly walked out of the alley around the corner.

The leader is a tall boy with a cold Are you Yang Ming? "

This person was not wearing any clothes on the upper body, black trousers on the lower body, strong muscle lines were undoubtedly revealed, and there were some patterns tattooed on it, so he did not look like a good person.

Yang Ming stopped, frowning slightly, "Who are you?"

"Yes!" The other party looked at Yang Ming with a sneer, "I heard you hit my little brother?"

"What do you mean? When did I hit your little brother, and I've never seen you before." Yang Ming felt that the other party's visitor was not good, his brows furrowed, and he looked around, the street was a little cold, and there were not many people at all. .

"Hmph, I still don't admit to hitting someone." The boy deliberately blocked the road.

"Who came for you?" Yang Ming's mind was full of thoughts, and he suddenly thought that the other party must be deliberately asking for trouble. He hadn't been out of Yuan Yue at all during this period of time, let alone hit anyone. Thinking like this, it can only be Naginata. The man who cut the thistle, because he offended the other.

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