Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1143:

"This is different, Ishikawa," said Mr. Aoyama next to him. "I have tasted his cuisine at the hub restaurant. Although it is a little different from ours, I can say that I already know how to enter our field."

"There is such a thing." Mr. Ishikawa said unexpectedly.

"Of course, it's been so long since the training in your restaurant, Yang Ming will also grow." Mr. Qingshan said with a smile.

"Hey, this swordsmanship is amazing." Suddenly, Xiaoshantai's pupils shrank slightly, because he saw that Yang Ming was already cutting the ingredients, which would definitely use the swordsmanship......

"Haha, Mr. Xiaoshan, I really admire Yang Ming's swordsmanship. I'm afraid there is no one who wants to fight against Yang Ming. His swordsmanship can be compared to mine." Mr. Ishikawa smiled, looking at To Yang Ming.

But in an instant, he was speechless, "Qingshan, did you feel anything?"

From Yang Ming's light-heavy handling of the ingredients, they seemed to sense some kind of magical power, which they had been pursuing all their lives.

But the continual pursuit was still fruitless.

They don't have the slightest direction at all, how to enter that mysterious realm.

"A master-level domain?" Qingshan frowned and asked hesitantly.

"I don't know, but to make such a change in Yang Ming's top swordsmanship, is there any other way besides that field?" Mr. Ishikawa frowned. Mr. Ishikawa knew about Yang Ming's original swordsmanship.

That is a knife that can be compared with him.

This kind of knife work has already amazed Mr. Ishikawa, but today's knife work, although not very gorgeous, but from such a simple knife work, Mr. Ishikawa felt something.

It can change the top knife craftsman.

The censors were shocked, and Yang Ming brought them the first shock.

"Cutting is complete." Yang Ming put the cut ingredients into small bowls. These ingredients will be needed at that time.

"Then the next step in handling the mussels." Yang Ming picked up the mussels from the washbasin, holding a small kitchen knife in his other hand.

There is a thing in the mussels called the beard, which needs to be removed with a kitchen knife.

Otherwise, the taste of the food will be cloudy.

Even if the master-level swordsman did not use his full strength, he could see the mussels taken out one by one, and then placed in another place.

The speed of the kitchen knife is like a phantom.

The mussels are handled without the slightest flaw.

Simply perfect. .

"The processing is complete." Yang Ming put down the kitchen knife and smiled at the mussels on the other side.

The main ingredients have been processed.

Now comes the real cooking, transforming the mussels into the perfect French dish.

Light the stove in front of you, put on the pot, add the butter to the pot, and use the force of the temperature to melt the butter.

After the butter melted, Yang Ming added the chopped onion and garlic, combined with the butter, to stir fry.

Let the aromas of these two ingredients come out with a buttery blend.

"Well, it's almost there." The tip of the nose smelled a faint fragrance. Yang Mingshen's nose perfectly grasped the most appropriate timing of the ingredients, and then proceeded to the next step of cooking.

Add a small amount of thyme and bay leaves and stir fry again until the thyme and bay leaves are perfectly matched with the ingredients just now.

"This is the time." Yang Ming looked directly at the other pot.

This pot can be seen to be very clear and transparent inside, and Yang Ming poured the liquid directly into the cooking pot.

And when Yang Ming opened a pot next to it that looked like clear water.

A refreshing surrounding rushed towards the audience.

"This is wine, mellow wine."

"Understood, such a white liquid can only be white wine."

"But why boil white wine."

"I'm so looking forward to this chef's dishes."

"This chef looks so small, but judging from the cooking skills just now, it is not inferior to other chefs."

Those in the auditorium who were unfamiliar with Yang Ming all praised that they also had a deep sense of Yang Ming's ability.

And those viewers who were familiar with Yang Ming nodded naturally. This was Yang Ming's ability.

In a short period of time, he supported the chefs of the hub, and the ability of such chefs even surpassed those of world-class chefs in one respect.

Therefore, these audiences have no doubts about Yang Ming's ability to do this.

"Gululu." At this time, the liquid in the pot tumbled, and it was already boiling. Yang Ming picked up the mussels that he had just processed and poured them into the pot. Shaking constantly.

Make sure the soup inside is fully incorporated into each mussel.

Then Yang Ming closed the and simmered. This time does not take too long, just a few minutes.

Ingredients like mussels cook surprisingly quickly.

If you cook for too long, the meat inside the mussels will be boiled, and the taste and flavor of the mussels will be lost.

However, if the cooking time is too short, it will feel a little dry, so the control of the heat and time is very important.

Time passed little by little.

Many chefs each complete their own dishes.

Some chefs even came to the examiners with their own dishes and asked the examiners to evaluate them.

Of course it's impossible for chefs like these to get a low score.

After all, these chefs all stood out from the previous qualifiers, but those contestants just now only had the highest score of the dishes in their hands.

There are even more than seventy points.

More than 30 people have gone through such a process, and we can see the severity of this review.

You must know that most of the chefs here are head chefs of some well-known restaurants in Tokyo.

Many ordinary people are very envious of the restaurant, let alone the chef inside.

But here, in this diamond cooking competition, those of them are not halos at all, because there are too many people inside.

There is only one thing to compare here, and that is your cooking.

"It's done." This is Suwon Dongmei's own dish, which looks very simple.

On the white porcelain plate, the slightly pink scallop meat is on it, the light sauce is in the scallops, and in the middle of the porcelain plate is the decoration made of bitter chrysanthemum.

You can smell the faint aroma of bitter chrysanthemum, and this dish gives people a pleasant feeling.

Similar to sashimi, but also very different.

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